So as we said in our "Navigating With Reason" essay which was released on the 3rd of January, the 2020 astrological forecast called for us to "strap in, for this year is going to be a wild ride." Now in June, how is that prediction been panning out?
While I aim to have my work not cover current events but instead timeless events, it's fair to say about a dozen super tipping points are spilling over currently on spaceship Earth. The latest being massive protests in the US over 300+ years of sanctioned murdering of African Americans by corrupt authority figures. Another is what's going on in Hong Kong.
I have been trying to get my buddy Ed Liu, who lives half in Hong Kong and half in Hawaii, and used to have the Psychedelic Milk podcast, on as a guest of An Infinite Path recently. It was aiming to be too difficult to make manifest, but Ed's largest want for having a conversation on the podcast was to help get the word out about what's going on there. Even though it's from The Wall Street Journal, this short documentary does a quite good job of laying out the timeline of the pro-democracy Hong Kong protest events.
Having free time to work on yourself is truly a gift. As many around the world are fighting for basic freedoms, it's sometimes, if not oftentimes, easy to forget how good we may have it.