We've long realized, at least for the last 10+ years, that many things we've come to know, far too many other people don't know, and sadly many don't care to know. But if you're one of frankly not that many folks, formally educated or not, who listen to our material, give yourself a pat on the back and consider yourself a more sophisticated individual. As you care to learn from us as much as we acknowledge we can also potentially learn from you.
It's called either having eyes to see or having ears to hear. Which like the film Inception, has multiple nested layers to it in terms of truths one is willing to want to accept and then act upon.
And one of our shortcomings is always assuming those who freshly stumble across our material, being previously unfamiliar with it, have a basic grasp of some of the moderate material, let alone deeper material, when in reality, they don't even have a basic grasp on basic entry level foundational truths. Not just related to their own personal individual development but societal development collectively. This has forced our work to extend into the political. As evident in the way the median voter can be swayed primarily because they've grown up with low quality religion, low quality education, and low quality news media.
So as we freely divvy out continuing insights, which will never be "news" but instead more hopefully timeless micro short lectures that if they were found 50 years from now would still be fresh, valid, and actionable, we have come to realize, just as a propagandist will keep lying over and over and over again, saying essentially "believe us, not your lying eyes" to vast swaths of the world's populace, we need to just keep repeating truths over and over and over again.
Because the media throughout much of the world has gone to absolute poo. So get used to us recurrently saying "we've said it before and we'll say it again and we're going to keep refining it and saying it" as we are going to continue to try and be one individual, amongst a growing network of other media makers, who provide mental vegetables to push back on the media mental junk food landscape which is making far too many de-evolve when they should instead be evolving.