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Written Insight - What is Oligarchy?

Everything we say is based on a hopefully forward thinking philosophical enlightenment view that people are fundamentally good and all people of a country should have the power to vote, through voting and liberal democracy, and a respect for the American constitution which should represent the majority of "We The People." This is why we choose to share insights through our work to whomever has ears to hear. Regardless of who you are or your class status. However, and as a reminder, see the website to see this as a simple graphical representation, because we live in a society where 99.9% have little of the money, and instead .01% of society, which are the godzillionaire oligarchs, have the majority of the money, the .01% of society which has the majority of the money don't think much of working people and do not want democracy. Yet, we are not naive and know that they're are others, those who intentionally support or those who have been fooled into supporting oligarchy who think the opposite of how we do. And we will reveal who they are in this insight.

Oligarchy is a small number of individuals who wield significant economic and political power in a society, often due to their substantial wealth and influence over key industries. This is a worldwide problem. The term is commonly associated with a concentration of power and influence in the hands of a small, privileged group of individuals or families. Oligarchs have considerable sway over political decisions, economic policies, and various aspects of society yet could care less about you. The characteristics of oligarchy is that it always uses its reach for the following, and put the word morbid in front of each of these - industry ownership, political influence, and international reach. This is the real deep state. Which fuels inequality, lack of transparency, and challenges the functioning of a fair and open society.

If you prefer Lord of the Rings metaphors, think of an oligarch as being Saruman. Or if you prefer Star Wars metaphors, think of an oligarch as being Count Dooku. Now we hear that and most people hear that and go yikes. Yet a very politically right wing person hears that and goes... great! Because conservatism historically defends hierarchy and works on behalf of the top of the hierarchy. While liberalism, historically, works more on behalf of the poor but really middle class. This is why democracy is inherently liberal, as it should represent everyone, regardless of class status. And over the decades, as oligarchy has re-increased, right wing politicians have worked less on behalf of the rich, and now only work on behalf of the morbidly rich. Certainly not all people are the same and we don't want equality of outcome, but we can still have a logical range of hierarchy which has minimal poverty and a powerful multicultural middle class that's not going to take anything away from urban, suburban, or rural white people.

Even though we are primarily green to blue affiliated and he's primarily red affiliated, we've just said the same thing that Alex Jones says - "The global elite want to create a slave class and make you have to eat bugs". And we'll surely do multiple future essays and insights around the concept of accurately identifying problems but implementing logical vs bat shit crazy solutions. But this can be previewed by sharing that there is a saying in comedy, which is to punch up and not down. Yet because regressivism and conservatism believes in an in group and an out group, with those in the in group being better than those in the out group, they only always implement policies that punch down at those not in the in group. We advocate for the most free society possible, across all groups, with the strongest middle class, so when we say, represent "all the people", modern day regressivism has degraded to the point that when it hears that it thinks poor or even middle class brown and black people in suburbs and cities who vote blue that are not in their minority in group and that's terrifying to them. Never mind the fact that there are more poor rural white people, in the horizontal line of the L-Curve, than any other demographic so we're also speaking on behalf of them. Yet here's the tough swallow for them... the entirety of the right wing and to be fair the most conservative elements of the left wing do not care about the lightly rich, let alone the middle class, let along the poor, and somewhat in Europe, more in the USA, and to an extreme degree in Russia, get into office only to protect white power and extreme oligarchic white wealth. Which is why if you ever see a brown or black right winger in those countries it's so hilarious cause they're so self hating. In other non-white parts of the world, which is the majority of the world's populace, very right wing politics is just about protecting power, wealth, and only representing the top of the socio economic hierarchy - regardless if it's in a country which has a primarily brown, black, or asian population.

So even though historical lite / moderate conservatism certainly deserves political respect, and is more represented in a third party or frankly the conservative side of the blue dysfunctional Democrats because the primary American conservative political party has de-evolved into a more extreme faction of the right wing which does not deserve respect - I.E. the GOP has transmuted into the train wreck of dysfunction, liberal democracy hating, GQP fascist MAGA red cult, the foundation of extreme conservatism has our whole life lied in being the defenders and foot soldiers for the oligarchs. Who always always always when in power, have enacted non-sensible tax policies who only help oligarchs, and no one else. And we'll get into that, in the next insight.