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Written Insight: God is Non-Binary

So this title is not meant to be click bait, or in any way disrespectful, but we must address a foundational issue which we constantly hear misused and aim to state our case why that is regarding now. So our main ask here is to listen to this with an open mind because this is a very basic spiritual concept and is not hard to understand nor should it in any way be controversial. The only reason it's either of those things is because of thousands of years of patriarchal theocratic marketing that has people deep in Plato’s Cave. The concept is that it is incorrect to refer to God as a "he" or "him" .... yet almost everyone does it. We of course expect its misuse for thousands of years from the dogmatists, but we recently visited a Masonic lodge, which we consider a more sophisticated spiritual group, and even heard it used (or misused) by an individual there.

If you happen to visit a Masonic temple inside a lodge in your life, or even just look at photos of one online, you'll see the floor is usually a black and white checkerboard tile pattern. This is a symbolic representation of the binary material world. With the luminance of black and white tiles representing polar opposites on the floor. Where on Earth we have night and day, moon and sun, female and male, negative and positive electric poles, etc... Think of your soul as a ball of light within each of us piloting our meat suits, meaning our fleshy bodies. While our bodies only exist in the binary material world, and will one day fail and be worm food, an adjacent basic spiritual teaching is that our souls are eternal, and after many lives, will eventually graduate from the binary, into unity. Where those binaries merge into equilibrium and our souls melt back into the divine light - of which each is a branch. Now "binary" means the opposite ends, which are not all or nothing, there is a spectrum in between. Just as the day transitions to the night, and gets gradually darker and gradually brighter, between the symbolic colors of black and white there exists a gradient of all shades of gray.

Now we know this one is going to piss off anyone in a fundamentalist religion such as the extreme Christian Right and as a result we’ll likely turn comments off. Because fundamentalist cults can attract very young, immature, spiritually undeveloped souls which see things only in stark binaries and don’t have an interest in their members' spiritual self development but instead turning their flock only into an extreme polarized political block. Which we can back up by highlighting that it's common to hear from them, and other extreme religious ideologies throughout the world, the phrase, "we're good their evil" when speaking of those they disagree with. While more spiritually advanced and sophisticated souls see things as the shades of gray, and as they continue to advance they move more toward perfect middle gray of equilibrium. This is also one of the reasons why democracy is the human enactment of a spiritual idea, that not only do all souls have value and should have a system which works on behalf of all of them, and that decisions that lead to the most liberty on a societal level happen within a system that seeks a middle ground through compromise. This is also the reason why the Christian Right is the largest threat to democracy in the United States, because they don’t want compromise, they want only their extreme way, which is very far out on the edge of a political binary, to rule and have absolute power.

So with this very basic concept of lower less advanced polarity to higher more advanced unity being stated, how can a supreme being, which one could call source, or the divine, or God, which is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, that exists in unity have only one half of the sexual binary? It would not. Instead it is an equal combination of both. With its female aspect having no less importance than its male aspect, and vice versa. It has perfect equilibrium between the two and has graduated beyond the binary. This is a teaching to show us that women and men have complete equal value, with neither having greater or less value and the name of the game of thousands of years of Empire, has been to claim the male aspect is superior while the female is inferior. Which is incorrect and why fictional corporeal white caucasian God got a fictional celestial penis. A divine creator, does not have a corporeal body and can instead be more accurately described as non-binary multidimensional energy. So if we ever sell T-shirts in the store at our website, the first one would say "God is Non-Binary" which is accurate.

Now as an epilogue to this... Speaking of genitalia... at the time of this writing, the term "non-binary" is catnip for regressive reactionary hate. So to be fair, this natural law also applies to human meat suits in binary reality. While our personalities can have a gradient mix of masculine and feminine gender aspects, as those very much do a fluidity, with the exception of one in a million babies that are born with hermaphroditic like genitalia, our sexual genitalia can really be only female or male. So if someone is homosexual and transgender, and their meat suit was born as a male and wants to transition into a female or was born a female and wants to transition into a male, it is also incorrect for them to claim that they are "non-binary". Which is not possible in the binary material. Sexual reassignment can be a multi-year long process, not to mention an expensive one which many cannot afford to complete. Which initially begins in youth with thoughts and feelings, then adjustments to fashion, then hormone treatments, then sexual reassignment surgery if completed. And one may look very hybridized between the two sexes for years, but our meat suit sexual organs are only going to be one or the other - male or female. So a more accurate way to say it, and a way not to be untruthful on legal documents is to simply say one is a female transitioning to male or a male transitioning to female. No big deal.