Our obscure personal work revolves around our own system focused around personal growth, life balance, and creativity - No one can even remotely discuss personal growth without living in a free and open society. Which is only done by decades of good choices and wisely choosing who are those that are hierarchically in charge of said type of society. Because the quality of the populous should be a direct reflection on the quality of its lawmakers. We are for progress in the sense that we want a society from the bottom up with a strong middle class allowing said class to be (internally) growing and improving and leaders who cater to that. However, many regressive people don't want that. They want an extremely hierarchical society under their version of God and their version of a dictator and whatever they say goes. But what is the real true quality of those at the top of that hierarchy? That question, and its framing, we always will deconstruct and challenge and as a result suspect we do a great deal of pissing off regressive people who protect the top of the hierarchy.
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, which we will donate a future insight to talking about exclusively, is depicted as hierarchically a pyramid with five levels. The hierarchy suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill these needs in a sequential manner, with lower-level needs taking precedence over higher-level ones. The basic level is food and shelter, moving up to safety, community, family, solid finances, and then when those things are good, only then can one move onto personal development and some level of self-actualization. Another subject we will talk about in a separate insight. But basically, it means being able to pursue your personal passions, creativity, and self-fulfillment.
What is happening there, is that one is moving from less and less lower level primate functions, to higher level functions. And the ultimate goal of this process is to move from being dysfunctional, to functional. From being more and more an honorable, creative, perfected being. Which one can only do on themselves at an individual level. Which is allowed through a life through good parenting or positive role models and positive life experiences not excluding a series of initiations in life, some of which we briefly touched on in the last insights. This is the true and important hierarchy - the one that is the route of personal development of the mental capacity of the individual. Not what someone's position is above or below others in terms of money or control and one of the big cons is to outsource your own hierarchical development to others. Meaning one does not have to do anything, so this other authority figure can supposedly do it for them. Because if you are heavily dysfunctional, you will choose heavily dysfunctional people to be in charge of your own destiny.
On a societal level, we have always said that it is important to have a healthy skepticism of authority and while maintaining honorability, also not outsource one's own authority. In sophisticated advanced conscious society, one has to go through this developmental hierarchy, individually, to be worthy of being higher up a hierarchy, on a societal level. Meaning being able to be in charge of large amounts of other people. If the authority, such as a parent when you are young, is honorable, and respectable, then part of you being honorable is to reciprocate both of those things back. But the problem with adult life in the world in the 2020's, is that many people in charge are still far too often the opposite of honorable and are instead criminal psychopaths just hungry for money and power. They are un-honorable, egotistical, and simply want control over others to maintain their own power and selfish ends. Any dictator throughout history would be a prime example. Vladimir Putin would be a modern day example. Who is a highly dysfunctional, to the point of having extreme corruption, authoritarian dictator that has enormous wealth and dark power over others.
In terms of being the opposite of that - honorable, and being of the highest moral virtue, which we should not only expect but require from our leaders, this is where initiation comes in. Which is a massive other story but what we can say here is the further you go in it the more of a developed and honorable human being you become. There's a lot of larping going on out there in terms of said subject (meaning people just pretending they are doing it when they are really not) but in terms of real higher level initiation, and how it works, which we have some insight regarding, is not for public consumption. It is of the deepest esoteric and occult means and the way it works and what it does we don't want in the hands of dark imperial agents who are in bed with authoritarians. But what we will say here is, going through it is like a death and rebirth experience. To be rebooted as the Phoenix. The extreme importance of it is that what it does is move someone from lower level functions, which is where maslow's hierarchy ends, to the highest levels of self development into then being run by their higher level functions. And when one moves from lower to higher, they cease to be as dysfunctional. No longer having a desire to thirst for power, especially around the accumulation of money, but instead use their internal hierarchical development, which they received through initiation and experiential work, to be then applicable for guidance on others to do the same. Because only when one is no longer as dysfunctional, only then are they worthy of being societally in charge of the top of the exoteric hierarchy.
Over centuries, initiatory lineage had to go underground and who was in charge became only about bloodlines. The problem with the aristocracy without initiation is they are extremely dysfunctional and thus corrupt people who should not be in charge of making a ham sandwich, let alone running a country. When real initiation was lost, queens and kings throughout history were no different than modern day authoritarians who were horrendous deplorable people who cared only for themselves. And the people under them suffered. In the past, in more advanced civilizations that had no war, they had democratic like systems where wize initiated elders were in charge. This was often a group of both matriarchs and patriarchs. A council if you will. At other times, in a higher level, honorable, society with a lineage of real initiation, the Ancient Egyptians for example, were obsessed with initiation and built giant structures to help partake in the initiatory practice. If one goes far enough back even beyond Egypt, and gets the real history and mystery of it, the accurate John Anthony West version of it not the inaccurate Zahi Hawass version of it, in said initatory societies, there at times had been one or two main people in charge, such as a king or queen if you will, that were not dictatorial authoritarian, but instead philosophers.
Democracy can be very sloppy and inefficient. And having a system where one person or a small council of people are instead calling the shots can be incredibly efficient in causing change. But the only way in a trillion years that a kingdom works well, being in any way slightly analoge to the Disney fairytale version of queendom + kingdom where both the queen and kind were honorable people - kind, compassionate, and caring, and cause positive change for everyone is if both the queen or king were philosopher queens and philosopher kings. Who were not only educated to the highest level, but actualized to higher levels, and most importantly, esoterically initiated to a higher level. With their sense of ego dissolved to the point where they had realized, that every soul in their kingdom we're all one. Only then structurally it made sense to have a few initiates running the show, because they made the best decisions which honored the interests of everyone in the society, not just themselves.