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Written Essay: Pro-Democracy Series #6: Structuring Socioeconomic Hierarchy

Since almost everything outside of nature, and thus spirit and real art in culture is secretly basically about either making money or procreating (making sex) - which sometimes includes making sex for money but more often than not making money to then have a desirable status for finding someone of similar status to procreate with and thus make sex, we focused heavily on the sex element of that in the last essay in this our pro-democracy political philosophy series. This time around we are going to focus on the money aspect, specifically how it is structured. Which is SO CRUCIAL to outerstand in one's personal development, as it's a key that answers many things about one's upbringing, morality, and later life behaviors. Not to reduce people to just their politics, there is also a major tell with how one deals with economic hierarchy and their political stance. Which we are going to give you as a simple decoding to the cipher in this one that unlocks a lock of money-based culture. And most importantly, what type of structuring of it is the most free and thus democratic. Since a major tenet of our work's philosophy is balance, we will mention now it's one in the middle - with the strongest middle class. For you can't have a democracy without an educated and strong middle class.

Although democracy is still a work in progress and one could say we haven't fully achieved real democracy yet. If you are hand on heart honest regarding you or your family members ability to thrive or just barely survive in our current kleptocratic or plutocratic system, one must admit it is currently almost exclusively due to your economic class status and resources. Economics is a social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Socioeconomics is of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and economic factors. Hierarchy is any system of persons or things ranked one above another. Economic Hierarchy refers to the structure of which money is dispersed to people and the ability of those with more money to exert power over those with less. So socioeconomic hierarchy is basically the financial and thus power ranking of individual people, households, companies, and institutions. Pertaining to you dear reader or listener, that's basically how much money you have, and how similar, less, or more it is than other people in your society or country have.  

Economic hierarchy is built up of three main sections, the poor, the middle class, and the upper class. In indigenous cultures money wasn't historically and isn't really a thing. Although there was/is trade. So indigenous people have operated outside of this rather new system. Living in a great balance with their natural environment for let’s say - a million years. But thousands of years ago, as agriculture became a thing and the empire and colonialism started to happen, this extraction mindset also kicked off. Commodifying earth, air, fire, and water - the elements for profit. This is the plot of the Avatar films. With the balanced and spiritual Na'vi living in harmony and longevity within their planet Pandora vs the batshit crazy technologically advanced yet de-spiritualized Sky People who only care about extracting Pandora's resources for financial gain. 

Future or past, Queens and Kings only work in high consciousness cultures like the ancient Toltecs of Mesoamerica or ancient Egypt in the Middle East, where there was a lineage of spiritual initiation, basically meaning there were Jedi in charge - resulting in hierarchical societies run by honorable Jedi initiated into higher states of consciousness who had good hearts and loved their people resulting in societies living in peace for hundreds if not thousands of years through the precessional cycle. But as that was lost, it turned those at the top of the hierarchy from Jedi to muggles. Since human beings are fundamentally good yet dysfunctional, being a muggle doesn't mean one is bad but it does mean one will be corruptible. So outside of those Jedi philosopher queens and kings historically the majority of rulers were not nice people because power to the uninitiated corrupts - thus they were mean spirited and most of all greedy. As the empire and colonialism continued, economic classes and warring factions later developed, and so did rotten to the core kings and emperors. Keeping the vast majority of the kingdom's wealth for themselves. They were no longer in balance with living with nature like the indigenous, not needing money, to now needing money within extractive systems. As most aboriginal people didn't need warfare, "savages" had peace for thousands of years while 13 colonies of decent yet still imperial English colonists have struggled to do the same for the last 300 years. 

Perhaps after this "Unapologetically Pro-Democracy" series we'll do another series along the lines of being called "Unapologetically Anti-Empire." And since we've spent some time with indigenous people we can tell you a thing or two about that. But at this point related to democracy and its economics, through the history of the last 2000 + years of empire, in which democracy has been a rarity of freedom pushing back against that repressive machine, money has usually been structured in a very lopsided and mis-distributed way. And has thus resulted in authoritarian monarchies - meaning one family who could care less about you or your family that's running the show - and if they didn't like you it's off with your head. That then transmuted only slightly less crap into oligarchies - where government ceases to work for the people and instead just for the very wealthy. Who if they had 100 people on an island, and they wanted to deve out wealth between them to create a micro economy, one person, solely because of bloodline (monarchy) and not initiation lineage are giving 95% of the wealth, 2 other people are given the 4% of the wealth, and the other 97% of people have to fight against each other for the tiny remainder of 1% of the wealth. And that's still how it is today but instead of caesars and kings we have robber baron godzillionaires. 

In a previous private essay titled "Let's Robin Hood the L-Curve" We gave some insight on something called the L-Curve, which can be found through the website If you think the world's distribution of wealth is a 45 degree line, think again, it's actually literally a backwards shaped L of basically a nearly horizontal line meeting a sky high vertical line, which is basically no different than it was in times of medieval distribution of wealth. Where you had a corrupt king with 97% of the wealth, some corrupt landed gentry families who were the corrupt buddies of the king with 2% of the wealth, and 99% of the people who were peasant dirt poor. Today, what separates the first and third world is how the structuring of the finances of the people is laid out. And in third world countries 99% of the people have 1% of the wealth while in first world countries there is a stronger middle class that has maybe 10% of the wealth. Yet either way we're still always fighting this corrupt robber baron class of 1000 families making up less than 1% of the population with over 90%+ of the wealth. Let's take batshit crazy North Korea for example. Where you have a slothy Jabba the Hutt character supreme emperor who's drinking caviar out of $10,000 bottles of champagne while their people starve in labor camps. In Russia, which is sometimes said to be a gas station masquerading as a country, it simply went from monarchy to now solely oligarchy. Run by the corrupt Kremlin, and the Kremlin's fossil fuel robber baron oligarchic buddies. 

The morbid royal class, or oligarchic class, or mega-corporate class, the larger and more powerful they are, have historically defrauded consumers, exploited workers, and destroyed the environment when allowed to be completely let to their own devices without rules of the game set. So if you want to know the secret sauce hidden problem with the world today, which is still very much under the empire, here's your $64,000 secret answer to the problem - GREED from the top of the socio economic-hierarchy. And here's your secret cipher code - those who are truly pro-democratic and speak the truth will have politics that speak on behalf of the middle and bottom of the socio economic hierarchy, and those who are pro-authoritarian who lie and spin will claim they care about the working class 99% of people but whose policies and actions only benefit the top of the socio-economic hierarchy. And this is what we have been calling and will continue to be calling "dark sorcery" - which are those who protect the corrupt power structures, because they secretly know that's where the vast majority of the money is. It's also what we'll continue to be calling progress - being lessening the mis-distribution of wealth, and regress being increasing the mis-distribution of wealth. As the top of the hierarchy is where the dark sorcery comes from. Because power corrupts and ultimate power rots. 

Now to sink down into polarized politics for a moment, the words conservative and liberal mean different things in different parts of the planet. So sometimes left-wing and right-wing. And in the US we, unfortunately, have a polarized winner take all two party system. One is the blue more liberal party and one is the red more conservative party. While we intentionally are going to not continue to blast out these terms through this series and instead frame things more in a truthful pro-democracy progressive stance and a untruthful pro-authoritarian regressive stance, we will say the liberal parties have typically enacted policies that speak more on behalf of the bottom and middle of the socio-economic hierarchy, which represents everyone, because they think people are fundamentally good, while the conservative parties have more enacted policies which speak on behalf of the top of the socio-economic hierarchy, which represent extremely few - because they think people are fundamentally bad and born in sin. This is why, in the United States, truth now has for the most part, an extreme, extreme, left wing bias and why democracy is inherently liberal - A liberal democracy. This is also why left wingers punch up at corporate greed and the ultra rich, while right wingers always punch down at the poor. Usually the poor and black and brown. This is why right wingers are always shitting on immigrants, let alone not even giving a toss about the plight of indigenous, still thinking to this day they are savages, while at the same time when they see Jeff Bezos, who literally looks like a James Bond villain, has spent $500,000,000 on a new yacht to use privately for himself, rather than having that money go to (hundreds of college educations for example) simply say, good for him! It's easier to protect the man than fight the man. It's easier to sell out and speak on behalf of greedy dark sorcerers by getting paid millions of dollars a year as a propagandist protecting the top of the hierarchy than it is to be a financially struggling independent journalist trying to speak truth to power against the levels of power and control. One of those is Goliath and the other is David. This is why most journalists and documentary filmmakers like ourselves are progressive pro-democracy and most propagandists are regressive pro-authoritarians. 

Wealth should be like weight. Where we don’t want people to be gaunt emaciated anorexic skinny poor where they look like a skin skeleton in a concentration camp with so little money they have to live in a back alley and freeze to death during the winter, nor should they be slothy Jabba the Hutt whales with enough money for 1000x lifetimes, but instead have a nice middle range to their frame where they have a moderate nestage for their children and with a lifetime of work, enough money to live maybe a few lifetimes. Creating little to no poverty and little to no morbid wealth. For a strong democratic free society, we should instead have a much more just distribution of wealth. Where out of the 100 people on an island, who all have various different skill sets, lead to each person not having a total equal 1% of the wealth, but some have maybe as high as 3% while others have half a percent, which varies based on hard work. Because then power is more structured across each person and everyone has a near similar voice in the democratic process. This is what pro-democracy America, which should be a healthy center point from extreme authoritarian left-wing communism or extreme authoritarian right-wing fascism, is all about. While to some extent the right vs left narrative is not the best framing, what could be said to be a better framing is up vs down, or progress vs regress.

The good news is overthrowing the monarchs and oligarchs is as American as apple pie. Although America fought a revolution against monarchy in 1776, regress likes what it was like under monarchy and tries to let oligarchy rise again, Texas has to this day long modeled itself after Russian oligarchs. Where their politics is crueler and meaner and you have a couple morbid regressive oil guys influencing nearly all the show. Yet, one of our favorite things about America is that in its 300+ year history, about once a century, we have overthrown the oligarchs. The last example of which was after the pain of the depression in the 1920's which made even more of the population poor, and WWII of the 1930's which put everything on the credit card, progressive Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought economic balance back through paying off the debt and enacting New deal policies that created the fastest growing largest middle class in the world for 40 years. Then after actor turned regressive political actor Ronald Wilson Regan (6 letters, 6 letters, 6 letters) put everything back on the credit card through Reaganomics, to then having Bidenomics reversing that and paying down the deficit. So the third round of that is the fight we are in at the time of this writing. And this is partially why we are doing our part to fight these dark sorcerers by making this series and the rest of our work.  

This doesn't mean that there isn't a majority of people from all walks of the more moderate spectrum, left leaning liberals, independence, and even moderate right leaning conservatives, which make up a pro-democracy coalition, cause there are, but it does mean that is we also, hand on heart honestly, look solely at the data on each of the two major US political parties' economic policy over the last hundred years, a primary tell of who is more democratic is how it deals with taxes within economic policy. As blue enacts higher tax rates on the wealthy because they know that's where all the money is, while lowering them on the middle class and the poor. While the red cuts taxes on the wealthy because they also know that's where all the money is and who funds their campaigns. Today's godzillionaires aren't funding parks or public works projects or donating to improve schools. They're buying private islands, sports clubs, mega yachts, penthouses on billionaire's row in NYC that are so high up you can't hear the city below, building giant Austin Powers like phallic cock rockets to joy ride into space, or paying poor brown people to shepard them up Mt. Everest, or going on rides on non James Cameron approved failing submersibles - all of which to stroke their egos. Yet most of all, they are buying up all the politicians on team red and too many on team blue. 

As concentrated wealth skyrockets, the amount the wealthiest Americans donate stays the same, barely covering inflation. Data shows that when the red cult implements their supposed tax breaks which are really stealing from the poor and middle and even some of the rich to give to the morbidly obese rich, charitable giving drops and job creation slows. They're hoarding wealth, which hinders economies and stifles the democratic process. Deficit wise, in the US, the majority of blue are trying to make the middle class strong, and make us more democratic, by increasing taxes for the wealthy which aim to correct our deficit. While Red is trying to make us more and more into a third world country by giving us tax cuts for the wealthy, increasing the deficit. So blue is more pro-democratic and financially responsible while red is more pro-authoritarian and financially irresponsible. Under red administrations the debt explodes to pay for these tax cuts which are really just stealing from the poor and middle class while under blue administrations we get financially responsible and correct the debt. Red may make the economy look good in the short term, but are just putting it on the credit card. One is short term thinking and the other is longer term thinking. So basically blue is like Robin Hood, taking from the morbidly rich who are doing perfectly fine thank you very much to give to the poor, while red is reverse Robin Hood. As tax cuts are redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class and even some of the upper class, to the godzillionaire class. And by this godzillionaire class, we are not talking about the rich. We and likely you are rich in the grand scheme of the world. We're talking about the morbidly obese rich / the pyramid capstone. Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney makes $27,000,000.00+ per year and that pales compared to some of these modern day rulers like Mohammed bin Salman. Anywhere in the world you see this grand canyon of wealth between an aristocratic class and the people, you see less freedom and democracy. Ending up in situations where you have one Indian asshole who has his own private skyscraper mere blocks from hundreds of thousands of peasants with little to no sanitation living in shanty slums - that is not a free and just democratic society. It's just pretending to be.

Godzillionaire dark sorcerer and wrinkled Sith lord Rupert Murdoch, who runs propaganda media throughout Australia, the UK, and the US, was once quoted in saying it's not about red or blue, it's about green. Which shows that all he really cares about is money. And the playbook the robber baron class has done for over 100+ years, often via converting the green of nature to the green of money, is to get the working class people to fight against one another and not follow the money - primarily over tawdry culture wars. And this is kicked off by enraging a less traveled, less educated, and pro-authoritarian religious faction that makes up red America by disparaging all government by we the people, because they hate people, trying to create cynicism and apathy from the people around said subject, while the robber barons secretly using it to their own favor. Lobbying and passing legislation to deregulate corporations, bail out banks, and give tax breaks for Ebenezer Scrooge. The classical word misdirection example of such is the use of the word socialism. Capital means private while social means sharing, so in a system that has some private capital and some public social, the most pro-democratic societies have achieved a good balance of these two things. This is commonly seen in Scandinavian countries for example that have good social services. Yet a long con in the US has been to denigrate the social for the common worker, making a boogie man out of the word socialism, yet anyone who has ever denigrated that word is perfectly happy, surprise surprise, to privatize gains and socialize losses and actually loves socialism... for the rich. This was seen in the 2008 banking crisis by bailing out crooks on Wall Street at the expense of taxpayers. 

So to pierce further through the veil here, for those that haven't long already left this series... if you've let even a fraction of your mind be given to you by the talking points of dark sorcery overlords who protect the top of the hierarchy and thus even remotely think what we've been saying is socialist which somehow equates to Marxist garbage... guess what it actually really is - real Christianity. It is accurate to say the largest Pastafarian contingency in the United States is composed of various denominations of Christianity. So at this point we will make the Earth shattering statement, and decode, through the socio-economic hierarchy, that much of it is not actually Christianity but instead just masquerading as such.

While all faiths have their important holy books, the bible is the primary text that Christians hold dear. Now, not claiming that this text is the literal word of sky daddy, only those from dumb-fuckistan proselytize that. As we're not dogmatically claiming that the Emerald Tablet is absolutely undeniably the literal word of Hermes Trismegistus and are attempting to shout such from the rooftops on a loudspeaker like some crazy street preacher, but will instead give it some credit looking at it as a book of morals. If one actually reads it, one will find it full of some ridiculously dumb things and goofy things (Ezekiel 23:20 speaks of donkey's genitals and emissions from horses for example) but then some really wonderful things as well. We'll get into the layers of exoteric fake storefront marketing job vs esoteric real Christ in a future essay, with the most surface level fake layer being corporeal white Republican Jesus, and layer 2 being the corporeal brown hippie from Palestine. But the Christ teachings from the bible, coming from an actual enlightened, and enLIGHTened is the key word (hint hint) man or not, for the most part we think are really beautiful teachings, are all about speaking on behalf of the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy - with compassion. Which, for your spiritual development, is your heart aspect.

Having previously shared in an essay in this series that one of the primary tenets of real Christian, and thus some level of real spiritual teaching, is both love God (meaning the divine omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator and thus also very importantly - its creation) as well as love thy neighbor. Far too many "christians" only claim to love their authoritarian sky daddy version of God and forget their neighbor. They instead distort the teachings to lose their morality to not love or care for others. They are divisive, hateful and only love the top of the hierarchy because of their authoritarian upbringings. Yet not only are the Jesus teachings not only criticizing that with statements like Matthew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”, they are speaking about loving thy neighbor, feeding the sick, clothing the naked, providing daily bread, defending the poor and needy, and being sympathetic to immigrants - whom most of the Israelites at the time were, as well as the golden rule. It speaks of being socially just and equitable. With ideals focused on shared communal responsibility. With dominion over the Earth being all of mankind - from all cultures and economic classes, not only Christians. It really sounds like the morals of the Jesus teachings condemned selfishness, say that poverty is morally unacceptable, and that we are simply being reminded to love one another. In thus we remind you of a second cyber key of decoding not just Christianity but any real Faith, pasta based or not.

If one is not willing to look at society from the standpoint of the middle class, let alone the poor, let alone the indigenous, let alone nature's natural animal kingdom, let alone the flora and fauna, they are not willing to look at it from the point of view of all spiritual life. But instead only rich people in an in group and not giving a toss about an underclass that will always be there. Street rats who are born street rats and will die street rats who can go die for all they care. This is what the imperial agents of the dark colonial religions of the empire have done, for thousands of years and are still doing today on behalf of their Ebenezer Scrooge overlords. Not only trying to crush the spiritual growth of each person but turn them from free sovereign within the community into an economic slave class through commerce. And this is a problem of religion, while there is good stuff at the tiny bullseye core of many of the world's faith teachings, we often don't see them acted upon because instead the world's religion's patriarchal hierarchy is the easiest place for the selfish and greedy to hide within. Always using doctrine from their texts supposedly written by divine hierarchy to just push their corruption, greed, and racial supremacy of economic hierarchy. Coating their hierarchical money greed in patriarchal hierarchical theological language to promote their relentless thirst for power and control. 

One of the main proofs for this, is that the main thing that really activated and kicked off the religious right, which should be called the religious wrong in the United States getting more involved in politics, and where we'll be heading in upcoming essays in this series, is in the 1970's the threats of losing their tax exempt status for their discriminatory practices. Instead of using government to enact rules and laws that help all of the hierarchy, from the middle out they are very happy to use government to do so just for the morbidly rich and screw everyone else. Enacting morally indefensible policies that endure vast suffering because of a vast chasm of wealth between the poor and the rich, with a hollowing out middle class. This is also why the African American churches tend to more honor the actual Christ teachings, because they're people are used to being more toward the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy and have been shat on since about the year 1619 since they were brought over as slaves and are continuing to work toward a multi racial democracy. And why we'll be using some of the voices of African American preachers, who actually are saying some spiritual things, in future episodes of this series.

Tithing is not about giving money to the already ultra rich, ultra regressive Mormon church. Redistributing wealth upwards. It's about giving a portion of your money to charity, to help those in need who have less than you. So if you see a modest sized church with a soup kitchen line, feeding the homeless, that may be an actual real church. If you see a church that looks like a shopping mall, or Superman's fortress of solitude, which was surely built on top of an older indigenous or pagan sacred site, run. And make sure and do your patriotic duty as a freedom lover of your country to call "Christians" who don’t speak and act on behalf of the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy CHINOS - Christians in name only or hypoChristians for their hypocrisy.