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Written Insight - Income Distribution And Democratic Freedom

In a previous insight we spoke about something called the L-Curve. Which we would encourage you to listen to if you have not already done so. For it is a secret key which we have given you for your self development that decodes how modernity works which is not how we wish it would work. For through all of history, extreme morbid wealth has always and will always corrupt. It's also a foundational aspect to the problems of democratic society, because it gives a tiny amount of people, who are not honorable, and frankly also hostile to democracy, so much power.

Extreme morbid wealth has through all of history corrupted those who have it - that's been the way for thousands of years. America was founded with an enlightenment view of getting away from kings and oligarchs of old Europe. Because that was an old outdated societal operating system which sucked for basically everyone and the American founders knew that oligarchy and democratic society were diametrically opposed.

Historically, based on income, classes were separated into peasants, workers, aristocrats, nobels, and monarchy or royalty. To simplify that we'll now say that the 99.9% of people who don't have private jets and yachts and have to work for a living, the horizontal line of the L-Curve are the proletariat while the .01% of insanely morbidly rich people, the vertical line of the L-Curve, are the bourgeoisie or the oligarchs. It's a sad reality that most Americans can't even afford a $3000 medical bill, but if you're not in that camp and are quite well off with let's say as high as a few million bucks and are even first world rich, you are still part of this proletariat and far from an oligarch.

A democratic republic means a government elected by the people to represent the people. That means all the people, the majority proletariat with the tiny amount of bourgeoisie. In which we elect representatives that are to enact laws that benefit the people. Yet, if 99.9% of the proletariat don't have the majority of the money, what does that do to society? It sends us back to the medieval feudalism of old Europe, the modern version of which is a third world style dictatorship, by skewing society to only speak on behalf of the corrupted mind rotted oligarchs and their crony dictators they install, and not the people. In which you have elected representatives, comprising the three branches of government, as well as the fourth estate, the fourth branch of government which we'll get into, who pretend to represent the people in what they say but really in what they do sell out to the interests of the tiny few who have all the money, over the interests of the people.

In the most free and least corrupt countries in the world that have the most democratic freedom, there is a strong middle class and strong labor force. In the least free and most corrupt countries in the world, dictatorships, there is a massive miss-distribution of wealth where 99.9% of the people are dirt poor with no middle class and .01% have all the money and we're back to feudalism. This is by far most easily fixed through sensible tax policies. For the most free and least corrupt countries in the world have sensible tax policies, while the least free and most corrupt countries in the world have un-sensable tax policies. And after a stop off to give more insights on what oligarchy is we'll get into what those policies are.