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Written Insight: The Problem With The Media #8 - Hate Broadcasts

There's a great quote by a hilarious comedian which says... “Some poor, phoneless fool is probably sitting next to a waterfall somewhere totally unaware of how angry and scared they're supposed to be.”

As mentioned in the last insight of this series, there are really two base emotions on the extremes - Love or Hate. And the numerous underlying element to hate is just fear. And no one spreads fear like corporate or fascistic media. Especially what calls itself conservative media when we would say it's just trying to conserve robber baron criminality at best or imperial royal hierarchies at worst. It's regressive and most of all reactionary media, because it focuses on the negative, fears anything novel or new, and because its long sold out to the robber baron Godzillionaire criminal class (Ie, wall street, big commercial banks, big pharma, big war profiteers, etc...) it has to program it's viewers or listeners with a stronger physiological response to threats because that not only increases engagement, mistrust, and polarization, but most of all it has to misdirect them away from those previously mentioned who are actually causing their problems and instead misdirect their hate onto their fellow middle class or poor within their country and from other countries. Such as those without their same skin color, sexual orientations,or those who are more open minded than they are. ONe of the main ways this game is played is through border fear and hate. Because imperial agents know that austerity measures either lead to progressive revolution or fascism.

Now, we are not naive. And realize there is a quote which says, "If liberals don't protect borders, fascists will" and realize the single issue in liberal Europe's tendencies to allow extremely regressive wrong wing movements to re-rise, ala their past Italian fascism of Mousolini or German fascism of Hitleter is a single issue issue. Which is black and brown people from Africa or the Middle East coming into predominantly white Europe or brown people from South America coming into majority white but multi ethnic North America. As they're never talking about the white on white Northern borders such as from Scotland to Britain or Canadian to the US and are instead only talking about the southern borders. Those are the only ones that need hating. All though you of course cannot have mass open border illegal immigration, that never works out, look how it worked out for the native Americans for example, the goal is to live in desirable countries which have common since, compassionate pathways for legal immigration - because in the long run, that only helps that country's economy. Instead of a country with a mass exodus, which, in the long run, only hurts those countries' economies. The whole point of border this, border that, fear from the squawk machine is to ignite that pathos, fight or flight, fear hate primarily in Christian's in Name Only, who incorrectly and falsely think their country is a WASP nation. It's one of many poke points they pull at the heartstrings of fear-based lowest common denominator mind killer culture. That along with "There's a run on the banks, they're trying to assassinate you so you gotta stockpile arms and can beans, WW3, civil war, islamic jehad, they're coming for your gas water heaters and stoves, or to make you gay, the stock market is gonna crash, since I've been a corporate criminal my whole life and am now having to actually face accountability for my crimes... if it can happen to me, it can happen to you, there are Nukes in shipping containers. ICBMS can reach us in 33 minutes, bla bla bla."

Psychologists call a “negativity bias” when attention is biased toward the negative, the result is an overly threat-conscious appraisal of one’s surroundings. To many regressives, and within that is a (pho conservatism which has existed in a continuous state of terror and rage for most of its existence), the world may look like a much scarier place. This would explain why so many white haired outdated soon to keel over viewpoints tend to be rooted in fear and thus hate. Resulting in the less traveled incorrectly feel that the areas outside their neighborhoods and communities are unsafe, overestimating their odds of becoming a victim, or believe that crime rates are rising when the opposite is actually occuring, or considering the world to be a dangerous place. Because there's another accurate quote which says "the world's always getting better but far too many people inaccurately think it's always getting worse." We know someone whose elderly conservative parents were going to the city of Chicago and were so sure it was going to be like 1980's war torn Beirut that when it turned out to be the generally nice, clean, lovely, but Antartically cold during the winter city it was, they could hardly believe all the fear based media they had been main lining had been lying to them!

Hate speech is commonly defined as any communication that disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristics such as race, colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion. The identified common traits refer to: the targeting of a group, or an individual as a member of a group; the presence of a content that expresses hatred, causes a harm, incites bad actions beyond the speech itself, and has no redeeming purpose other than just venting and creating an other to assign blame to for your own personal life problems.

The controllers know they need to hijack minds externally and make them fear and hate based internally. Because not only is fear the mind killer, the more you hate what is out there, the more it really means you hate aspects of yourself. The Hermetic principle of "as within, so without" knows that there is a correspondence between our inner state and our outer experiences. With our inner thoughts and emotions shaping the reality we perceive and experience. Positive inner states tend to manifest positive external circumstances, while negative inner states often result in negative external experiences. When we harbor hate, hating ourselves, we tend to project it outward. This means that the hatred we feel internally can manifest as hostile actions towards others. The principle of "as within, so without" suggests that our external expressions of hate are a direct reflection of our internal emotional state. The principle also implies that like attracts like. By harboring hate, we might attract more hate from others, creating a cycle of negativity that perpetuates the emotion both internally and externally. To break the cycle, it's essential to engage in self-reflection and understand the root causes of this emotion - one of the main ones being dogshit corporate or fascist media - which should be turned off. And moving more inward to identifying and addressing the sources of hate within ourselves to thus help transform our inner state. By fostering positive emotions within such as forgiveness, empathy, and compassion, we change our outer experiences accordingly, especially in regard to those different from us.