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Holographic Space Love

So for about 5 years, there has been a film project bouncing around in the mind / brain imagination. The reason it hasn't been finished is because it's currently somewhat un-finishable.

It's for a short film called Holographic Space Love. It would be a first person perspective point of view of what it is like to smoke 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, otherwise known as 5-MeO-DMT. It's one of the if not the absolute most life changing psychedelic experience's one can undertake and was the medicine we focused the first episode of Shamans of the Global Village around.

I have partaken in that form of DMT four times in my life, and the first time, which occurred toward the end of the shooting of that episode of the show, was a complete BC/AD moment where nothing from that point on would be the same. Yes, there is private footage of my weird and quite unusual experience in which I look like a sunburnt troll. I spoke of it on episode 59 of the podcast under the previous Novelty Generators title. And for the epilogue philosophical easter egg at the end of that episode I used audio from Rak Razam giving one of the best descriptions of his experience from a talk he gave at the Exploring Psychedelics Conference in Ashland Oregon, which I cleaned up, trimmed down a bit, and put to music. That audio IS the audio for the short film. So audio done. 

But, the 5-MeO-DMT experience is (usually) very much like flying through a high speed white light tunnel and then a dissolving into an oceanic void of pure overexposed white light consciousness. The film would be bookended of live action footage from Rak's point of view of him smoking the DMT pipe and then coming out of the experience on the back end, but the problem is creating the visuals to visualize the whole internal experience would be 2+ years of work if I did it independently because it would require extensive computer graphics, which TAKE FOREVER to make without teams of talented digital artists, streamlined pipelines, and massive render power - which means lots of money required. Like hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. This is precisely why I mainly only do live action these days. For it's way easier to actualize and finish quality projects with small budgets yet good production values. 

The final film visually would be done in an extremely similar style to the outstanding short Kensho. Created by a bloke called Aaron Paradox and I think it took him well over a year to complete. That's right, 4 minutes long and it took him a year. I've spoken to Aaron and sent him the Holographic Space Love audio with the idea of collaborating on this project and he loved it, thought it would be a great companion piece to Kensho, but we concluded it would just be way too time consuming to actually pursue. 

Transmutation had some visual effects shots which I made but they were few and far between and didn't involve flying through a tunnel like space which would likely involve way more data and 3D graphic details. Those Transmutation computer graphic shots I was able to do in just a few short days each, but spending a year+ on a short film, with zero revenue stream, is just unfeasible these days as I could spend that time way more wisely in other ways that output more of a body of work. Most of which have revenue streams.

So the point of the story is this project has been in limbo for years, and currently remains there unless some of these circumstances change. BUT, you can listen to the audio and use your best tool, your imagination to fill in the visuals.

Potential steps if you so choose:

Download the Holographic Space Love audio HERE
Watch Kensho on Vimeo HERE
Listen to the podcast of me trying to language my first 5-MeO-DMT experience (which is mostly un-languagable HERE
Research 5-MeO-DMT at Erowid HERE
Dive into Tryptamine Palace HERE
Watch Shamans of the Global Village episode 1 HERE
See footage of me having my first 5-MeO experience HERE