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Hail to the BEAVER!

Beavers are a keystone species. Meaning what they do, being amazing natural engineers for water, has a huge effect on countless other species which depend on water for their well being. In the mid 1800's to as recently the early 1900's our species were absolute dumb asses and considered them pests. Reducing their populations down in both Europe and North America to near nothing for unconscious reasons such as using their fur for bad fashion. And then after that, many rivers and waterways massively suffered. However, the fabulous news is these wonderful herbivore critters are coming back big time in both regions.

We are massive fans of both Capybara, which are the largest rodent on Earth, and beavers. The second largest. Some short doco pieces on the subject below. Hail to the BEAVER!

Leave it to Beavers

Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS!

Architects of The River

The Incredible Hulik and His Beavers

Heal the Planet with PONDS

The Giant Rat That Built America