There’s a reason the framers of the Constitution wrote the press into the First Amendment: Democracy can’t thrive without an informed middle class electorate. In a democratic republic, the institutions of democracy are imperiled by a lack of balanced national debate on issues of critical importance. As both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia learned, a steady radio drumbeat of a single viewpoint, from one polar end of the political spectrum, is not healthy for democracy when opposing voices are marginalized.
We've previously spoken on the importance of progress over regress. Progress is anything that helps, through government policy, the middle class, and thus democracy. Regression is anything that helps, through government policy almost always under the ruse of wanting "less government", the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy and screws everyone else. And there's also usually a corollary between progress and regress, which is that progress is truthful while regress lies. Regress extends across the red cult and sadly also into corporate dems. So, bummer to have to reveal this, but pretty much all of legacy media, and even much of large new media, is either partially regressive at best (either just partially truthful), or mainly fully retrograde regressive as their middle, (untruthfully spinning or horse racing), or at worst, full on a fascist soup of lies with every breath being propaganda which we'll detail further later in this series. That's right, the more retrograde aspects of legacy media want fascism. Which is characterized by authoritarian and dictatorial power, suppression of political opposition, and often includes elements of racism and militarism. Fasc movements typically seek to create a centralized, oligarchical run autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader, often promoting aggressive and expansionist foreign policies and is basically the most extreme form of right (wrong) wing ideology.
Proactive progress, which is primarily structured in classical liberalizing, meaning divesting from narrow views or prejudices, thinks human beings are foundationally good. And thus works to enact policies which speak on behalf of all elements of society, starting with the middle class, and hopefully having compassion for the poor to become part of the middle and have a society which is structured to allow them to do so while also acknowledging that the rich are doing perfectly fine and thus need the least help. Yet the American empire and its media is primarily controlled by a staggeringly small amount of the aristocracy. There have historically been over 1500 regressive commercial radio stations, and around 900 imperial religious nonprofit stations, almost all blasting out wrong wing regressive messaging 24/7. Sinclair Broadcasting, who are ultra buddies with the serial lying recidivist orange criminal con man, owns and controls more than 190 local news stations across the country and had sought to become even more dominant by taking over Tribune Media before the FCC did its job and blocked their monopoly from becoming even more so. And in terms of corporate media nightly news broadcasting, there are really only 6 companies, Disney, CBS, General Electric, News Corp, Time Warner, and Viacom and all of them run through three dark imperial agences called the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission and that shouldn't even be considered a conspiratorial thing to say. As a result, they all promote a very top down set of narrow views and prejudices which are foundationally anti-democratic.
Regressive reactionaries have found a way to hide within "conservatism" because conservatism has historically defended and protected hierarchy and also been amplified with an underlying foundation in religious patriarchal hierarchy. Which historically through most of the dark ages of recent times was via kings, dictators, or other forms of totalitarians and made slightly better in the last couple centuries by slightly watered down versions of those same things called robber barons who are now called billionaires who own media companies. Almost everything you see from legacy media and even new media, composed of social media companies, generally algorithmically amplifies punching down and never up. So the problem is always based in fear and terror broadcasts of muslims, dirty brown immigrants into Europe or the US, black on black crime in inner cities, etc... and then into the culture war distractions of anything we don't like we blanketly label "woke". Never mind any of the crimes of the crooks on Wall Street, or within big banking, big business, big corporate religion, and even big science such as big pharma, big ag, big oil, and their heavy lobbying.
We, on the other hand, aim to do the same thing a real journalist does which is to punch up and not down. Setting aside the shrill and nonsensical efforts of those who suggest the corporate oligarchic owned media in America is somehow "liberal," the situation with regard to talk radio is even more perplexing as it doesn't even carry a pretense of political balance. Having a near complete blackout of progressive voices. Progressives don’t see the algorithmic amplification of their messages that regressives do on modern social media platforms either, and apologists for the platforms will argue that’s because the algorithms are designed to promote “emotional” content and rightwingers are more likely to create inflammatory content. The reality is the corporate media have proven that when left to their own devices, they value responsibility to shareholders higher than social responsibility to inform the electorate about controversial issues of public importance. As corporate media don’t really care about covering real issues that impact the public, let alone covering those issues honestly or objectively.