Hey folks, as wonderful conscious individuals that have subscribed to this site in the past, who now should have free access, and likely rarely visit, the intention is to allow you continuing full access to nearly all our work here for the price of $0.
With the spoken word essays, we for the last few years typically posted them to literally FOUR places each time there was a new episode. They were…
The main podcast public feed on this website, which aggregates out via RSS
The PRIVATE full members section ON THIS WEBSITE
The PRIVATE lite members section ON THIS WEBSITE
As you can imagine, this had been a total repetitive pain. Since our outputs have slowed because we never made enough money via memberships and instead have gone back to day job freelance work, we’re not doing Patreon anymore (for now) and only keeping the membership dynamics to this site, so that is 1 of 4 we no longer have to do. However, we’ve deemed that posting audio versions 3 total times to this site is also a bit overkill. So from now on, we are only going to post public spoken word essays to the public RSS feed, and then the written versions to the members sections. This is so the written versions are more private and only accessible here, adding a tiny bit of value for members who might want to read them instead of listen to them. We also will perhaps post written versions way down the line to our Substack if we keep it in addition to future essay volumes which we sell.
Because we are only averaging around 1 essay per month, and are not making exclusive private versions as often, on the rare occasion we still create a private essay, we will of course then release them as both spoken word and written to the private members sections exclusivly.