In the last two insights we spoke very briefly about occultism and esotericism and in this one we'll highlight why we're even mentioning them at all before we move onto other things - primarily focusing on the esoteric because the occult is so loaded. Although this is a subject that multiple books could be written on, and we will give at least three examples regarding esoteric importance, this being the first, which is that "the inside is the cause, the outside is the effect". With everything in life. So, if you look at the world out there, why does everything seem so F'ed up?
Well, it is not all that way, that's usually legacy media trying to keep you in a constant state of fight or flight to increase their ratings. Many things actually are better than they have ever been. Go back to our great great great great grandparents generation and see how they lived brutally difficult lives compared to ours. Much of which has been improved by technological advancements, which move very fast, and structural and systemic political improvements, which move at a snail's pace by grassroots movements such as the civil rights movement and are always trying to be eroded by authoritarians, oligarchs, and their astroturf zombies. But to simplify the problems with culture and society today, looking at things from a higher philosophical level, is that we have essentially a mental health crisis in various degrees on an individual level, which manifests in various degrees of a mentally unhealthy culture and society. For example, a species that engages in imperialism, colonialism, and wars is deranged enough, but when that culture in times of peace still fracks the water table, harpoons whales, and clear cuts the rainforest, it is obviously still very sick.
In psychology, the concept of cause and effect refers to the relationship between events or variables where one event (the cause) produces another event (the effect). Understanding cause-and-effect relationships is fundamental to comprehending various psychological processes, behaviors, and outcomes. Any psychologist or therapist will know that when someone has a recurring problem in their life, it almost always stems from trauma in their youth. And the damage done to them, even if not physical and just mental, will externally manifest later in their life. Sometimes even in regards to physical symptoms. But you can't solve the external exoteric effects, without getting to the underlying esoteric internal causes of why they are happening in the first place.
For example, because 2024 is the year the USA either decides to keep its democracy or stupidly throws it in the trash can for a reality TV con man and his loyalty cult, which we'll be talking a lot more about this year, so strap in, here are two stories of two fathers and sons, in 20 seconds each. Hunter Biden had extreme family trauma of having his mother and sister killed in front of him in a car accident when he was a baby and his brother later dying of brain cancer. Both of which were not from damage by his loving father but his dad, Joe Biden's, understandable depression as a result and his own struggles with substance abuse, including taking contractive street narcotics such as meth which rotted his teeth, and then resulted in his long benders and taking regrettable nude pictures of himself with tattooed and pierced call girls. But even though he is very flawed, he has also worked to heal himself with expansive shamanic medicines, one of which, the toad medicine, is smoked out of what is essentially a crack pipe. But he's not a crackhead, because that was 5-MeO-DMT he was smoking, which is arguably the strongest entheogen on the planet. See the first episode of our documentary series Shamans of the Global Village for visuals on this entheogen being used with that delivery mechanism.
And the other 20 second story is that Fred Trump Sr. was such a loveless horrible abusive authoritarian cut throat father, who told his children that losing anything in life was unacceptable and they had to do whatever they could, lie, cheat, con, steal to rise up the wealth hierarchy to earn even a modicum of his approval that Fred Jr. was so damaged by it that he drank himself to death and Donald was so mentally weak willed at losing his re-election to the office he disgraced that for years he has been making up fictions like a petulant child about outcome determinative fraud in elections as an excuse to not have to face reality that he's a life-long fraud, coward, and loser - Which he externally mirrors back to front with his wannabe fascist authoritarian rhetoric. Which millions of other mentally weak willed and ignorant people in his cult who don't think for themselves and need authorities to tell them what to think, have also been parrating. All because of one guy's severe daddy issues on top of their own daddy issues.
Someone can be more of a traditional therapist to realize these things, but then mix in therapy with esotericism and you've got the strongest magnifying glass on getting to the core of underlying issues. It is like a hot knife through butter.