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Written Insight: Pattern Breaks

As a Westerner, we've just returned from a trip to the East. To Tokyo, in Japan to be exact. A mega city which is headed toward cyberpunk that has an incredibly efficient train system and toilets that can wash your tenders for you.

One of the best things we can do in our lives is to, on occasion, get out of our routines that establish recurring patterns, to see how things can be done differently. Travel experience, or experience interacting with others from other cultures are some very effective ways to do this. In order to see what things in your personal routine (otherwise called patterns) are working well, or which ones can be improved, by seeing the ways other individuals or cultures do things which may differ.

We are an American and we like America very much. South and North. The United States being one part of that combination of countries from two continents. And we'll never forget the time we first got to a hotel room in Australia, working there briefly on a project, and we couldn't figure out how to turn the lights on in the hotel room. We realized that we needed to put our hotel room key card into a slot by the entrance door to the room to prove to the room that you are there and then the lights can turn on. Which is an obvious way of saving energy by not letting occupants leave their lights on unnecessarily when out and about. And upon returning home to any major city in the US we would then see quite a few high rise buildings that have entire floors of their lights left on unnecessarily all night when no one is up there working. An obvious waste of resources (including money) because at that time this feature wasn't a thing in the US, but we have now seen it be adapted here, surely influenced by its initial uses overseas. 

Pattern breaks refer to intentional disruptions or changes in habitual thought patterns, behaviors, or routines. They are often used in various contexts such as therapy, intellectual development, persuasion, and communication to interrupt automatic responses and encourage new perspectives or behaviors. Therapists are essentially professional negative pattern identifiers and breakers. Who help clients interrupt negative thought patterns or emotional cycles or break destructive or unproductive behavioral patterns. This can involve surprising actions or questions that disrupt the patient/client/student’s usual mental patterns, prompting them to think differently. Such as someone trying to quit smoking who is required to change their routine drastically to avoid triggers. Anyone speaking in front of an audience for an extended period whose not making it a snore fest will also use pattern breaks to capture attention or change the direction of a conversation. This could involve unexpected pauses, changes in tone, or asking unexpected questions. 

One crucial element to truly evolving and improving oneself, and this gets into more esoteric psychology, is becoming conscious of things you had not previously been conscious of. This is why it's important to have good teachers in life. At various levels and various times. Because when you are not conscious of something, you have no idea what you're missing. And once an outside source helps show you that, and you are willing to listen to it, and or see it, and become conscious of it, you have leveled up in the school of life. But you need outer teachers (and sometimes inner teachers from something like a meditation for example) in order to do that. By breaking away from what have become conventional thinking patterns (at both individual and societal levels), solutions arise that wouldn't otherwise arise from preset standard approaches. So pattern breaks are crucial in creativity and innovation and overall, are tools used to disrupt existing inferior patterns of thought or behavior in order to facilitate superior change, insight, or personal growth. 

Written Insight: The Problem with the Media #6 - A Brief History of Bias

So we'll use one branch of legacy media as an example to share a brief history of how it became so biased towards regression. As we'll say this is the branch that is possibly the most biased, which has been AM squak hate radio. And we'll make what should be an obvious statement, which is that we support the official narrative of World War II and those who don't, speak in code in support of The Third Reich.

Modern talk radio as a major force in America started in 1926, when Catholic priest Father Charles E. Coughlin took to the airwaves. By the mid-1930s, as many as a full third of the entire nation listened to his weekly broadcasts. His downfall, and the end of the talk radio era he'd both created and dominated, came in the early 1940s when the nation was at war and Hitler was shipping millions of Jews to the death camps. Coughlin launched into hard-right anti-Semitic tirades in his broadcasts, blaming an international Jewish conspiracy for communism, the Great Depression, World War II, and most of the world's other ills. His sudden shift to very extreme politics, as he supported and lauded Hitler and Mousolini before the camps in Europe were revealed, eventually disgusted the majority of his listeners, and he retired from radio to return to his parish duties where he died in relative obscurity.

Between 1949 and 1987, the Fairness Doctrine was a longstanding policy of the Federal Communications Commission that required broadcasters to give airtime to controversial issues of public importance, and to do so in a fair manner without editorial input from advertisers. Many say the Fairness Doctrine came about partially in part because of Coughlin's dark decline. There was a forward thinker and talker on radio for years named Alan Berg who sought to bring balance to America's airwaves, speaking more to a middle class and thus pro-democratic flavoring, and did so while honoring the doctrine while being fabulously popular, no problem. But like the Bill Hicks joke “Do you ever realize that we live in a world where good men are murdered, while mediocre hacks thrive? John Kennedy, murdered. Gandhi, murdered. Martin Luther King, murdered. Reagan, wounded” Berg was machine-gunned to death by extreme reactionaries likely from the Aryan Nation.

But after the FCC stopped the Fairness Doctrine under that reincarnation of Satan in 1987, broadcast corporations stopped having to worry about broadcasting in the public interest. So the now red cult figured out 40+ years ago, since the elimination of the fairness doctrine, it was all about turning the media into something that was impartial into something that was partial. Because the main way that stations "programmed in the public interest" was by producing news, real, actual, journalistic, non-infotainment news. Once Alzheimer's brain lifted that requirement, news was no longer the cost of keeping your broadcast license, instead, the news divisions of the various networks came under the sway of ratings and profits so it became an opportunity to make more money with increasingly dumbed down and salacious reporting.

Not coincidentally, just a few months after the FCC did away with the Fairness Doctrine, another ghoul whose surely rotting in the fires of hell for all of eternity, Rush Limbaugh launched his show, and in the years following, regressive reactionaries hiding under the label of "conservatism" put propagandists like him on stations nationwide, so that listeners could tune in to hate radio from pretty much anywhere in the country at any time of the day or night. And, station managers discovered, there was a loyal group of radio listeners who embraced Rush's brand of overt hard-regressive spin, believing every word he said even though he himself acknowledge he wasnt a journalist and claimed the show was "just entertainment" to avoid a reemergence of the Fairness Doctrine. The success of Rush led local radio station programmers to look for more of the same: there was a sudden demand for Rush-clone talkers who could meet the needs of the nation's Rush-bonded brain drained listeners, and the all-right-wing-talk radio format emerged, dominated by Limbaugh and Limbaugh-clones in both style and political viewpoint.

This was given a huge boost by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 under the Clinton administration, a regressive lite corporate democrat, as well as a few other smaller laws and changes in FCC policy, that let a small handful of mega corpses to buy up all the radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers in communities from coast to coast - hence the consolidation we've previously mentioned in this series. The vast majority of those radio stations were then programmed with hyper-corporate-friendly radio which speaks only for the rich and their needs while distracting through misdirection. Since modern American regressive reactionary policies only speak for 1% of the population, how do they get dirt poor Appalachian coal miners to vote for robber baron weasels? Through constant lies on the radio... In rural areas where people regularly drive long distances just for routine things like shopping, radio has been and still is incredibly important. And without the Fairness Doctrine and ownership rules in place, other broadcasters started to be more concerned about their bottom lines, instead of the public interest. One of the main reasons the GOP, now the GQP, has even historically had a chance in congressional elections with such historically unpopular regressive policies is that in low-population rural states the only voices on the radio promote regressive politics. As previously mentioned, there have historically been over 1500 regressive rightwing only commercial radio stations, and around 900 imperial religious nonprofit stations, almost all blasting out a pro-reactionary regressive message 24/7.

Into the 2020's this pattern continues. Regressive-aligned businessmen have bought over 300 Spanish-language radio stations across the country and put on them wrong wing Spanish-language hosts to try and bend the Hispanic vote away from the democratic and toward the authoritarian. The domination of talk radio by the fringe hard-right that represents the political views of only a small segment of America has resulted in decades of talk radio stations across the nation never running even an occasional centrist let alone progressive show in the midst of their all-right, all-the-time programming day but instead blasting out fringe hard-regressive squak that represents the political views of only the robber baron class, because corrupt reactionaries and their investors were the first to the market with a consistent and predictable programming slant.

*A disclaimer regarding our multiple references to hell in this insight... of course we don't actually think hell is a real thing. Heaven and hell are marketing fictions created by religion to sway, guilt, and control.

Written Insight: The Problem with the Media #5 - Heavy Regressive Bias

There’s a reason the framers of the Constitution wrote the press into the First Amendment: Democracy can’t thrive without an informed middle class electorate. In a democratic republic, the institutions of democracy are imperiled by a lack of balanced national debate on issues of critical importance. As both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia learned, a steady radio drumbeat of a single viewpoint, from one polar end of the political spectrum, is not healthy for democracy when opposing voices are marginalized.

We've previously spoken on the importance of progress over regress. Progress is anything that helps, through government policy, the middle class, and thus democracy. Regression is anything that helps, through government policy almost always under the ruse of wanting "less government", the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy and screws everyone else. And there's also usually a corollary between progress and regress, which is that progress is truthful while regress lies. Regress extends across the red cult and sadly also into corporate dems. So, bummer to have to reveal this, but pretty much all of legacy media, and even much of large new media, is either partially regressive at best (either just partially truthful), or mainly fully retrograde regressive as their middle, (untruthfully spinning or horse racing), or at worst, full on a fascist soup of lies with every breath being propaganda which we'll detail further later in this series. That's right, the more retrograde aspects of legacy media want fascism. Which is characterized by authoritarian and dictatorial power, suppression of political opposition, and often includes elements of racism and militarism. Fasc movements typically seek to create a centralized, oligarchical run autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader, often promoting aggressive and expansionist foreign policies and is basically the most extreme form of right (wrong) wing ideology.

Proactive progress, which is primarily structured in classical liberalizing, meaning divesting from narrow views or prejudices, thinks human beings are foundationally good. And thus works to enact policies which speak on behalf of all elements of society, starting with the middle class, and hopefully having compassion for the poor to become part of the middle and have a society which is structured to allow them to do so while also acknowledging that the rich are doing perfectly fine and thus need the least help. Yet the American empire and its media is primarily controlled by a staggeringly small amount of the aristocracy. There have historically been over 1500 regressive commercial radio stations, and around 900 imperial religious nonprofit stations, almost all blasting out wrong wing regressive messaging 24/7. Sinclair Broadcasting, who are ultra buddies with the serial lying recidivist orange criminal con man, owns and controls more than 190 local news stations across the country and had sought to become even more dominant by taking over Tribune Media before the FCC did its job and blocked their monopoly from becoming even more so. And in terms of corporate media nightly news broadcasting, there are really only 6 companies, Disney, CBS, General Electric, News Corp, Time Warner, and Viacom and all of them run through three dark imperial agences called the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission and that shouldn't even be considered a conspiratorial thing to say. As a result, they all promote a very top down set of narrow views and prejudices which are foundationally anti-democratic. 

Regressive reactionaries have found a way to hide within "conservatism" because conservatism has historically defended and protected hierarchy and also been amplified with an underlying foundation in religious patriarchal hierarchy. Which historically through most of the dark ages of recent times was via kings, dictators, or other forms of totalitarians and made slightly better in the last couple centuries by slightly watered down versions of those same things called robber barons who are now called billionaires who own media companies. Almost everything you see from legacy media and even new media, composed of social media companies, generally algorithmically amplifies punching down and never up. So the problem is always based in fear and terror broadcasts of muslims, dirty brown immigrants into Europe or the US, black on black crime in inner cities, etc... and then into the culture war distractions of anything we don't like we blanketly label "woke". Never mind any of the crimes of the crooks on Wall Street, or within big banking, big business, big corporate religion, and even big science such as big pharma, big ag, big oil, and their heavy lobbying. 

We, on the other hand, aim to do the same thing a real journalist does which is to punch up and not down. Setting aside the shrill and nonsensical efforts of those who suggest the corporate oligarchic owned media in America is somehow "liberal," the situation with regard to talk radio is even more perplexing as it doesn't even carry a pretense of political balance. Having a near complete blackout of progressive voices. Progressives don’t see the algorithmic amplification of their messages that regressives do on modern social media platforms either, and apologists for the platforms will argue that’s because the algorithms are designed to promote “emotional” content and rightwingers are more likely to create inflammatory content. The reality is the corporate media have proven that when left to their own devices, they value responsibility to shareholders higher than social responsibility to inform the electorate about controversial issues of public importance. As corporate media don’t really care about covering real issues that impact the public, let alone covering those issues honestly or objectively. 

Written Essay: Pro-Democracy Series #10: Middle Class Caste Status

We have found roads crossing in both our "Pro Democracy Series" of essays and our "Problem with the Media" series of insights. Ones that are so crucial that we really think it needs to be recurrently said across all our work on a semi regular basis that when talking about self-development, that is focused on the self - that is the individual. While we are each infinite fractals of consciousness, both whole and part of the whole, and the little ego of your physical self on the chess board of the material world does have a place, we must also look at the structuring of the whole chessboard of society and where the self fits within that larger map. And a simple summary of that structuring, in terms of freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the most free from Empire (which will be the subject of our next series) is all about how hierarchy is structured and distributed in terms of money and societal caste status. And as said before and well just keep saying, it is one that most benefits and continues to create an informed and educated middle class (and thus informed and educated voting electorate) as well as the poor to become part of said middle class. It's so about that, that we could call all of our essays and insights that touch on the societal and the political "the hierarchy files" and that is why we create these audio outputs - to help our fellow middle class become more informed and educated and self-developed.

The United States is a great country. But, if we are to be honest and not dark agents, we must also admit its a militarized empire built on sociopathic and psychopathic settler colonialism and genocide and the backs of slaves and it still has a long way to go for making up for that. Even into modern times spending the last century fueling coup's in South America, getting into quagmire and near endless stupid occupations of Muslim countries in the Middle East for oil and minerals, and is still very much continuing it to this day by giving money to the monsters of the Israeli Offense Force to genocide Palestinians. Empire is all about commodifying the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water through religious holy wars via colonialism. Essentially making money of what should not have money made off of it. Capital mixed with social, (Capitalism and Socialism) are the best two systems when intertwined and working in balance together. An element of private capital is the ownership of property while social is more for the public good and there's a saying that conservatives care more about property while liberals care more about people. This is why extreme regressive reactionaries short circuit at the sound of the word "socialism" when used with democracy, because they don't care about other people and democratic socialism uses the government to enact policies to help the middle class instead of just the ultra wealthy. The main downside of socialism without private capitalism is it starts turning into communism. The major downside of capitalism without any socialism is it assumes and requires a planet of infinite material resources to commodify and also that it heavily stratifies and amplifies caste status.

A social class or social stratum is a grouping of people into a set of hierarchical social categories. Class society or class-based society is an organizing principle society in which ownership of property, means of production, and wealth is the determining factor of the distribution of power, in which those with more property and wealth are stratified higher in the society and those without access to the means of production and without wealth are stratified lower in the society. When psychopathic settler colonialism came to the new world of America in the late 1400's, it was discovered that Native Americans had no concept of private property and were unbribable. Because they had not yet had those aspects of the imperial operating system installed.

In an imperial influenced class society, which is pretty much the whole world now outside of indigenous peoples, it divides and separates its citizens, at least implicitly, into distinct social strata, commonly referred to as social classes or castes. Historically in the dark ages of the West this was a hierarchy of Gods, then monarchies or royalty (which were said through old school lies to have divine rights), then aristocracy, then clergy, then nobility or gentry, then the dirt poor consisting of labors or servants or homeless or beggars. The modernized version of this is broken out into the lower class, middle class, and upper class. Membership of a social class can for example be dependent on education, wealth, occupation, income, and of course family lineage. Regressive boogyman Karl Marx, who identified problems with Capitalism well but then proposed not very good solutions, defined class by one's relationship to the means of production (their relations of production). Classes in modern social mixed with capital society are that the proletariat work but do not own the means of production, and the bourgeoisie, those who invest and live off the surplus generated by the proletariat's operation of the means of production, do not need to work at all.

A caste is a fixed social group into which an individual is born within a particular system of social stratification: a caste system. Within such a system, individuals are expected to: marry exclusively within the same caste, follow lifestyles often linked to a particular occupation, hold a ritual status observed within a hierarchy, and interact with others based on cultural notions of exclusion, with certain castes considered as either more pure or more polluted than others. This is commonly seen in America within how the children of Indian immigrants are expected to marry. Which, like in India, is very conservative and class based. Because Hinduism expects Hindu's not only to marry other Hindu's but also ones at their similar or higher socioeconomic status, the American Indian girl from a Hindu family who is in medical school, is set up, in a kind of arranged marriage, even in the 2020's not the 1220's, with the Indian boy who is in law school, so the Indian doctor can marry an Indian lawyer. This is why most if not all Indians you know have married another Indian and why marrying one another is the norm, not the exception. And that brown Indian girl would get a ton of pressure from her family if she wanted to marry a black or white public school teacher. And we can say this as someone who did not marry within our race and did not have parents who said, "you must marry a white girl whose family is more rich than ours!"

This is also no more transparently seen in modernity than within the justice system. Which we'll be getting into soon, along with voting, in this series. Which is really a two tiered justice system. One that functions well for the wealthy and powerful - bourgeoisie and large corporations who can afford armies of lawyers vs the poor, often amplified by the over-policing of poor African Americans who must use public defenders. Or lawsuits by the ultra rich which are designed to drain the coffers of anyone who isn't wealthy.

John Grisham's 1995 novel The Rainmaker is about a young new lawyer, who just passed the bar exam, who takes on essentially his first case, and the case of a lifetime, against a large corrupt insurance company which is revealed during the trial that its internal company policy has been to blanketly deny all claims initially, playing the odds that the insured would not consult an attorney. The case is won by the new young lawyer, who sits only with his other legal helper who hasn't been able to pass the bar exam, across from the boardroom table from about half a dozen soulless long sold out corporate lawyers. The young guy is fighting for the small individual, lower in caste and socioeconomic status, vs the corporate lawyers who fight on behalf of the large company, made up of ultra rich criminals who have higher socioeconomic status. At the time of this writing, the Supreme Court is structured extremely conservative and regressive / reactionary. And the simple cheat code with them through nearly all the cases they take up, has been the corporation wins every time, and the little guy, a single member of the lower to upper middle class, gets screwed.

The long con attack on the American middle class has been by design to regress wealth and income inequality and continue to amplify class separation status back towards how it was in the dark ages. Thus hurting the self development of each individual. As a result, American tax policy, and that knock on effect across all of society, has been worse than any other developed country in the world in our lifetime, and the well-documented result has catalyzed a wide variety of social ills. This rupturing of working Americans’ economic and political power has not just produced anxiety and despair; it’s also caused Americans in the past to disengage from politics because they view the political system as hopelessly corrupt and only beholden to the godzillioars and the corporations that made them rich. Since your giant “conspirituality” realization should be that because power corrupts, at this point in the timeline, we simply have a bunch of greed from crooks at the top of the hierarchy, we are constantly boggled by those in the conspiracy world, or those on the spiritual path, who fall down into traps of cults, or nested cults based in religions of empire, or simply just become more regressive and reactionary in their politics which just end up helping the ultra rich and hurting the middle class, which they themselves are likely in the lower middle class to upper middle class strata of, and sometimes even toward the poverty line if they've struggled having a set career path. Thus only hurting themselves.

But we also know this is an imperial tactic in the war for your development and mind because the more amplified the wealth inequality the more it severely damages democracy and paves the way for totalitarian rule. In 2016, Roberto Stefan Foa and Yascha Mounk published a paper in the Journal of Democracy showing how, in the era since the trickle down, golden shower, nightmare of neo-liberal for the rich (meaning extreme freedom for the rich) economy of the 1980's, many Americans within nested cults that lean conservative, meaning mainly valuing caste status above their own have devalue democracy. "In the United States, among all age cohorts, the share of citizens who believe that it would be better to have a 'strong leader' who does not have to 'bother with parliament and elections' has also risen over time: In 1995, 24 percent of respondents held this view; by 2011, that figure had increased to 32 percent." By the time the paper came out in 2016, almost 49% of Americans thought elites should make decisions, rather than "government." And the growing disillusionment with democracy is them being played like fiddles pushed toward solutions hatched by the dark agents of the Heritage Foundation or the Cato Institute.

If we want to continue recovering democracy, one major simple thing entails bringing back sensible tax policy, like we had for over 40 years post great depression to the 1980's, pushing both the top estate and top income tax marginal rates back above 50%, to end cutthroat capitalism for the poor and middle class and socialism for the rich. But empire doesn’t like that.

Written Insight: The Problem With the Media #3 - Loyalty Only To the Dollar

Imperial dark Emperor Rupert Murdoch, who through his shadow tentacle company News Corp, is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, was once quoted as saying... "it's not about red or blue its about green".

Hard hitting journalism, which speaks truth to power, is deep hard work. It may not always be physically hard work like digging ditches in the July sun but it is mentally very much hard work. The more truthful it is, generally the more difficult it is, the more stressful it is because the more it requires going up against sources of entrenched power, and sometimes sadly, the more life-threatening it can be for writers, reporters, documentarians, or photojournalists. It's also straight up hard work not only for those creating it but also for those consuming it. Who's gonna sit down and search through troves of Wikileak archives or read the Panama Papers? Only real journalists. And then only more sophisticated people who want to be properly informed are going to be interested in what real journalists are publishing about the real truth. So like anything to do with self-development, it requires both ethos (credibility and ethics), pathos (emotions and feelings) and logos (logic and reason) and is thus more work than entertainment. But it's mature, sophisticated, and important.

Because of the consolidation and corporatization of legacy and big business internet news organizations, owned by mustache twisting aristocrats or Sith lord oligarchs, the main underlying important dynamic in media becomes the same corrupting force in any industry. Being that it's all about the money. And how much money can be made off the industry. Real deep journalism or documentary filmmaking require time and money. They are an investment. The 2015 American biographical drama Spotlight follows The Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team, the oldest continuously operating newspaper investigative journalist unit in the United States, and its investigation into a decades-long coverup of widespread and systematic child sex abuse by numerous priests of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Although the plot was original, it is loosely based on a series of stories by the Spotlight team that earned The Globe the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. For that one story alone, the newspaper had a room in the basement paying a handful of journalists salaries for over a year continued by multiple additional years of follow up stories. That's a lot of time and money for essentially a single huge story that ultimately challenged a rich and powerful corporate institution - The Catholic church.

So what corporatized, consolidated, only all about the money legacy media and new media organizations, who are beholden to add dollars, do at best, the larger they become, is transmute journalism in a degrading way into what is called "Infotainment". which is a portmanteau of information and entertainment - also called soft news as a way to distinguish it from serious journalism or hard news. The term is used disparagingly to devalue hard news subjects under infotainment or soft news subjects which sensationalize and prioritize fluff stories over informative or relevant content. This can lead to a focus on entertainment rather than providing in-depth analysis or context. Because their business models are based on advertisers, with staggeringly depressing amounts of money given to political candidates just going into media advertising by the way, the larger the audience the more big business media companies can charge for advertising.

So legacy media learned long ago, that because of the way low low educated or low information psychology works, that it's more about providing entertaining information that distracts through misdirection at who to be pissed off at then to provide real hard hitting truthful information that pisses off entrenched sources of power. So ethos, pathos, and logos are replaced with only logos and it becomes not about credibility and ethics, logic and reason, and most importantly truth, but making money off emotional infotainment at best. And even other things at worse, which we'll get into in the upcoming insights in this series.

Written Insight: The Problem with the Media #2 - Consolidation

In the previous insight regarding the problems with the media we said telling the truth in reporting is of foundational importance. But it also pisses people off or pisses them off before it allows them to make choices to be more free.

Primarily in the United States, and even in other democratic countries like the United Kingdom and Australia, legacy media over the decades has been continually consolidated. In the US this has happened under both political parties, one of which is mostly corporatized and the other of which is fully corporatized and each time it's consolidated it's become controlled by less and less people. And who are those certain people that become pissed off at the truth? They are the entrenched, corporate or corporatized governmental power structures, and those who support them. Now, who are at the top of large corporations that own large media companies? They are mustache twisting aristocrats, Sith lord Oligarchs, or in authoritarian countries, full-on dictators who are also oligarchs. Who, get ready for some truth, are always corrupt, because morbid wealth and extreme power, places people so far disconnected from the middle class to an insane asymmetrical level at the top of hierarchy and thus results in them thinking they are better than everyone else. Which is inherently corrupting. The comedian Duncan Trussell once told a story about how he got some highest budget free flight to the Middle East on one of their beyond first class / beyond business class tickets. The ones where you sleep in those cool pod things, the opposite of the sardine can that is coach. Then also had a private golf cart putt putt him around the airport so he didn't even have to walk the terminals and a private driver to his likely 5 star hotel included in the package. He said just after that one flight, he started to feel superior to everyone else at the airport. And this was on a public Emirates, Dubai, Qatar or airline, not even a private jet or yacht which are standard operating procedure for oligarchs.

Corruption can only exist within the shadow of lies and shrivels within the light of truth so oligarchs don't want the truth told because it would inherently cause de-corruption which they thrive within. They instead want to control the narrative because it only helps them - not the people. Concerns about large corporate ownership and its impact on editorial independence are frequently raised by those who value the journalistic oath. Because it doesn't take a genius to figure out that media outlets owned by big business are influenced by the interests of their owners, leading to self-censorship or a lack of coverage on certain issues. Traditional legacy media outlets have also very much historically played the role of gatekeepers, controlling the flow of information to the public. And as corporate consolidation increases gate keeping increases. Which limits the diversity of voices and perspectives that are heard. A journalist should fight the man, not work for the man. So the more media organizations are consolidated and thus corporatized, the more journalists employed by said media organizations have to cater to their oligarchic owners which are counter opposite to the truth.  All that should matter is what's true, so if you want a simple cipher for truth, check out our L-Curve oligarchy series on something called the L-curve (findable via, which is the medieval distribution of wealth that very much persists today. It's your secret cipher code for how everything in the world really works. In the West, from the majority of corporatized, legacy media, which has mediocre at best journalistic integrity, we get a very one-sided point of view on many things. Mainly the point of view that helps the top of the hierarchy - Godzillionaire oligarchs, mega corporate interests such as the military industrial complex, the dirty dirty dirty tub girl fossil fuel industry, big agriculture, the pharmaceutical and medical insurance industries, the dark sorcery infested banking industries, and other things that want fascism instead of liberal democracy and the interests of everyday working people who are We The People.

There are plenty of decent to good wealthy folks out there. But the important differentiation here is wealth vs morbid wealth so the term "oligarchy" is a pejorative often used specifically to describe those with significant asymmetrical political influence and control over key economic sectors - one of which is always and absolutely media. Particularly when there are concerns about the concentration of power and its potential impact on democratic processes. As an example, who recently bought Twitter and renamed it to a stupid name that people refuse to even say without saying the previous better name and because their child is in a sexual identity transition and can't stand them for their un-acceptance of it has disowned them and their last name so they blame the $50,000 a year liberal arts school said child was attending and their counter solution was to buy Twitter and fill it with Neo Natzi's? An oligarch. One of the world's richest, if not the richest, who understands the importance of controlling the narrative by propagandizing the populace under the ruse of "free speech." Autocrats - communists and fascists know the importance of media ownership as Hitler and Mussolini also took over radio and newspapers during their time.

If they really cared about freedom of speech, Twitter, and any other social media network of a certain mega size, would be like a public utility, which everyone owns and within certain rules of content moderation, everyone has access to and not only that even have some public stake in - as a modern day analogue of the "public square". That would breed the best elements of transparency, honesty, and truthful free speech because it would allow for journalistic truth to thrive. With a more decentralized distribution of people co-owning it, like a co-op where the employees co-own the business. But when one source of corruption owns a media network, which is always the way with legacy and still problematic with new big social media networks, with a great deal of power and resources, that's harder for journalists to challenge, because it requires rocking the boat upward. Real journalism will speak truth to power, meaning it will be from a lower socioeconomic status, or a democratic middle-class socioeconomic status, and speak the truth against those at any level of the socioeconomic hierarchy, including and especially at the morbidly rich. 

Written Insight: The Problem With the Media #1 - Disavowing The Journalistic Oath

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" - Gloria Steinem, American journalist

When in casual or public conversation, or any sort of discourse or rhetoric, the first thing that should matter, and the main thing that should matter, and frankly all that should matter, being of paramount foundational importance, is... WHAT IS TRUE. 

The realm of public, professional rhetoric, being shared to the populace belongs to that of the journalist. The frontline spokespeople for democracy. Because of this, the most important part of the media, by far, is a subgenre of it which is the journalistic press. IE, journalists - who research, write, and report on information to the public. Who's journalistic oath is "to seek truth and the public good. Expose injustice. Report with fairness and accuracy. Defend the public's right to know." When someone calls themself a journalist, however professional or amateur, they make certain promises to their audience. Ideally related to a pledge to impartiality, public service, but most of all truth. Cause whatever one's biases or whatever angle one comes at something from, all that should matter is what is true. 

Real journalists make these promises to protect the credibility of their work and earn the public's trust. Because their work can have a profound impact on society, with a trust that the public places in them, it is essential that they uphold the highest standards of ethical journalism in the public interest as a commitment to the principles of fairness, accuracy, transparency, and independence in their work. Yet, unlike professions such as medicine or law, which require a medical or bar licence to operate within, usually because a patient or client's life can be in their hands, journalists don't have a formal set in stone oath that they must follow and if broken has consequences. But honorable individuals in the field of journalism absolutely view their commitment to truth, accuracy, and ethical reporting as a professional and personal responsibility and know their work is a fundamental element in serving the public interest and fostering a healthy democratic society. While ethical journalistic principles and codes of conduct vary by country and organization, one well-known example is the Society of Professional Journalists "Code of Ethics", which provides a set of guidelines for journalists. The SPJ Code of Ethics is based on four key principles: seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently, and be accountable and transparent. All journalists, as well as authors, writers, publishers, streamers, commentators, documentarians such as ourselves, and anyone else active in the "news space" should adhere to these principles to maintain credibility and the public's trust. These codes typically outline principles and standards and the general golden rule being "speak truth and report it" because throughout all the noise and polarization, did we mention that all that should matter is what is true?

Now if we're honest and truthful, placing our hands on our hearts, we must admit that legacy media and far too much of new internet media, even in the democratic world, is utterly awash in lies. It does range on a political spectrum so the percentages of lies vary but we would say it's 50% of half truths at best on the honest end. Because, telling the truth entails pissing people off. And in the next one, we'll start to discuss who those people are.

Written Insight: Progress Over Regress

In our pro-democracy series and some of our orbiting insights related to pro-democratic political philosophy we've been saying this word "regressive" on occasion. And before continuing with our series highlighting the problems of the media, feel it's important to dedicate a couple insights into what it means when we say progressive or regressive. The Webster's 1828 definition of progress or progressive, is "Moving forward; proceeding onward; advancing; as progressive motion or course; opposed to retrograde" while regressive, is "passing back; returning".

Now in some but not all cases, what was older is better. For example, we find the 1800's Webster's dictionary to be superior to the more modern Webster's dictionary because there's been a century + long attempt to reduce our lexicon through the simplification of language. Which is intentional and see our essay "American Brain Fog" on something called the Gunning Fog Index and the reduction of reading. Especially dense and complex reading which has not always but far too often been replaced with brief and simple reading such as text messages or simple feeds while pecking on devices, primarily cell phones. We've also spoken on time not being linear but more like a sine wave due to the precessional cycles of the Earth, which are also conceptualized in astrology via ages. Such as going from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. But those are 25,000 some years in length and are thus speaking of deep time which then gets into the juicy ancient civilizations more advanced than our own stuff. Where the further back you go, on a nearly 26K year wave, the more advanced its consciousness appears to get. But in terms of short time, go back a couple hundred years and see how difficult it was compared to today, yet alone going back 2000 years to the dark ages which was way deeper in the trough of the sin wave, and thus less advanced and much more de-evolved.

Society should always be evolving. Which usually happens via two steps forward, and unfortunately sometimes one step back. But just like the stock market, which may crash short term, over the long term, it's always growing. If there's one thing our parents have learned from politics, it's to never take any societal progress for granted. For example, they grew up in the civil rights era, which was a massive step forward for women and black and brown folks in the 1950's and 60's, who prior to that point couldn't even vote. Yet, there are forces at work, regressive ones, trying to always erode that progress and evolution. We'll be more specific as to who the regressives are in this push / pull in the next insight but the hint is it's the folks who don't even believe in evolution at all.

Anyone who truly listens to us, knows about the basic yet, quite frankly advanced spiritual concept that we are in binary reality. With a sun and a moon, and day and a night, and male and female. Which are all the same thing by the way, hint hint. And we know the left vs right binary political framing to be a binary trap. Because these things are not all or nothing. Black & white. They are variations of degree and it's likely everyone has some of each. We, for example, have been quite conservative on our amount of sexual partners and our financial savings through the years. It's never our intention to turn our personal outputs, this podcast, our future creations, into just a left to lib vs con to right battle. What we find instead to be a much better framing is progressive or regressive. Evolving vs de-evolution. Forward and not backward and will continue to put things primarily into this framing.

Asking the ghost in the machine what “Political regression" is and it said: “it can refer to a few different concepts, depending on the context: Societal regression describes a situation where a society reverts to a less developed or less advanced state politically, socially, or economically. This regression might manifest as a decline in democratic values, a rise in authoritarianism, or a return to outdated or harmful policies. In the realm of policy-making, political regression might indicate a shift toward less progressive or less effective policies. This could involve a reversal of previously enacted reforms, the adoption of policies that undermine democratic principles, or a retreat from international cooperation and norms. Intellectual regression refers to a retreat from reasoned, evidence-based discourse in political matters. It involves a decline in the quality of political debate, a rejection of expertise, or an increase in the use of fallacious reasoning or propaganda. Overall, "political regression" suggests a movement away from progress, development, or enlightenment in political thought, action, or outcomes.”

In a democracy, political progression represents by far, the largest block of populace throughout our country, and the rest of the democratic world. 2/3 at least. A moderate and balanced political "progressive" is someone who generally leans and advocates for social, political, and economic reform. Progressives often seek to address issues such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, and environmental degradation through governmental and corporate action and know none of which will happen without social change. They typically support policies that promote justice, human rights, and equal opportunity not outcome. They also typically advocate for more government intervention in the economy to provide social programs, regulate industries, and promote public services. And we will add an important element to that, which is that those advocations mainly cater to a balanced economic center, being the middle class. Basically, they work toward governments least dysfunctional workings which is to function on behalf of We The People. Because, when you cater laws and policies to the middle class people, that spills into getting the poor more towards the middle class and no, we're not going to say the rich more toward the middle class and trigger regressives with the thought of horrible communism, as there will always be some poor and some rich, but does prevent morbid wealth and oligarchy, which are threats to democracy. Because it can't be said enough, you can't have a democracy without a middle class. The middle class is what builds the most strong, free, and powerful countries.

So political progress is anything that helps and benefits and provides more freedom to the majority of the people, meaning a well educated, well informed middle class, from the middle class out, which is allowed to have space and time for creativity, contemplation, and the pursuit of happiness. While regress is anything that hurts or removes freedom from the middle class.

Written Insight: What is Legacy Media?

A traditional definition of "legacy" is "to send or bequeath" which is essentially the passing off of something from one generation to another. So "Legacy media" refers to traditional forms of mass communication that existed before the advent and rise of the internet - specifically the world wide web. Such as:

Print Media: Newspapers and magazines that are published in physical formats, as opposed to digital-only publications.

Broadcast Media: Radio stations that transmit content over the airwaves. Including audio and also video networks and AM radio stations.

Cable Television: Television services that are delivered through cable infrastructure, offering a variety of channels.

The Film Industry: Traditional filmmaking and distribution, including movies produced by major studios and shown in theaters.

Book Publishing: Traditional publishing houses that produce physical books rather than exclusively digital formats.

A pro-democratic highlighting of ownership of such media, which we support, is that it was historically, unless some sort of bottom up co-op, owned by wealthy business people who were usually white and of European descent with various backgrounds. While regressive authoritarians, which we do not support, typically dog whistle a secret and more specifically conspiratorial definition of legacy media which is... "The Jews".

As we'll get into discussing the many, many, problems of legacy media, in this insight series it is accurate to say this term is often used to distinguish traditional media outlets from newer, digital-native platforms, regardless of their ownership. With the term "legacy" there to emphasize the historical and established nature of these media forms of which many young children today will never know, contrasting them with the newer and often more technologically advanced methods of communication that have emerged in the digital age that young children might now use every week. In print that has occured for over multiple centuries now. However, with the rise of the web (and what happens with a web? Things get caught in it), this new media landscape has essentially changed almost everything. Legacy media has had to adapt to new challenges and competition from "new media" internet based digital platforms, which often operate with different business models and reach audiences in alternative, primarily more democratized ways. It's also a good way of describing that these things are the past, not the future and are being replaced via the internet at high speeds. By democratized we mean every individual now has a pen and or voice to publish and broadcast through new mediums such as websites, blogs, articles, digital channels, podcasts, etc... Which has some good and bad, but as a whole, we can say that legacy media has more top down gatekeepers, while newer media, while still used occasionally with the help of traditional gatekeepers, by no means requires those gatekeepers. Allowing for a broader range of discours and a more bottom up philosophy. Representing more people and a wider range than only what gatekeepers have historically allowed. Hooray!

Written Insight: Bread & Circuses

"Bread and circuses" is a phrase that originated in ancient Rome and refers to a strategy used by Roman emperors to maintain the loyalty and pacify the populace through the distribution of free food (bread) and entertainment (circuses). The phrase is often attributed to the Roman poet Juvenal, who criticized the practice as a means of controlling the masses and diverting their attention away from important societal and political issues. This pitch from selfish, highly dysfunctional, unhonorable, non-initiated leaders to one another being, "just feed them and keep them entertained."

In ancient Rome, providing free bread to the citizens, known as the "grain dole" or "bread dole," was a common practice initiated by various emperors as a form of social welfare. This distribution of free grain helped alleviate hunger and poverty among the lower classes, which was good cause you then didn’t have people literally starving and then getting very desperate, but it also served a political purpose by ensuring the support and loyalty of the population.

Similarly, the Roman emperors organized lavish public spectacles, including chariot races, gladiatorial contests, and theatrical performances, in arenas such as the Circus Maximus and Colosseum. These entertainments, while oftentimes brutal, played to our inherent human interests to watch a physical fight but were also intended to distract the masses from their grievances and discontent, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty to the ruling powers.

This concept is still very applicable 2000 years later. At the time of this writing & speaking, the United States has just had its largest sporting event, the super bowl. Which is not even the largest sporting event in the world, the World Cup being larger. And like with big everything, big sports are big money. While most middle class Americans, in the most powerful country in the world, can not afford an unexpected $3000 medical bill, the current price for said sporting event is now climbing up to a quite horrific nearly $10,000 per ticket on the low end, and going up to $100,000+ for some extra poshy seats. While democracy is often under threat, and to maintain healthy democratic systems requires constant participation from an historically well educated and well informed populace, far too many people put more money into purchasing their sports tickets than they do on small dollar donations to opposing pro-democracy political candidates.

While things very much have improved since the ground zero days of Empire, Ancient Rome, with more respect for human life, as the events no longer feature participants being run through or mauled to death, but instead kicked and punched in an octagon until bloodied, or smashed up against one another on a court or field, and occasional still gored via pissed off bull, it’s important to stress that in free and open society, circuses should certainly be allowed, but it’s about the amount of time one puts into them. While this is not intended to be us as a curmudgeon saying "no one should enjoy a sporting event", engaging with them only to the point where they are not allowed to be consumed to the point of constant distraction is crucial.

The phrase "bread and circuses" has since become a metaphor for any pro-oligarchic and pro-corporatized governmental policy or strategy that seeks to appease the populace with superficial benefits or distractions while ignoring underlying societal issues or problems. It is often used to criticize politicians or leaders who prioritize short-term gains or superficial entertainment over addressing more significant issues facing society and also highlights this dynamic between the aristocracy and bourgeoisie compared to the everyday folk, is very old and distraction had been figured out as a tool of control by the ruling but infinitesimally small minority long ago.

Essays Volume 3: Wisdom From Teachers

Third essay volume complete!

This collection consists of the third 25 essays created mainly from 2021 to 2023. We had 23 of these essays completed up until year ago, but we spent so much of 2023 absolutely SLAMMED working day job wise, so we just finished the last two essays (only privately available here or to folks who purchase this volume separately via our store) in March + April of 2024.

The essays included are: A Personal Workspace, American Brain Fog, A Street Photographer Appreciates A Street Artist, A Vast Ocean of Life Coaches, Awards Are Stupid, Cooling Harsh Rhetoric, Crossing the Time Wealth Threshold, Decentralizing The Big, Dual DisHonorables, Ingestion From The External, Karma Cafe, Lets Robin Hood The L-Curve, Making Bilateral effort, Multilevel Pyramid Cults, No Set Schedule, Recorrecting Visual Imbalance, Stormy Seas Continue, The Cannot Be Given Away Phase, The Spoken Word, Tools of Our Trades, Transitioning from Personal Development to Spiritual Self Development, Wisdom From Teachers, and Writing Makes You Unstoppable.

A Personal Workspace (Exclusive for Patrons)

If there was a silver lining from the Covid-19 situation, it was the acceleration of the global adoption of "working from home". Of course not for every industry, but ones which primarily involve working in software in front of computers most of the day.

Being a sporadic documentary filmmaker requires a lot of travel, shooting, but then sitting in front of computers, primarily at home. While at the time of this recording we've made a few near feature length films, all of which have been financially successful, the amount of money they take to make has to date been small, so the prophets off such, while having brought in more that they took to make, still have not made us a living wage. As making money exclusively off being a documentary filmmaker is like trying to make a living off being a classical musician, or artist, or journalist - Meaning a struggle. Since it's extremely difficult in general to make a living off one's creativity, the classic saying is "don't quit your day job". That being said, our main day job for the last couple decades, which we freelance in sporadically and thus do quit on occasion, has been in various post-production roles which stretch across Hollywood and sometimes the commercial industry, the game cinematic industries, and the virtual and augmented reality industries. So we use a smaller percentage of our skillset on other projects in those contexts, and as a result derive most of our income from them.

We started this day job career when we were 19 years old in the Bay Area, then spent time working in San Francisco, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Toronto, and even some time in Wellington New Zealand and Sidney Australia. So outside of the US which told the monarchy to go screw themselves, we also lived internationally in other English speaking countries which stayed more loyal to the crown and have film industries. Our wife is a physician, and we actually moved to Los Angeles not for my work but for her's, as that's where she got her residency. When our daughter was born we decided to move back to the Bay Area to my home city so she could grow up in a great place and also go to the same good schools which I went to. My parents, while far from perfect and each have their issues, as we all do, they are very supportive, honorable, and we're eternally grateful to them for their many positive traits. Being an only child, with two aging parents, who we wanted to return the favor to for raising us well, we wanted to be more around them as they got older. Since they live in a very desirable area and were also amazingly willing to turn over their cluttered small hippy house to their son and his family... my wife and I spent the money we would be using for buying a home into building what's called an ADU in the United States, meaning "Additional Dwelling Unit", or second smaller house in the backyard. Due to the lack of housing combined with available and rather unused backyards, ADU's are becoming wildly desired for those who can afford them and state and municipal areas are now incentivizing them to help the housing crunch. After the ADU was built for my folks, my wife and I would be taking over inheriting the house I grew up in, and heavily rebooting it. That way my aging parents could get free senior care, my wife and I could get free babysitting, a more cost effective place to live in a very desirable and thus expensive area, and we could all get more for our money in terms of the place we live. Transmuting an overgrown, cluttered, crazy cat lady house, with a lot of hodge podge into one of the nicest and most hip minimalist modern farmhouses in the town.

The "living on your own & having your own 30 year mortgage" thing is a relatively new quote on quote "American Dream" invention. Ask a third world person, indigenous person, or even an Amish person if they spend 30 years and sometimes 40 years (barf) paying off a fancy modern farmhouse home with all the prestige and technology (including indoor plumbing), plus bells & whistles inside and they'll look at you like you are nuts. They will very much instead do the thing humans have done for thousands of years + and settle for a lower standard of living, which does not necessarily equate to lower quality of life, by living in a thatch house, yurt, hut, hobbit hole, wig womb, shanty cinder block structure, tiny house, ice cave and/or igloo, barn, tent, small cabin, treehouse, etc... and they will tell you if they need any of the above built, they will have others from their tribe or community help them physically build them then and there. Then they are done. Boom.

In terms of the costs associated with modern (and usually very expensive) home ownership, one way to cut that down has been to go back to multi-generation living. Asian cultures have long ago figured this out, with the grandparents often living with the parents for example. But living all under one roof can get challenging. After the 2008 crash, our mother in law once had 11 relatives living in her not very large house, and permanent family relationship damage resulted. With everyone being just too on top of one another for far too long. No fourty some year old still wants to see their seventy some year old parents every day let alone have them involved with every conversation around the breakfast nook. Since the Heckman family didn't grow up with any religious indoctrination and as a result believe in birth control and as a result is not that large, it's not that hard for us with five people on the property, and two dogs, and some cats, to get along decently enough within a modest sized area. But the key to that has been giving everyone their own space. We've accomplished that via a family compound with multiple structures. That now has not only two separate houses on the property, but two separate houses with another structure, a little 120 square foot office shed which my dad and I share which is our home office personal desk workspaces. So the stars aligned and the puzzle pieces came into place nicely allowing all of us to now live in harmony. Yeah!

Upon moving back to this home, which was just prior to Covid 19 hitting the shit fan in 2019, we, having spent a great deal of time on movie sets, as well as commuting to various production companies and post production facilities, which are often in "tec'y" or "office park'y" areas, had next to zero idea what we we're going to do day job wise from this location which could be considered "rural suburban" and thus a distant commute from any specific facility we had been associated with in the past for work. Basically our industries are not located here, at all. But as Covid made large amounts of people needing to be in the same room a potential health risk, our day job industry transformed into one that can be mainly accomplished primarily working from home. So to this day, we occasionally will be slammed working a day job gig, from an office shed at our childhood home, by remote accessing various networks with various post production facilities we've been associated with over the previous years. Like for many, this has been truly life-changing for us. As we absolutely despise sitting in bad traffic and absolutely adore working from home.

Sure there are times where it's beneficial to be at a physical office, such as for client interactions, networking, or spontaneous interactions or cold intros. But those serendipitous conversations that spark great ideas, and the collaboration that flows magically when employees are all in the room together are rare exception to what are instead the majority of the time colleagues who are socially inept desk trolls that rarely interact with the new person that sits down a few screens over from them. As distraction often outweighs physical proximity benefit, the vast majority of computer work, and basic work interactions for non social purposes, can be done from your own location accessing a company's network remotely. An article from an Australian news publication by doctor Libby Sandar which helped inspire this essay says "It’s hard to feel inspired or creative in a noisy open-plan office with rows of the same desks and chairs. Background noise, noisy co-workers, loud telephone conversations, impromptu stand-up meetings in the middle of the office and interruptions make it very difficult to conduct work that requires concentrated effort."

There is a psychological corollary to the physical workplace, having your own, unique, and loved personal workspace is crucial for several reasons. For comfort, privacy, organization, creativity, not to mention customizability. We are a big fan of desk home office design ideas, blogs, images, and videos so we've taken great care in setting up our home office. Which can be seen from the video versions of our shorter than essay insights podcast updates by the way. Since physical environments influence our psychological and physical states, having a beautiful and custom space that is your own, one which is individualized, can have a massive effect on your own sense of professionalism. All of which are able to be taken further in your home environment then they would be at an office location in which the majority of your work components are not your own personal gear. Because as Sandar says, "Where we work must enable experiences that match the state required for the work. A library can provide a sense of order, structure and focus by acting as a cognitive scaffold. At other times, a lively cafe space may be the perfect backdrop for emotional contagion and collaboration among a team. But in addition to focusing on the physical workplace, additional concentration should be on the underlying work state we are trying to achieve. The effect of our spaces on our physical and psychological states is more profound than we realize."

"The most important reactions we need from our workplaces are focus (a cognitive response allowing us to think and concentrate to complete our work), a sense of beauty (an emotional response, an essential, constitutive element of organizations which has important implications in organization theory), and connectedness (a relational response that involves the extent to which the environment facilitates a sense of community and a feeling of belonging to the organization). We need all three, but not at the same time. And not in the same place." Aside from the noise of most modern offices, another reason we often struggle to maintain energy or inspiration is that the uniformity, repetitiveness, and non-customization are very boring to our senses. At a psychological level, we are biologically disposed to seek out locations where there is some complexity, some interest, and where messages are conveyed in different ways. Such spaces evoke awe and a sense of beauty, fundamental human needs, and important precursors to positive mood, creativity, wellbeing and trust formation in organizations. A preference for beautiful environments plays a role in attracting people to restorative environments and retaining them for a longer time than would otherwise be the case, allowing them to recover from attentional fatigue and stress. It’s no wonder we don’t feel good among acres of gray carpet, computer screens and melamine." We personally got so tired in past years having to sit in undesirable cubicles or shared desk spaces that had non-ideal conditions, without fully adequate gear, and far too many distractions. Any sort of communal keyboards and mice are also not clean and thus notorious breeding grounds for bacteria by the way. Here's looking at your public library internet access station which gets nearly the same amount of hands on them as bus handles or gas station pump handles. Many times working in an office we'd ask ourselves "what's the point in all being physically crammed in next to one another when asked to be not that social and insteal mainly worker drones?" One facility we worked at in Venice California had such a terrible seating configuration, when our wife came to visit she was shocked at what a zero privacy sardine can it looked like. With employees at their desks in a straight line not quite but almost elbow to elbow, in what felt like a urinal row with no privacy dividers. And in other parts of the world, IE sweatshops, it's way worse. We do not miss that one iota, yet various company owners do.

Post Covid having wound down, some companies have given top down directives to return to their physical offices. A certain aspergers Godzillionaire who runs numerous companies who shall remain nameless has been quoted as saying "working from home is morally wrong" so F him and the push to get everyone back into the office is secretly being driven by two factors, neither of which is publicly spoken about up front because it only benefits people like him - sith lords, Robber Barons, CEO's, and various masters of industry & boards of directors, which are usually composed of weasels who own commercial real estate. The first one is concern about commercial property values. The second is a peculiar harking back by some managers to a 1950s puritanical regressive ultra-conservative "Theory X" approach which assumes that all workers are lazy and must be watched at all times with needing to be directed and controlled in order to maximize work efficiency which is the opposite of the truth. The number of managers and organizations who are still invested in outdated command and control approaches like this is still, unfortunately, significant.

Theory X only applies if people feel systemically underappreciated. Motivated professional workers, especially those who are well compensated, want to do a good job and add value to a company and can do so even more through the increased efficiency of working remotely from a personal individualized space. Productivity wise, not having to commute for example inherently saves each worker their personal time per day. Which is priceless. Being able to break up your day, do laundry, run errands, pick your little person or people up from school, leave early and perhaps hop back on later in the evening if needed, all create such wonderful flexibility. So the motivated worker is incentivized to get their daily or weekly work accomplished even more efficiently than in a dynamic where they must be physically present in their seat for show purposes until a specific time of the day. When that goes out the window because short of remote meetings, employees don't need to be physically seen, they can work from their underpants if they so choose and and what ultimately matters most is the results of the work itself. However they get that done remotely under their own time in their own personal workspace. Working for hire or as a launching point for their personal muse to get creative on their own time.

Wisdom From Teachers (Exclusive for Patrons)

We are going to focus this one on teacher and student relationships in the context of three primary areas - Practical life experience, apprenticeship, and personal (otherwise called occult) practice. Across all of these areas, gaining wisdom from teachers is a dynamic and profound process that has been a cornerstone of human education and personal growth since our ancestors' early nights and days.

Now we've all, especially during formal work training years, meaning our schooling years, likely had some stinker teachers - meaning ones that aren't very good. They could make an interesting subject boring. So we could think of this brief writing as really being "wisdom from good teachers". Because while the bad ones recede into the forgotten shadows, the good ones, of all adult ages, are memorable for a lifetime. Whether formal educators in schools and universities or informal mentors and guides, either can play a crucial role in imparting knowledge, experience, and life lessons to their students, who are usually but not always, younger in age.

The dynamic of gaining wisdom from teachers should involve key aspects such as transfer of knowledge, sharing of experiences, providing guidance, inspiring critical thinking and problem-solving, instilling ethics, as well as inspiring continuous learning which is not limited to formal education but instead extends throughout life, as individuals encounter mentors and guides in various aspects of their journey. Lifelong learning, facilitated by teachers and mentors, enables individuals to continually evolve as they face new challenges and experiences.

Practical life experience is a fundamental aspect of human development and lifelong learning not to mention a pervasive and essential aspect of human development and growth. It's often called "the school of hard knox". Encompassing a broad spectrum of situations where individuals learn from the wisdom, experiences, and guidance of others who can be anyone usually of older age - parents, siblings, aunts & uncles, grandparents, the mechanic, the mailman, the salon owner etc... This relationship is characterized by its informal learning, gradual progression, role modeling, skill transfer, feedback, passing on tradition, mutual respect, commitment and loyalty, adaptation to change, building of relationships (and potentially long term ones at that), and also learning from mistakes along with real world application, and exchange of knowledge contributing significantly to personal and professional development throughout one's life. This type of mentorship and guidance is not confined to formal educational settings but is prevalent in everyday life and virtually everyone will gain this type of teaching in their lives. Regardless of their formal schooling level. These are the types of teachings that will be inevitable. Even if you're Tarzan raised by wolves and other members of the jungle Queendom and Kingdom, there's no way you're not going to have these types of teachings with your experience in the Earth realm.

We've spoken elsewhere about the schooling system differing from the education system so see our essay entitled "Schooling is Not Education" on the subject. As formal, required, day school has not always been a thing. Public or private schooling, (“public” being “work training” and “private” usually being “better work training”) haven't always been mandatory. Prior to the days of the one room schoolhouse or homeschooling, we can look back to classical liberal art education which rose out of Ancient Greece, and then further back still to village schooling. Historically, whenever one decided to cease work training (and what's sometimes incorrectly referred to as higher education, meaning collegiate education) their base foundation schooling, oftentimes said to transition after the high school level, however that had been received - at home, or one room schoolhouse, would then be the young person, having an interest in a specific field or trade, or more likely a family connection to a specific field or trade, having them take on an apprenticeship. The teacher-student relationship is characterized by a strong focus on practical skill development and a commitment to passing on knowledge and traditions from one generation to the next. The teacher-student relationship in apprenticeships often extends well beyond the training period. Apprentices may continue to seek guidance from their mentors even after completing their formal training, fostering a long-lasting professional connection. This was always the way prior to the rather new development, coming about just within the last century, of college education being required for certain job positions in modernity. So teacher and student relationships within the context of apprenticeships is a time-honored, and you could say timeless, practical way of passing on skills, knowledge, and expertise from one generation to the next. This form of education has been crucial in preserving and advancing various professions and trades throughout history integral to various crafts and professions such as cottage industry craftsmanship, as apprenticeships existed back into the days of the renaissance artists, alchemists, tailors, trappers, and blacksmiths, (hence they are old school) and remain a valuable approach to learning and skill development in many trades to this day.

If someone is going through massive life changes, good or bad, and often bad before good, they begin searching for more out of life. Opening up to potential areas of interest they may not have previously considered. They may find some sort of new religion which they had not already been a part of, looking to clergy for teachings. Most of whom know little to nothing and may want to get in their kids pants. Or they may become more interested in conspiratorial, woo'y, new age’y material. And oftentimes looking to guru-like figures for teachings. These people are charlatans with bad fashion who just want to get in their pants and take their money. Not necessarily in that order. Further along, they may become interested in organized groups that may have mystery school style vibes, such as the Freemasons. But ultimately personal teachings must happen in a 1 on 1 dynamic, even sometimes anonymously where no one can get in each other’s pants. This isn't called their guru, or their master, or their priest, or provost, they are just referred to as their teacher. And The teacher-student relationship in the context of occult practice is a unique and complex dynamic, often characterized by its spiritual nature. Occult practices encompass a range of esoteric traditions, mystical teachings, and hidden knowledge, and the relationship between a teacher and student within this realm can take on several distinctive features: Being, like the previous two mentioned types of wisdom teachings - guidance.

In occult traditions, there is often a focus on secret or hidden knowledge that is passed down through generations. The teacher serves as the conduit for transmitting this knowledge to the student. This knowledge may include practices, rituals, developing more refined intuition, decoding of symbolism, and receiving esoteric information that is not readily accessible to the general public. All with heavy ethical considerations. Occult teachers play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring their students. They provide insights into more advanced areas of the spiritual path, offer instruction on occult practices, and help students navigate the complexities of other metaphysical realms which happen internally. This mentorship can extend beyond mere academic instruction to include personal and spiritual development, including and most importantly real imitation which must happen through a teacher who has already undergone a similar initiation. This is not possible without a good and very hard to find teacher. Who wisely guides students in the correct execution of these practices, emphasizing their significance and symbolism. Teachers provide students with tools and insights to help them explore their inner selves, increase self-discovery, uncover hidden truths, and evolve spiritually. This transformative journey can be deeply personal and may involve confronting one's own shadows and limitations. So occult teachings come with an element of secrecy, discretion, and trust. Both teachers and students are bound by oaths of confidentiality to protect the integrity of the teachings and the individuals involved. This secrecy is seen as a way to preserve the power and purity of the knowledge. Some occult traditions have hierarchical structures, with various degrees of initiation and mastery. Teachers often guide students through these levels, imparting progressively deeper knowledge and wisdom as students advance in their spiritual journey. In occult practices, the goal is not just to follow a teacher blindly but to empower the student to become an independent practitioner. Like any other form of mentorship, the effectiveness of this relationship relies on mutual respect and the alignment of the teacher's and student's goals and values. The teacher-student relationship within occult practice is a profound and spiritual connection that involves the transmission of rarely known, mostly hidden knowledge, and guidance for personal and spiritual development.

The relationship between teachers and students is a symbiotic one, as both parties can benefit from the exchange of wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge. As it’s been said that in order to really learn, one must teach, so the naive student must one day go onto becoming the wise teacher. We’ve once said “the quality of one's life is the quality of their questions' '. Which we would extend into saying “the quality of one's life is the quality of their teachers who we can ask those questions to. And be provided with good answers.”

Written Essay: Pro-Democracy Series #9: Nested Cults

This is the 9th essay in our pro-democracy series. Yes, it’s been a long while since the 8th episode, as we’ve come to find it much easier with how our life is currently structured to output shorter insight episodes in the meantime, as it really takes us 2/3 days to write and record a full 5 to 10 (or more) page essay and we all know how few of us with jobs, family, etc get that much free time to ourselves in modernity. And for this 9th of at least 25 essays on the subject, as perhaps we can think of this as a slow written book where each one is essentially a chapter, we’re heading over to not only talking about cults but nested cults. Otherwise known as, cults within cults, or one cult that predicates another cult.

The word cult itself through history has had a neutral connotation. Historically, it has more or less meant “a community of worship and/or ritual” regardless of what civilization or system that may have been within. Most early cults were likely neutral that any member could leave at any time. But over time the definition has primarily adjusted into a pejorative of being “a group which one joins that puts undue influence upon them and is something they can't leave without pain.” Since cults have existed on a continuum from healthy ethical influence to unhealthy non ethical influence, in modernity there are both non-destructive cults but also far too many destructive ones.

We've mentioned before that one of the biggest traps that people sink down into when on the spiritual path (and if you don’t like the word spiritual, simply switch it out for growth path, or improvement path, or development path), is getting into a cult. But what is often the case is that someone is born into a cult, which then has a knock on effect driving them getting into a secondary cult, followed by a tertiary cult etc.... and like Matryoshka dolls, otherwise known as Russian dolls, we will be focusing on three specific cults nested within one another in this essay.

People get brought into a cult thinking they are doing the right thing. For at initial glance, cults can seem to offer a sense of identity, discipline, knowledge, community, or opportunity. Yet, once being brought in, destructive cults use something called the BITE model, which stands for “Behavior, Information, Thoughts, Emotions” to manipulate one’s mind, heart, and will through thought reform. Creating a group with us vs them thinking, where members come to believe that anyone in the group is good and anyone outside the group is bad.

There are levels to cult indoctrination and programming and the longer one has been in a cult, sadly the deeper they have sunk. When people are deep in a single damaging cult or nested damaging cults, they don’t want the truth. They want to live in the illusion and lies of Plato’s cave. Because in order to be true they must transition through the looking glass of realizing that the foundations their supposed truths were built on are actually based in half truths at best our stacked lies at worst. It’s way easier to double down, or triple down, or quadruple down on their previously inaccurate cult programming. Because looking at the foundation of illusions and lies is too painful. Better to continue to live in echo chambers of more lies. For when one is in a mind control cult they are not allowed to think independently or critically, they must parrot the cults programming. They must replace their pre-cult impressionable self with a cult identity.

One of the most difficult things in the world will wise, meaning what one decides to do, is for those who have sunk down into groups that discourage individual thoughts, and encourage group think and use such indoctrination, to instead spiritually grow through the steps of admitting that what they’ve started in is incorrect, negative, wrong, or damaging. They don’t want to acknowledge that they’ve been lied to, manipulated, and exploited. They don’t want to be told that they are in a destructive cult, or multiple damaging cults which predicate one another, and they don’t want to admit that course correction is needed, they certainly would never want to read or listen to this essay, and they will at time fight to the death to prevent themselves from being unplugged from their false reality. Sadly a lot of people in a single cult, let alone multiple nested cults, will never be free of them. Leaving is the last thing they ever want to do and they will ultimately continue their de-evolution. But for those who have the will and development to acknowledge that they have been the fool card from tarot, those people always need to be talked to with compassion and care, even those who have replaced their old self with a new cult self or never knew who their real non-cult self was in the first place. This is the path of life growth, which is hard. As we often say, the human mind is a very complex thing and one can only work on their own mind for themselves through their heart and will. Hopefully with the help of compassion and caring via friends or family, but, just like kicking heroin, doing so or removing oneself from a cult can ultimately only primarily be done through the individual's own will.

Cult Layer 1 - The Religious Cult

One definition of cult is “usually a small group of people characterized by heavy devotion.” This can exist across all extremes of a political spectrum. As extreme ideologies can certainly be either extreme left or extreme right. The “Symbionese Liberation Army'', who kidnapped and indoctrinated Patty Hearst in the 1970’s would be an example of a far left cult. We know someone who got very devoted at first to living for a time at Gilliland's ESCETI Ranch. It is/was a hippy style community in rural Washington state that is/was probably so left wing its right wing that claims/claimed to be a hot bed for paranormal activity and supposed frequent UFO sighting. After realizing it was a UFO cult, and a not very large one at that, they and their partner went through severe mental damage and PTSD trying to leave and decouple themselves from the years they spent there. It was very difficult and painful for them.

But if you think cults are just small woo like organizations think again, because no one has done cults for such extended periods of time and at such large scales as dogmatic, organized, big religion - which is extreme male patriarchal hierarchy on steroids. Primarily in the East in the form of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, and in the West via primarily Judaism, Catholicism, and Christianity. Can folks be litely in these systems in a non-destructive non-pejorative sense of the word, of course. Is everyone in these systems in a cult in the negative pejorative sense of the word. Of course not. Especially if they keep it primarily personal. We personally are not screaming to the hills with our study or praxis in our two main spiritual systems which we find vastly superior to these other systems because their based in nature and not male authority hierarchy and instead focus on direct experience over just faith and the improvement of the individual instead of conforming to group ideologies - which are entheogenic shamanism and Hermetic alchemy. Short of sharing insights regarding in our films or writings, we keep both primarily personal and lite.

Many quote un quote “religious people” in the world who have the volume turned down into the personal for their faith, solely using it for their own development, or as community building at a Sunday gathering, or for a lite moral framework are the type of folks who don’t get caught in the binary trap of my religion good, other religions bad. But instead want equal opportunity for both women and men, agree with science, agree with evolution, can be sympathetic to all the world’s spiritual practices (some of which many are within structured faiths), and others are not and as a result have much less dogma. There are plenty of humane modest churches that allow their members to have the ability to think critically. Even though still patriarchal and incorrectly thinking God is only 1/2 of the two sexes, these are still superior, more embracing to women and more accepting of gay people churches and are not destructive and their members are allowed to come or go. But it’s important for very smart secular people to realize that a large percentage of the world, and this is definitely true for the United States, are religious in a heavy way. From birth!

Since the numerous uno problem in the world is shit parenting, far too many parents indoctrinate their children into heavy fanatic religious dogma from birth. With an underlying foundation in a destructive religious cult. This indoctrination into heavy big religion is so strong that someone will spend their whole life not questioning the operating system that has come pre-installed on their mental hard drive. And especially in more rural America, much of red America grows up their entire adolescence and into adult life with their social lives being based only around their church environment. So if the church is love and lite then fine - all good. But if it’s a hate church filled with guilt and shame, then it’s a destructive cult that is incredibly painful to try and leave. So to leave the church would require leaving many or not all of your friends and family who are also in the cult. In much of rural USA, your church is your whole social scene and is thus the control point of one's social environment. So if one leaves the church, they must leave all of it. Easier to just give up your free will. This is often why well educated, well studied in history folks are often secular, because while dogma can also exist in science, they have matured to focusing on the fact that morality and being a good person comes primarily from open minded good parenting that allows children to arrive at what they want on their own time rather then pre-installing a heavy membership in a religion. Which likely comes with so much extra potential baggage.

In the book "Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well" by Jamie Carlin Watson and Robert Arp, it discusses the concept of social conditioning and its impact on people's beliefs and thinking processes. Stating: “The overwhelming preponderance of people have not freely decided what to believe, but, rather, have been socially conditioned (indoctrinated) into their beliefs. They are unreflective thinkers. Their minds are products of social and personal forces they neither understand, control, nor concern themselves with. Their personal beliefs are often based in prejudices. Their thinking consists largely of stereotypes, caricatures, oversimplifications, sweeping generalizations, illusions, delusions, rationalizations, false dilemmas, and begged questions. Their motivations are often traceable to irrational fears and attachments, personal vanity and envy, intellectual arrogance and simple-mindedness. These constructs have become a part of their identity.” And this is nowhere more true than within heavy religious indoctrination.

This is most heavily seen in the United States within the extreme religious loudness of the Christian Right. Which should be called the christian wrong because they don’t like or respect other faiths, hate thy gay neighbor instead of love thy gay neighbor, and anyone who isn't a WASP, and protect the top of the socio-economic hierarchy instead of the bottom. So basically they pretend to honor the love based Christos teachings but do generally the opposite. While promoting Christian nationalism which is really just christian supremacy. John Pavlovitz, writer, former non hate pastor, & activist says “I Would rather be excluded for the people I include, than included for the people I excluded.

The Christian wrong is a minority percentage of the population. And although church attendance has been steadily dropping over the decades within the US, dark imperial hate churches still make up a sizable percentage, at least 25% in a very religious country slanted and want absolute power with actually less religious freedom. So even though 75% or more of the population are a pro-democracy coalition, regardless of their secular or more moderate to litely religious stance, this dark minority sector wants an oppressive Hainmaide’s Tail fascist theocracy, and the way they promote that is through right wing policies which protect the top of the socio economic hierarchy and lead us into the second cult.

Layer 2 - The Political Red Cult

We would never in a thousand years put shamanic and hermetic on the info section of our social media profile. Cause we don’t claim to be a shaman or an alchemist while also keeping it lite and for the most part, outside of what we share in our creative outputs, personal. But when someone puts Christian, Conservative, right front and center in their social media profile, you can tell they are very heavy with it because it’s their whole identity. And what they are doing is signaling to other cult members that they are in their same multiple cults.

Alchemy is a very evolutionary based science which teaches us that most if not all things in binary reality, meaning the physical world, have on the lower end, dysfunction at best or corruption at worse - both physically and mentally. And the purpose of alchemy is to, through a rotary evolutionary process, remove dysfunction. You wouldn’t be here as a developing soul if you didn’t have problems to work through, with things to improve upon and one day, shall we say - perfect. And a lazy statement would be to say, “politics is corrupt” or “all politicians are corrupt.” Politics is, in a democracy, messy yes, and still dysfunctional yes, but if working on behalf of the middle class, can progress a society through compounding good decisions that work to improve the lives of the proletariat - meaning the working people. So democracy, in that regard, has value, should result in the progressing and evolving of a civilization, and should always be worked on improving. But evolution can be painfully slow and in a country with only two real political parties which have a chance of getting into office, there during our lifetime has not been a symmetrical level or corruption between the two parties in the United States but instead one's heavy corruption influencing the others lesser corruption. While the left in the US certainly has some corruption, it pales in comparison to the corruption of the right. It is a very asymmetrical comparison. While the problem with blue America, and especially the democrats, which we are not a member of but acknowledge they are less corrupt and dysfunctional than Republicans, is at times some of them can be too much like virtually all Republicans. Which primarily protects oligarchic wealth and power. Since the American left wing is superior to the American right wing, which is inferior, we're going to focus on two right wing cults.

Even after the January 6th domestic terrorist attack (and terrorism is using violence for political influence or gain) on the US capital after the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful 2020 United States presidential election, some more moderate, members of the Republican Party (even though moderates within the party are an endangered species because of our soon to be discussed third cult) who realized it was wrong and a heavy threat to democracy for trying to stage an insurrection, said they would never vote for the opposition party. And instead had to come up with fairy tales of a “fed-surrection” and said they would still vote for the same people who were responsible for said attack. Why? Because they are in a political cult. Which would be too painful to mature into leaving because then they have to admit it has been wrong the whole time.

Cults work from the top down. Usually but not always around one leader. The problem with the red part of America, which is lead by the GOP otherwise called the Republicans, is that they are a top of the hierarchy cult, historically being subservient to robber barons and corporate greed, which is primarily learned through a hierarchy of men cult - being their very staunch religious stances. Not all right wing people are heavily religious, but the more right wing someone is, the more likely they are to also be pushing their religion on others. So as said in previous essays in this series, when you are said to be born into sin, and spend your whole childhood being taught to be subservient to sky daddy, and sky daddy’s son, and being taught to be scared of the red firey man underground, that hierarchy of men programming, combine with getting power dad downloads from a macho cowboy father figure, makes one much more susceptible to only caring about those at the top of the hierarchy. Which are the morbidly rich. So when your policies over the decades have primarily only represented the top 1% of income earners, as red America’s has, and screw everyone else, you have to fib about your intentions. You have to spend decades building a propaganda media machine that spews 24/7 lies with statements like “coastal liberal elites'' (even though over 50% of the US population live within 50 miles of a coastline), and inflate bullshit cultural wars to get the masses fighting against each other while your robber baron friends rob the people’s coffers. And because of top down cult dogma, being so sure you’re right about your stance the higher up the hierarchy, the better, the lower the worse, in a democratically limited constitutional republic with a constitution which is suppose to represent “We The People” meaning all the people, which also include the people in the middle of the hierarchy and the not just white but also black and brown poor people in the bottom of the hierarchy, you have to turn into ultra tribal professional liars. See our insights series regarding the L-Curve of income distribution on the subject. And regarding the leading edge of lies, this leads us into the third cult.

Layer 3 - The Conspiracy Cult

Now when someone puts on their social media profile, Christian, Conservative, then #WWG1WGA with multiple American flags then they are announcing that they are not only in one cult, or two cults, but thrice cults. It’s turtles of cults all the way down.

When we were 12 or 13 years old, we saw Donal Trump in the crap movie Home Alone 2. We would later see him in our late 20’s at the US open in New York City in the early 2000’s. All we knew about him when we were a teenager is he was a slimy schlockmeister business man who had gotti gold everything in his NYC penthouse, showed up to classless World Wrestling Federation and plastic miss USA pageant events, and was the textbook example of everything wrong with Corporate American financial greed. He was also obviously a crap un-loyal cheating husband who had been married numerous times (divorce could be said to be very un-Christian btw) and as we got into our early 20’s it was obvious he was a clear conman and ignoramus. In our 30’s it became more obvious he was just an outright fraud and criminal who runs everything he’s ever been a part of into the ground, being a chaos agent and destroyer. Then into our 40’s we’ve come to realize that he’s a sociopathic, narcissistic, grifting, dog whistling, gaslighting, bottomless human. Not to mention at the time of this writing, an adjudicated rapist. And let’s not bullshit, Neo Natzi’s have been delighted to vote for him so that tells one everything they need to know about his messaging on civil rights.

Yet into the present time of this writing and speaking two primary traits about him have become more and more clear to us. The first is that if there’s one trait that defines Trump more than any other, it is that he is a liar. It’s been fact checked that he told more than 30,573 misleading or factually inaccurate statements over his term and those continue every day for the short remainder of his life. He’s always been a con man, and with his daddy money has only been able to fail upward through endless lies. So lying is all he knows how to do. So the party of professional liars now has a lie with almost every breath slob as their Emperor. While the other trait that defines him is that he is a talented cult leader spreading a dangerous mental illness to his weak willed supporters. Knowing what buttons to push and what lies to tell to turn on the ears of those with authoritarian leanings. Trump is the reigning world champion of something in debate called the “Gish Gallop.” Which is a method of outmaneuvering rhetorical opponents with an overwhelming onslaught of dubious arguments. Essentially just talking over someone with a fire hose of lies, which is challenging to respond to because in classical debate you’re supposed to respond to each of your opponents specific arguments with counter arguments. Even Mark Burnett and other people primarily responsible for creating the garbage reality TV show, “The Apprentice”, which revitalized Trump in the early 2000’s, knew he was a fraud back then, but also a talented blabbing gish galloper and thus mental exploiter. Thus perfect for trash television.

This is probably true in all countries throughout the world, but the worst part of America is we’ve always had an asshole problem. The least nice, most mean people - who are the liars, extractors, and authoritarians, otherwise known as the assholes, are always trying to gain power. If we look back at history, the confederate South, who then didn’t want to transition out of chattel slavery for Africans, would be an example. The GOP, because of their 40+ years of Reaganomic golden shower economics that hollow out the middle class, have created an environment where someone like Trump can come into their top down group not as a cause but as a symptom of America’s middle class financial struggles. Then their members look to all the wrong places for terrible solutions. Rather than focusing on reducing the gap between abject poverty and the tiny sliver of aristocratic morbid wealth, from the middle out, the authoritarian cult members solutions are to look upwards toward the top of the economic hierarchy to a corrupt robber baron, (who literally named his son Barron after the robber barons) and who doesn’t give two shits about those below him. So the problem that the Republicans now have is there is an authoritarian anti democratic loyalty cult of hardcore assholes which has taken over their party, and is purging anyone who’s got some remaining shred of decency left from the remainder of the party. Named the MAGA cult, which stands secondarily for “Make Attorney’s Get Attorneys'', which we’ll get into the importance of the natural guardrails of democracy, the courts later in this series, but primarily stands for “Manipulating America’s Gullible Assholes.” It’s a non-original stale fart rehash of Ronald Wilson Regan’s (6 letters 6 letters 6 letters) campaign slogan, and make no mistake is a fascist cancer now embedded into the party.

So when you’re not in a wrong wing authoritarian cult, let alone multiple wrong wing nested authoritarian cults, all of these accurate traits about Trump we stated earlier, and could already see when we were still a kid, are obvious. But when one is in these cults, they think 180 degrees the opposite. They think he’s hand picked by fictional white Republican Jesus for the highest office in the land. They think the worst person for the job is the best, and the best person for the job is the worst. Everything is mirror back to front. Because fascism, through all of history, has only been able to exist within an endless soup of lies stacked upon lies, from cults within cults.

Fredrick Clarkson writes in his book “Eternal Hostility - The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy” that it would only be a matter of time where such a top down party would allow such a type of person to infect it. The GOP, has now transmuted from heavy corruption to near full corruption - becoming the GQP. With theocracy, nested in regressive backwards politics, nested in shadow conspiracy, resulting in a 5 alarm clown show dumpster fire that can’t tell the truth, let alone legislate on behalf of “We The People” because it's infested with MAGA and QAnon. A far-right conspiracy theory that alleges a secret plot against Donald Trump by a "deep state" of government officials, celebrities, and other prominent figures. The theory is based on cryptic messages posted online by an anonymous user or group of users known as "Q." These messages, which started appearing on forums in the toilet sewers of the internet, 4chan and 8chan in 2017, and had been consistently incorrect in their forecasting, often predicted future events or claim to have insider knowledge of government operations. QAnon followers believe, and remember believe has LIE in the middle of the word, that Trump was waging a secret war against this supposed deep state, which they beLIEved is involved in various nefarious activities, including child trafficking, Satan worship, and attempts to undermine their orange hutt emperor. It’s also a loyalty cult to Trump, Putin, and other wanna be dictators, with no room for questions or criticism of the malignant narcissist cult leaders who are said to never do any wrong.

We are very 50/50 on conspiracy. Having been a guest on what is likely one of the world’s top conspiracy podcasts called “The Higherside Chats” related to a past project, we will absolutely acknowledge that the world is not how you initially were taught it to be. And thus some conspiracies are accurate, such as countries doing what’s called false flags as pretexts for war. But the 10,000 foot is that a conspiracy is accurate if it’s on behalf of the oligarchs, and not accurate if it’s not helping the oligarchs. The thing about conspiracy that boggles the mind, is the accurate identification of problems, that yes there are secret things going on behind the scenes, followed immediately by bat shit crazy solutions being proposed to such problems. A conspiracy theory claiming such a bottomless human being who became a TV show con man is the savior of the republic is so dumb it’s mind boggling.

Yet the deeper one goes into it, the darker it gets. Being a closed authoritarian loop where truth doesn’t matter. Only a dark imperial theocracy with deep capacity to hate. With anything from not their MAGA ideology being said to be deep state fake news which is textbook cult programming. Being a hall of mirrors of misinformation and rocket fuel for inciting violence. Thrice cultists Q’s have literally called for executions of their opponents which literally sound like they’re from out of the first crusade from nearly 1000 years ago. In 2020, the FBI identified QAnon as a domestic stochastic terrorism threat, citing the theory's role in inspiring violent incidents and its ability to radicalize individuals.

Watching people we’ve known from the alternate media sphere or even some past acquaintances, friends, and colleagues get sucked down into the QAnon joker spiral has been deeply disappointing to us. We have a friend, a woman, who was literally engaged to a guy who then wisely broke off the marriage cause she came to find out he was a QAnon lunatic. We have another friend, a man, who hasn’t spoken to his kooky sister in over 5 years cause she’s so deep in the cult. And we suspect you have a similar story… The Reddit thread “Q-Anon Casualties” contains story, after story, after story, of families separated or destroyed because of souls lost to QAnon, in which people share their pain and suffering caused by friends and family who have had their pre cult selves replaced with cult selves to the cancer’s cultist mutation. Some of which will leave the cult, but many of which sadly will never return. We understandably do not waste time on someone deep in thrice cults that we know have been hollowed, so we can instead focus on those on the vile or returning from the event horizon of the black hole of cults and away from toxicity to come back up into the realm of critical thinking. We’ve also called it a death cult, because like Milton William Cooper, a UFOlogist and conspiracist who wrote the book “Behold a Pale Horse” which we have read and became one of the conspiracy bibles, chose to clock out via a harrowing shootout with the sheriff's department rather than just pay his federal taxes, some members of the cult will continue to go to jail for QAnon lies or even win the Ashley Babbitt award and die on behalf of QAnon. Jim Jones cult clock out style.

While QAnon and MAGA both deserve zero respect, to give some credit to more moderate conservatives, which do deserve respect, many of which have switched to become independents, there have been members of the Republican Party who are in only cult #1 and cult #2 but not in cult #3 and have spoken out against cult #3. While many of them are too cowardly to speak out against cult #3, it must be understood the pro-democracy movement is not as much a liberal vs conservative issue but more a pro-democracy vs authoritarianism issue, and those on the front lines, which are those within red America whose party is the primary threat to democracy, must continue to leave. Just like the "Chrisitans in Name Only" that hide within Christianity, many authoritarian who hate democracy hide within conservatism, but that certainly doesn't mean all conservatives are not pro-democracy. Because MAGA could be said to not even be conservative. Instead it’s mainly just fascism mixed with idiocracy, who don’t like members not in their cult voting.

Insight - Why Esotericism is Important Part 3: Initiation and Hierarchy

Our obscure personal work revolves around our own system focused around personal growth, life balance, and creativity - No one can even remotely discuss personal growth without living in a free and open society. Which is only done by decades of good choices and wisely choosing who are those that are hierarchically in charge of said type of society. Because the quality of the populous should be a direct reflection on the quality of its lawmakers. We are for progress in the sense that we want a society from the bottom up with a strong middle class allowing said class to be (internally) growing and improving and leaders who cater to that. However, many regressive people don't want that. They want an extremely hierarchical society under their version of God and their version of a dictator and whatever they say goes. But what is the real true quality of those at the top of that hierarchy? That question, and its framing, we always will deconstruct and challenge and as a result suspect we do a great deal of pissing off regressive people who protect the top of the hierarchy. 

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, which we will donate a future insight to talking about exclusively, is depicted as hierarchically a pyramid with five levels. The hierarchy suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill these needs in a sequential manner, with lower-level needs taking precedence over higher-level ones. The basic level is food and shelter, moving up to safety, community, family, solid finances, and then when those things are good, only then can one move onto personal development and some level of self-actualization. Another subject we will talk about in a separate insight. But basically, it means being able to pursue your personal passions, creativity, and self-fulfillment. 

What is happening there, is that one is moving from less and less lower level primate functions, to higher level functions. And the ultimate goal of this process is to move from being dysfunctional, to functional. From being more and more an honorable, creative, perfected being. Which one can only do on themselves at an individual level. Which is allowed through a life through good parenting or positive role models and positive life experiences not excluding a series of initiations in life, some of which we briefly touched on in the last insights. This is the true and important hierarchy - the one that is the route of personal development of the mental capacity of the individual. Not what someone's position is above or below others in terms of money or control and one of the big cons is to outsource your own hierarchical development to others. Meaning one does not have to do anything, so this other authority figure can supposedly do it for them. Because if you are heavily dysfunctional, you will choose heavily dysfunctional people to be in charge of your own destiny. 

On a societal level, we have always said that it is important to have a healthy skepticism of authority and while maintaining honorability, also not outsource one's own authority. In sophisticated advanced conscious society, one has to go through this developmental hierarchy, individually, to be worthy of being higher up a hierarchy, on a societal level. Meaning being able to be in charge of large amounts of other people. If the authority, such as a parent when you are young, is honorable, and respectable, then part of you being honorable is to reciprocate both of those things back. But the problem with adult life in the world in the 2020's, is that many people in charge are still far too often the opposite of honorable and are instead criminal psychopaths just hungry for money and power. They are un-honorable, egotistical, and simply want control over others to maintain their own power and selfish ends. Any dictator throughout history would be a prime example. Vladimir Putin would be a modern day example. Who is a highly dysfunctional, to the point of having extreme corruption, authoritarian dictator that has enormous wealth and dark power over others. 

In terms of being the opposite of that - honorable, and being of the highest moral virtue, which we should not only expect but require from our leaders, this is where initiation comes in. Which is a massive other story but what we can say here is the further you go in it the more of a developed and honorable human being you become. There's a lot of larping going on out there in terms of said subject (meaning people just pretending they are doing it when they are really not) but in terms of real higher level initiation, and how it works, which we have some insight regarding, is not for public consumption. It is of the deepest esoteric and occult means and the way it works and what it does we don't want in the hands of dark imperial agents who are in bed with authoritarians. But what we will say here is, going through it is like a death and rebirth experience. To be rebooted as the Phoenix. The extreme importance of it is that what it does is move someone from lower level functions, which is where maslow's hierarchy ends, to the highest levels of self development into then being run by their higher level functions. And when one moves from lower to higher, they cease to be as dysfunctional. No longer having a desire to thirst for power, especially around the accumulation of money, but instead use their internal hierarchical development, which they received through initiation and experiential work, to be then applicable for guidance on others to do the same. Because only when one is no longer as dysfunctional, only then are they worthy of being societally in charge of the top of the exoteric hierarchy.

Over centuries, initiatory lineage had to go underground and who was in charge became only about bloodlines. The problem with the aristocracy without initiation is they are extremely dysfunctional and thus corrupt people who should not be in charge of making a ham sandwich, let alone running a country. When real initiation was lost, queens and kings throughout history were no different than modern day authoritarians who were horrendous deplorable people who cared only for themselves. And the people under them suffered. In the past, in more advanced civilizations that had no war, they had democratic like systems where wize initiated elders were in charge. This was often a group of both matriarchs and patriarchs. A council if you will. At other times, in a higher level, honorable, society with a lineage of real initiation, the Ancient Egyptians for example, were obsessed with initiation and built giant structures to help partake in the initiatory practice. If one goes far enough back even beyond Egypt, and gets the real history and mystery of it, the accurate John Anthony West version of it not the inaccurate Zahi Hawass version of it, in said initatory societies, there at times had been one or two main people in charge, such as a king or queen if you will, that were not dictatorial authoritarian, but instead philosophers.

Democracy can be very sloppy and inefficient. And having a system where one person or a small council of people are instead calling the shots can be incredibly efficient in causing change. But the only way in a trillion years that a kingdom works well, being in any way slightly analoge to the Disney fairytale version of queendom + kingdom where both the queen and kind were honorable people - kind, compassionate, and caring, and cause positive change for everyone is if both the queen or king were philosopher queens and philosopher kings. Who were not only educated to the highest level, but actualized to higher levels, and most importantly, esoterically initiated to a higher level. With their sense of ego dissolved to the point where they had realized, that every soul in their kingdom we're all one. Only then structurally it made sense to have a few initiates running the show, because they made the best decisions which honored the interests of everyone in the society, not just themselves. 

Written Insight - Why Esotericism is Important Part 2: Initiation

In the insight where we touched on esotericism we said the words "knowledge for the initiated few". To talk about the initiated aspect of that phrase, initiation can be said to be "to cause or facilitate the beginning of : set going - To begin something new." This happens first at an individual level, and then when there are enough initiates, their changes can eventually have a knock on effect, applying to the aggregate.

There are different levels of initiation. But as a culture and society, even in a more free and open democratic society, which you could argue is not yet really democratic but still mainly autocratic and plutocratic, we have no real higher level initiation for young people. Some of us can have multiple lower level initiations through our lifetimes. Which used to be having to live on your own in the wilderness like getting pro at bushcraft. But more modern versions are to cease being a couch potato by traveling abroad for an extended period, or volunteering with an organization doing honorable good work, all of which can be life transformative. But beyond that all we really have are initiations into the school of hard knox of young people having to learn how to support themselves - Living on their own for the first time, starting a job in the professional workforce, etc... and that's basically it till you die.

One of our problems with our dysfunctional culture is that we often lack maturity. Where we have adults that essentially act like children their whole lives. Especially when put out of their comfort zone. The native Americans knew of the importance of the spirit quest where young people would go off and have a life changing experience for betterment and improvement at an individual level, and when coming back from said spirit quest, just as the Hobbits returning to the shire, they were forever changed for the better transitioning from children to mature adults, individuals bettering themselves to thus better the tribe. What is important here is the maturity aspect, and sadly we often have children who never really mature into adulthood. Let alone becoming mature loving adults. So society does not evolve as much as it could as a result.

In terms of the aggregate - meaning "constituting or amounting to a whole; total", we do deserve credit having made it through past civilization level initiations as things progress, such as the use of agriculture, or abolishing overt slavery (now we just have covert slavery in the form of human trafficking), or more modern examples such as the standardization of seatbelts in cars, or disposing of waste in bins and trash cans, where even the most regressive elements of society rarely fall below that level anymore, but what we don't have are medium let alone higher level initiations into higher states of being. More coming to know thyself.

In our currently heavily overloaded technological world we've heavily decoupled from higher level initiations into nature and thus spirit. Ask an indigenous person what's wrong with the technologically advanced modern world, not the organically advanced world, and they will say we need to re-connect to spirit and nature. This is what climate change and climate chaos are really about. Which are a species level initiation, forcing us to fix our shit, having to evolve or perish, grow up or die. We also evolved through initiations at a cultural level to the point where most everyone now sees the benefits of having a vegetable garden at least or doing some sort of permaculture, eating naturally, etc... but since that's exoteric, for the body, what are the further esoteric initiations for the mind, spirit, or soul? Those types of nature based initiations happen through esoteric and occult means at primarily an individual level on an individual's phycology. Having a meditation practice is one example. Because if you help improve yourself, meaning improving your mind, you help improve the world.

Also, as the co-creator of a documentary series on indigenous medicine and mental healing, we agree with Graham Handcock's idea that any politician should be required to be initiated into drinking Ayahuasca 10 times just to even be considered for office. That should be like step 3 of 10 and if you're brainwashed into thinking that's in any way a hippy thing to say, think again. As sane civilizations throughout history/mystery had their people go through initiations into higher states for thousands of years. Look at the Kykeon at Elusus. Which was likely done for well over a 1000 years if not more like 2, in ancient Greece and made those who went through it more mature, more sophisticated, more compassionate, more conscious, more nature connected human beings.

So, the next one will give an ever so slight insight into the top tier level of initiation, and how it affects hierarchy and thus who runs and administers modern society.

Written Insight - Why Esotericism is Important Part 1: Cause & Effect

In the last two insights we spoke very briefly about occultism and esotericism and in this one we'll highlight why we're even mentioning them at all before we move onto other things - primarily focusing on the esoteric because the occult is so loaded. Although this is a subject that multiple books could be written on, and we will give at least three examples regarding esoteric importance, this being the first, which is that "the inside is the cause, the outside is the effect". With everything in life. So, if you look at the world out there, why does everything seem so F'ed up?

Well, it is not all that way, that's usually legacy media trying to keep you in a constant state of fight or flight to increase their ratings. Many things actually are better than they have ever been. Go back to our great great great great grandparents generation and see how they lived brutally difficult lives compared to ours. Much of which has been improved by technological advancements, which move very fast, and structural and systemic political improvements, which move at a snail's pace by grassroots movements such as the civil rights movement and are always trying to be eroded by authoritarians, oligarchs, and their astroturf zombies. But to simplify the problems with culture and society today, looking at things from a higher philosophical level, is that we have essentially a mental health crisis in various degrees on an individual level, which manifests in various degrees of a mentally unhealthy culture and society. For example, a species that engages in imperialism, colonialism, and wars is deranged enough, but when that culture in times of peace still fracks the water table, harpoons whales, and clear cuts the rainforest, it is obviously still very sick.

In psychology, the concept of cause and effect refers to the relationship between events or variables where one event (the cause) produces another event (the effect). Understanding cause-and-effect relationships is fundamental to comprehending various psychological processes, behaviors, and outcomes. Any psychologist or therapist will know that when someone has a recurring problem in their life, it almost always stems from trauma in their youth. And the damage done to them, even if not physical and just mental, will externally manifest later in their life. Sometimes even in regards to physical symptoms. But you can't solve the external exoteric effects, without getting to the underlying esoteric internal causes of why they are happening in the first place.

For example, because 2024 is the year the USA either decides to keep its democracy or stupidly throws it in the trash can for a reality TV con man and his loyalty cult, which we'll be talking a lot more about this year, so strap in, here are two stories of two fathers and sons, in 20 seconds each. Hunter Biden had extreme family trauma of having his mother and sister killed in front of him in a car accident when he was a baby and his brother later dying of brain cancer. Both of which were not from damage by his loving father but his dad, Joe Biden's, understandable depression as a result and his own struggles with substance abuse, including taking contractive street narcotics such as meth which rotted his teeth, and then resulted in his long benders and taking regrettable nude pictures of himself with tattooed and pierced call girls. But even though he is very flawed, he has also worked to heal himself with expansive shamanic medicines, one of which, the toad medicine, is smoked out of what is essentially a crack pipe. But he's not a crackhead, because that was 5-MeO-DMT he was smoking, which is arguably the strongest entheogen on the planet. See the first episode of our documentary series Shamans of the Global Village for visuals on this entheogen being used with that delivery mechanism.

And the other 20 second story is that Fred Trump Sr. was such a loveless horrible abusive authoritarian cut throat father, who told his children that losing anything in life was unacceptable and they had to do whatever they could, lie, cheat, con, steal to rise up the wealth hierarchy to earn even a modicum of his approval that Fred Jr. was so damaged by it that he drank himself to death and Donald was so mentally weak willed at losing his re-election to the office he disgraced that for years he has been making up fictions like a petulant child about outcome determinative fraud in elections as an excuse to not have to face reality that he's a life-long fraud, coward, and loser - Which he externally mirrors back to front with his wannabe fascist authoritarian rhetoric. Which millions of other mentally weak willed and ignorant people in his cult who don't think for themselves and need authorities to tell them what to think, have also been parrating. All because of one guy's severe daddy issues on top of their own daddy issues.

Someone can be more of a traditional therapist to realize these things, but then mix in therapy with esotericism and you've got the strongest magnifying glass on getting to the core of underlying issues. It is like a hot knife through butter.

Written Insight - What is Occultism?

In the last insight we briefly touched on esotericism, and one cannot discuss said subject, at length or even briefly, without also mentioning what we called it's companion, which is occultism.

Because many people's minds have been partially raised in either cults at worst or somewhat junk food culture at best, they, and frankly most of mainstream culture often have very knee jerk dogmatic reactions to the word "occult".

Those heavily indoctrinated into the cults of the religions of empire, and well speak much on those later, instantly go to satanism, baphomet, and darkness when they hear the word. Or those, outside of growing up in cults but raised on junk food pop culture, have a very Hollywood ideal of what the occult is, which are people doing rituals in tau robes with hoods hanging over their faces within a pentagram candle circle or Kubrickian Eyes Wide Shut sex orgies with people in Venetian masks at aristocratic mansions. A tiny little bit of which has any correlation or merit to occultism, both examples featuring anonymized people, but both examples are more just people in cults that are cosplaying and/or larping with occult flavored fashion.

Occult primarily means hidden. with the classic example being during an eclipse, the sun and moon are capable of occulting each other. The latin word - obculto - means to cover, not only to hide, but also to guard against, protect, defend. So its hidden and guarded. The term "occult" itself simply means "hidden" or "secret." This doesn't so much mean shady dark back alley undercurrents, or scandalous dark web activity, as those things are just the exoteric criminal underground. Nor does it imply searching for hidden poltergeists in haunted mansions. Again, more fictional Hollywood exoteric influence. As generally, a similar word, we've now mentioned twice in this, cult, in a historical context does not always have a negative connotation, but in modernity, it certainly does. The term "occult" however doesn't necessarily imply anything negative in a modern context; it simply denotes hidden, and protected. And to add to our previous definition, which is a collaborator of the word occult, which is the word esoteric. Which means little known, and inside, so both esoteric and occult knowledge is what is hidden, inside, of you and all living beings.

One final important note that we will share here, through some of our own experience on said subject, is that like all things, Sturgeon's Law applies. And the 90% of occultism that is crap, is what's called popular occultism. Reddit is one of the coolest places on the internet but the occult subreddit thread is not occult. While real alchemy is an occult practice yes someone's social media page about the secrets of alchemy is not occult. As the content them it are easily fineable after half a dozen or so clicks. The real way one finds actual occult information or knowledge, is through a teacher and student relationship, with one who already has had experience in traditions that involve the pursuit of hidden esoteric knowledge, and can transfer said information to said student. Often associated with the search for deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence - stretching into esoteric areas that absolutely are spiritual and mainly deal with an individual's psychology. And how the individual's physiology related to the society psychology, and why that is important, we will highlight in the next one.

Written Insight - What is Esotericism?

We’re going to take a moment out of continuing to talk about our L-Curve Oligarchy series, and our slow-drip ongoing pro-democracy essay series, which I know you love by the way, they're so exciting, yet very important, to highlight a few specific definitions that may seem totally different or irrelevant, but are actually areas that our work focuses on and very much interweave with all larger societal issues, especially related to mental health, yet most people have no idea they do or even know what they are. So even though they are the closest thing to real Jedi stuff, very few people will listen to this, or care. The first one is what's called esotericism.

People think esoteric only means obscure, weird, or little known. Which to some extent it does. Esotericism primarily refers to a set of esoteric practices and knowledge that are typically intended for a select and initiated few rather than the general public. The term "esoteric" is derived from the Greek word "esōterikos," meaning "inner" or "hidden." But what it also means is inside. So what it fully means is what is inside in you, especially your mind, heart, both literal and archetypal, and what we could extend into conversation regarding higher states of being and both spirit or soul.

This is contrasted with Exoteric. Which means both comprehensible to or suited to the public; popular. Of or relating to the outside; external. So basically, what is popularly known or discussed is related to "the world out there". Just like how a smaller lesser known indie bands music will be superior to pop culture mainstream fluff music, which is inferior in quality, yet more widely known, in a dart board the esoteric can be thought of as the red center of the bullseye, which everything else radiates out from, while the exoteric is the rest of the board or more shallow outer area. To again go to a popular culture reference, esoteric knowledge is basically what the small number of Jedi know and practice, while exoteric knowledge is what the majority of the population, the non-Jedi know. It's accurate to say there is deeper substance and value in the esoteric over the exoteric and a more evolved human will become interested in the esoteric.

Those who become interested in the esoteric, which are few, usually follow it in an academic, intellectual, or historical context. Most never go any further than that. Yet those that do go further, some of whom, like the monks (or Jedi), choose to devote their whole life to such, can enter into study via praxis - meaning practical experience finding spiritual meaning and personal transformation through esoteric practices. With more advanced esoteric knowledge considered private or reserved for those who have undergone specific spiritual or intellectual training. Esotericism can be found in various cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions throughout history. Examples include very very old things such as, indigenous and pagan practices such as shamanism, alchemy, or newer systems such as certain aspects of Gnosticism, Kabbalah, or Sufism.

Since people's non-belief or belief of their faith systems drive all their other psychology, the juxtaposition between esoteric and exoteric are of foundational importance. After speaking briefly about the esoteric's collaborator, the occult, we'll highlight more about why these two things are of larger importance.

Written Insight - Our 2023 Bah Humbug To Holiday Glurdge

Numerous years ago we created this narration over some holiday footage we shot. And we've decided to re-bring it out this time of year in this context of us now creating these short podcast + channel insights, with some new and improved wording, and will likely continue to revisit it and re-modify it on a somewhat annual basis going forward. Here's the version for the lunisolar calendar which has been co-opted into the Roman BC/AD calendar by the religions of Empire which now claim we're about to enter the year 2024.

How does one choose to express their appreciation for the end of another solar cycle?

By thinking 'Tis the season for barrels of fake sentiment and slithery Christmas music about sleighs and snow, often sung in a kind of oleaginous voice?

Perhaps chugging gelatinous sanctioned drug sugar filled eggnog under mistletoe during yuletide celebrations wearing ugly sweaters in rooms full of people you can’t stand?

Engaging in zombie-like consumerist behavior buying generic corporatized presents historically from dying shopping malls or now more likely from highly automated un-unionized robot mega warehouses via the internet tubes?

Forcing your child to sit on a chubby jaundiced stranger's lap for cheesy photos while they cry their eyes out?

Turning your home into a gaudy Griswold display where the decorations are in full materialistic overload likely requiring auxiliary power to accommodate the exorbitant electricity bill?

Or fibbing to future generations by denigrating an Amanita Muscaria mushroom eucharist for achieving gnosis into a corporealized Coca-Cola version of a fiction named Santa Claus?

Bah Humbug to the splattered buckets of sticky sweet glurge and may the true origins of the indigenous pagan nature based winter solstice be un-diluted, de-occulted, and re-illuminated.

With all that being said, some of which was unusually esoterically truthful so you'll have to re-listen to it in order to get the downloads on what the hell you just heard, to conclude this in a more lamestream mainstream way - happy holidays to whatever you may or may not celebrate at this miraculous time of year.