This primarily goes out to our podcast, which is 50/50 women and men, but the video version primarily goes out to our obscure YouTube channel, which the analytics says is like 90% men. So we're primarily talking to the masculine here on the video side. And a warning, surrounded by police car revolving lights, fellas, if you hate truth, and freedom, and freedom of speech, turn this off now and do not watch or listen.
So we've said it before and we'll say it again and we're going to keep saying it and we're going to keep refining it. This shouldn't be a divisive polarizing issue but instead a universally agreed upon issue. It's also an issue which puts a magnifying glass on a storefront marketing pitch vs a real underlying reason. And from most conversations on the subject, especially in oligarchic owned corporate media, they intentionally give a "both sides" between truth and lies at least point of view, or a pure lie at worst point of view, when what should happen in free and open society is only giving pure truth. This is why our work has significantly more depth because we seek underlying truth instead of storefront shallow wish wash. Although the main paramount important thing in one's self development is pursuing truth, anytime you have a conversation with someone who is against abortion, 100% of the time, they will say or mention the word "life". However, the whole framing of abortion using the word "life" is a lie. It is false. The truth about what this whole issue is really all about is control over women.
So in regards to the control aspect, just as not all gay men have a lisp in their voice, feminizing it on the outside, only gay men have a lisp in their voice, not all religious people are against abortion and even birth control, but only religious people are against abortion and even birth control. Specifically the type of extreme religious person who also just happens to be in an end times death cult. Now our usual disclaimer of balance, no member of the exoteric outer religions, Christianity, Judisim, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pastafarianism, etc... should feel discriminated against or persecuted for their faith as long as they keep it personal and hopefully lite. Anyone can personally study and worship whatever flying spaghetti monster they choose. But the more heavy and literal historical one takes these rather new man made systems, the more they are based in male hierarchical domination. With, as previously discussed, deities and Gods said to be males who are implied to be hierarchically above the female. And then the more they will push that onto others. This is what imperial missionaries have been about. Where in their more extreme radicalization, it becomes "convert heathens to the faith". Rather than the attitude of let the faith stand on its own, or let those who are spiritually developed enough find it on their own.
Imagine a group of controlling matriarchal women trying to pass laws saying men had to be castrated, so they were not allowed to have any sex drive, get boners, and produce or expel semen. So that would be lunatic women trying to control men and we would fight them to our last breath. But when this basically goes the other way, being lunatic extremely religious men trying to control women sexual organs, those who think they are superior to women, even brainwashed women themselves, think that is remotely acceptable, cause they believe their own death cult lies about life and being pro-life when in reality they are just pro control the feminine and pro anti-choice. Being anti-choice or anti-abortion or even anti-birth control has fuck all nothing to do with life.
If they were really pro-life, they would care about the loss of species biodiversity globally or clearcutting of the biome in the Amazon basin, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about the lives of migrant refugee children dying in the Darién Gap from Colombia to Panama or Mexican desert on their way into Texas and Arizona, or drowning in the Mediterranean, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about horrendous living conditions of farm animals in American factory farms, or horrendous working conditions of women slaving in sweatshops in Bangladesh, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about the Maternal Health Crisis of African American women due to structural and systemic racism at the core of the American healthcare system, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care more about the lives of second graders more than the second amendment, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about femicide of indigenous women, which they do not. And the real tell is if they were really pro-life, they would care about the lives of children living below the poverty line who are born into households where they are not wanted and unloved, which they do not as well as acknowledging that in countries where abortion is not legal, it still happens just as often, but instead becomes more back alley and dangerous, leading to more female mortalities. What they really are is forced birth don’t care about life because that removes the final decision from the woman, and turns her back into a mandatory baby factory. Limiting women's access to abortion and contraception is about power and control. Specifically theocratic patriarchal control over the divine feminine. FULL STOP.
Just like owning a gun empowers the individual, both birth control and abortion are tools which empower the feminine. The storefront marketing campaign against abortion, radiating out with marching orders from batshit crazy televangelist preachers, is the claim to be advocates for the unborn, which allows for a faux quasi highest morality stance while then hiding their actual not giving a shit about the acorns which they claim are oak trees after they are born. The limiting of a choice to disempower the host, in their minds superseeds claims of caring about the life of the seed. As evident by the fact that Christians in Name Only, with all their big corporate tax exempt money, are not funding adoption agencies. Also evident that fash theo nightmare Dante's inferno Project 20205 advocated in 2024 for slashing regulations of baby formula as well as exploiting child labor by allowing minors to work in dangerous conditions with fewer protections.
Doing some research of what life was like for women prior to the advent of birth control, which is a preventative, and abortion, which is a much more difficult decision but an available option of choice, and one would find it was staggeringly more difficult and disempowering for them. Women were basically considered second class, completely subservient to males, and sperm dumpster repositories who were only valued for their bodies and the ability to continue the population instead of for their infinite other possibilities. Men are horn balls and always want sex. Women don't. So strong women in democratic society control sexual access. In more authoritarian past cultures like fascist Italy, women were pushed to have as many children as possible, by force. In more authoritarian cultures of today, such as under the Afgani Taliban in Afganistan, or even within the Christian Wrong American style Taliban such as the New Apostolic Reformation, male to female rape within marriage is still covertly sanctioned within the cult. This is because all young women within said cults can then do is stay at home and raise children, even from a very young, under adult, age. And the very people who lie that they're "pro life" are actually pro child marrage, which the vast majority of the time is being teenage (or even pre teen) girls and adult men that also happen to embrace loop holes in statutory rape exceptions. So that young girls in said cult, or other religious cults such as within the heavily religious orthodox jewish community, then have little to no say in their own plans for education, independence, travel, career, political activity, and say outside of the household. This is why we are amazed why any woman is not lightly but instead heavily religious. And why any woman votes for authoritarianism is a contrary position, and can only occur because of an indoctrination into an off-balance system of patriarchy. For the religions of the empire have always dis-empowered the feminine. So women who are crusaders against their very own right to choose have been mind controlled to be not only self-hating but also self-disempowering.
What we call the dark psychological caduceus, which is the mix of fascism and theocracy, which we pledge to you to never stop denigrating on because it's the core of modern day Empire, so you're welcome, comprises faux christian sects that are into false christian things like dominionism and have degraded the "conservative" majority of the Supreme Court, and they care only for power, over anything else. This is evident by the fact that when they attain power, they reduce feminine rights instead of expanding feminine rights. They are regressive and contractive and not progressive and expansive. If they were really for progress and expanding rights they would care about real freedom for the people. But since they only want regress and to contract rights of the people, what they mean by freedom is the freedom to tell the people, and especially the feminine half of the people, what to do. So the more a political party will lie about being pro freedom and “pro-life” is because they recognize it can be used to tell women what to do. This is why when you use that same appeal “pro-life”—when you ask authoritarian regressives, who care only for power, to do something about gun violence killing our young children in schools, it doesn’t work. Because they don't really care about life and don't want anyone telling them what to do.
We've spoken before about women and men having complete equal value. So fellas, we're assuming those of you who still watch or listen to us are not women hating incel losers who find a home in the shadows of fascism. But even if you had a rough relationship with your own mother, still respect women and many of us have daughters. We happen to have had a good relationship with our mother and have always had very positive relationships with women and they very much like us back. So even if we didn't have a young daughter who we treasure and even if we only had a son, we would still be writing this. We also have a specific dog in this fight because our wife is an Ob-Gyn and 1% of the time, she has a young, dumb female patient who over uses abortions as a form of birth control only because they've stupidly not used birth control. But 99% of the time, on the rare and unfortunate time she has to perform an abortion, such as for an ectopic pregnancy, neither of us have ever once done anything except known she's doing anything other than helping women with their own health care decisions.