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Essay: The Individuation Trinity (Exclusive for Patrons)

*This is the first of a two part private essay, coming your way back to back together as one!


This is the first of two private essays in regards to what one might call individualization. This one is titled The ​Individualization Trinity​ and the next is titled ​Your Unique Expression of Individuality. I​NDIVIDUALITY, a noun, can be defined as Separate or distinct existence; a state of oneness.

Our personal body of work focuses around a life philosophy we’ve developed consisting of growth, balance, and creativity. Which are the main overarching themes of not just our podcast, but our essays and documentaries. Those three pillars are broad but we’ve laid them down because of how future proof they are. For it’s not like we’re just talking about one thing so specialized but instead a timeless life philosophy and practice. These three dynamics of internal spiritual growth, equilibrium, and creative output we are currently calling The Individualization Trinity. This has really become our thing which we have developed ourselves. Our personal system of spiritual development. Themes of which can be seen throughout our media as well as our work with others directly.

It’s not just media we create as it’s great to do some things digital, and some things in the flesh. Hence working with others directly in person or directly remotely. If any of our material resonates with you, and it likely very much does because this is content you’ve paid a little something to access, feel free to contact us anytime. As we aim to provide potential guidance, insight, support, and resources, along with a network of others who also may be able to help steer your personal path in even more advanced ways than we can. So here are some initial details.

The Inside - Growth. The inside comes first. Catalyzed personally for Niles in study and praxis in two specific esoteric systems. Entheogenic Shamanism and Hermetic Alchemy. Applying these experiences to both our life and work has been astronomically helpful for innerstanding the world while fostering a willingness to share the more in-depth knowledge with others who have ears to hear. This requires being a good listener and communicator to have honest interactions with others. For we live in amazing and challenging times. Often resulting in personal feelings of disempowerment via confusion, loneliness, sadness, and disconnection. Yet challenges and obstacles are opportunities for personal development, forcing us to awaken to our individual powers through struggle.

The Middle - Balance. Balance is the center point and a secret to life. We must find equilibrium in all aspects of our lives and a major problem with the vast majority is that they live radically off balanced lives.

The Outside - Creativity. Internal individuality will outwardly manifest in your external works. Niles' most passionate personal work focuses around real life human stories of opening up to truth and power. Including completing multiple feature length film projects, all of which, in terms of their place within commerce, have also been financially successful. He has learned a great deal through bringing these works into manifestation and is happy to help share insights, tips, and tricks for how you are also fully capable of finding harmony and alignment along with some level of rewarding original creative output.

Now a bit of a disclaimer. I am not a life-coach who’s personal life is a mess so they tell others how to live there's, a psychiatrist who just wants to medicate you and get you back to work, a therapist who's kooky and likely needs therapy themselves, a “conscious business” owner pretending they’re spiritual while really just trying to expand their email list and anti-social media following, or a guru who's all about the dollars to sell fake enlightenment. Of course those industries are not always like that, they just are 90% of the time. The point is he is not a medical professional but instead a guy who's happy to help those who ask great questions and show they are serious about their personal expansion which, in doing so, helps him as well. Since there is ultimately no help but self-help.

We had done a previous essay titled ​Deciphering A Symbol​ in which we went through a step by step explanation of the esoterically flavored symbol or crest which we put together in regards to our podcast ​An Infinite Path​. Since much of this life philosophy has been developed over 5+ years of talking to other acquaintances, friends, colleagues, students, and teachers, we decided to make a more simplified logo which was derived from the podcast logo and also is an encoded visual encapsulation of this process. It consists of an equal sided triangle turned upside down so the point is at the bottom with an interlocking circle looping through the triangle three times. Derived from the triangle and orosboros in the podcast logo.

Historically and mythstorically the triangle and circle together can mean various things. The triangle either within or interlocking with a circle symbol is a common image in alchemy and religions. The symbol has numerous meanings including spiritual sight, higher knowledge, the unity of the trinity of God, the divine union of the body, mind and spirit, masculine and feminine, or universe, the symbol for protection and power, and the totality of wisdom.


It goes without saying that a triangle has always represented a trinity. There have been many trinitys through time and our trinitiarian interpretation of the triangle in ​An Infinite Path​ logo was a right side up triangle. We previously spoke of the three points symbolizing science in the lower left corner, religion in the lower right corner, and magic in the top center peak. It's true that the world is a deeply magical place and to ascend to a peak or mountain top takes hard work. Hence why that symbolism worked well there. Yet the pyramid nature of a triangle also speaks to how much of the power systems on the planet are pyramid schemes. With so little power concentrated at the top. So our flipping of that upside down to the simplified Individualization Trinity was saying, no, the power is more at the bottom with each individual. We also flipped it because a triangle upside down looks like it’s balancing, in perfect symmetrical balance on its center point. So in this stance the three points of the triangle are the upper left representing growth, the lower center representing balance, and the upper right representing creativity. With the endlessly looping circle being there to represent this could be a reciprocal process or even an endless process. The logo is also symmetric because of how crucial symmetry is in our life both inside and out. Primarily internally due to a personal relationship with a tryptamine catalyst which puts us in an alternate state of consciousness called “Mirrored Bilateral Symmetry” which is similar to a moving meditation. We have spoken to this complex and occult dynamic in some of our other recorded conversations and writings. This is externally relevant here for following this internal theme and keeping the logo in a proper harmony of balance. Which could not have been visually communicated via an asymmetrical representation of any kind.

We will dive a bit more into detail into the third part of this process - esoteric creativity in the next essay, titled ​Your Unique Expression of Individuality,​ but we will wrap up this essay to give more esoteric details regarding the first two parts of our Individualization Trinity - growth and creativity. Which we feel can no more greatly be done than by one of our teachers - Rubaphilos Salfluĕre. In his essays he writes:

The binary condition is the very foundation of our reality. We might say it is the universal and ultimate 'rule' that governs everything we experience in our reality .... after the unified condition. Because of this we can never find anything here that is unified and wholly in balance with itself. Because unified and completely balanced things are always stored in the non- physical, beyond the average person's reach. Therefore, when we are investigating our reality, which is based on binary law, everything we find here displays this binary nature. From this fact we get things like ... male and female things. Positive and negative electric poles. Positive and negative magnetic poles. Day and night. Up and down. Left and right. Back and forward. Fixed and volatile, observer and observed, etc, etc.

We cannot forget, though, that while all things we commonly experience are defined and based upon binary law, at their root is a unified harmonious commonality, and that because that unity is the origin or source of everything else, it maintains the position of ruler or governor. Because of this there is always an urge within the binary state to return to the unity state. In animals, for example, this is the source of the urge to procreate. In Hermetic philosophy, it is the basis for the ideal that 'love' is the governing force in the universe.

Now, the problem with this unified-field is that because everything contained in it exists in a state of balance, where each of its parts is in harmony with the others, no growth or evolution can happen in that state. In order to have growth we must have a condition where one thing can relate to another thing. In other words, we must have a 'two-thing' condition, which does not exist in the Anima Mundi (meaning the world soul, unity monad, or akashic record). So the Anima Mundi is simply a store-house. It is not a place where things grow and develop. Because of this, if we want to grow and develop ... to 'express' all that is 'potential' in the Anima Mundi, we must create another condition where that can be possible. In the more religious descriptions of Hermetic theory this situation is sometimes explained as ... God (the Sole existent One Creator), decided to extend out from Himself, and by doing-so, divide Himself into two halves, or in two.

The Creator did not create the binary reality so that it can be escaped from. It was created for a specific purpose, and that is because in unity no growth can occur, and the Creator desired evolution and expression. So the binary reality was created in order to stimulate and support growth and development. But because everything in binary existence possesses an urge to return to unity (balance), in order for the two poles of the binary mechanism to be kept apart another force had to be created that would maintain binary existence.

This fourth 's' force is the very thing that sustains binary (physical) reality. Without it everything we know would collapse back into passive unity. Because the 's' force maintains binary reality ... and that in order for a binary to exist, each pole of a binary must be to some degree out of balance, the 's' force is also the maintainer of imbalance, opposition, tension, conflict and ... decay. From this angle the 's' force is the origin of what modern physics refers to as entropy(the predisposition of things to decay if energy is not imposed on them to be maintained in good condition).

In the most fundamental understanding of alchemy this binary condition and rule of nature is encapsulated in the symbolism of the two-thing view of the alchemical process, which we see in symbols such as the King and Queen; the Lion and Eagle; the winged and wingless dragons, etc. When alchemists are describing their laboratory process in terms of these binary symbols, they are telling us that they are looking at their process from the point of view of the binary law which governs any 'cosom (micro or macro).

A deeply important part of this mind machine is the Nachash, The binary function. Its job, all through our life, as we develop, is to maintain the two-ness view of everything we come across. Because of this, whenever we experience trauma, it is the Nachash which specifically stores those memories, because trauma is associated with fear, and fear is a powerful 'divider'. At the same time, every single conflict we experience in our lives, no matter how big or small, is a conflict that is either created or maintained by the Nachash. Because conflict is a powerful 'divider'. Every opposition we have about something. Every disagreement we have about things. Every dislike we hold about things ... all these things create and maintain division in our world, and in our world view.

These divisions maintain the binary illusion of existence, but they also stimulate the urge to learn, to find solutions to problems, and to find harmony and balance in life. For without division there is no recognition of or urge toward balance. This is an extremely important concept, that exists at the very core of what we are as humans, and which, as we shall see ... is the root of our eventual desire to complete our need for binary existence, and once again find harmony and Higher Understanding. To discover alchemy, and to use that mechanism to evolve ourselves away from a need for extreme division in our lives, back to unity (the Stone of the Philosophers).


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