In large sections of the Middle East, which are controlled by MINO's meaning "Muslims in Name Only", in 2024, not 1824 or 1624, women still need their husband's approval to do most things outside of the home such as acquiring a driver's license.
Also believe it or not, in 2024, not 1824 or 1624, in a Tweet, (which are now called excretions after a former illegal immigrant now turned edgelord and eugenicist took over Twitter), a certain mentally unwell CHINO, meaning "Christian in Name Only" excreted this vulgar statement:
"In a Christian marriage, a wife should vote according to her husband's direction. He is the head and they are one. Unity extends to politics. This is not controversial."
"Now why did the CHINO say such a controversial and fallacious thing, do you ask? Well... because he suffers from the same mass mental confusion as the MINO and because there has been a campaign going on to remind the feminine that within the freedom of liberal democracy when in the ballot box, that is a private space, and a woman has the power to vote however she choses without her homo-vulgaris husband knowing.
On a deeper level, real spirituality, which is about the powerful esoteric (inner) journey of each soul in the “soul school” that is Earth, which is intimately tied to nature and the cosmos and will inevitably lead the evolving soul to the realization that the feminine and the masculine have equal value in perfect balance. As more evident in esoteric nature based practices such as the 10% esoteric aspect of Islam that is Sufism or 10% esoteric aspect of Christianity that is Gnosticism in which individuals can have direct experiences for their own self-development and evolution of consciousness.
Modern Abrahamic religion throughout the world however, 90% of which is of Empire, has co-opted and watered down esoteric practices and mirrored them back to front to remove any of the esoteric and make them only exoteric (outer) replacing those natural evolutionary internal processes with a hierarchy of male figures to be subservient to. God / Allah / Buddah (claimed to be male), Jesus (claimed to be male), Satan (claimed to be male) and then a priest class (in which no women are of course allowed) and the more ones been indoctrinated into such fallacies from their youth the more that’s taken literally and historically the more one becomes an ultra conservative and thus ultra regressive, mouth foaming reactionary who has complete blind allegiance to male authority and promotes male patriarchal theocracy which falsely claims the masculine is superior to the feminine resulting in them forming dark imperial political blocks which not only want to destroy spiritual nature but also reduce women’s rights throughout the world.
And in closing, any real man who's been successfully married for many years comes to also eventually know that the woman has the final say at least 50% of the time.