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Ghee Is Amazing


*If you're vegan you need not read any further... and this message will self-destruct. 

Grass-fed butter is amazing. Ghee is a type of clarified butter. It's more concentrated in fat than butter, as its water and milk solids have been removed. So grass-fed Ghee is 2x amazing!! 

It does have a slightly funky taste yes, but has so many benefits. 10 benefits of Ghee via The Holistic Highway - 

Regardless of brand, it's recommended to of course make sure which ever one you get is grass-fed. 

Ghee is basically mega healthy fat for your brain and on a personal note, I find that I stutter more when I don't have healthy fat. So I ALWAYS drink Bulletproof Coffee before a podcast.

If you want to get really hardcore, there are also forms of Ghee with other ingredients. Jambo Superfoods are my buddies and they for example make a form of CBD Butter Oil, Grass-fed Ghee & MCT Oil which is 3x amazing!!!