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Essay: Gender And Sexuality Balance

In what seems like a rather none-ominous title mixed with a well, also a “here we go” title ”Gender And Sexuality Balance”, we are going to state some things here, specifically one main concept, which may make small minds absolutely steam with anger. We are also going to make a room splitting statement of truth in the later half of this one that will make these same minds absolutely boil. As always if you are a stark dogmatist, do not proceed any further.

We live in the material binary realm. Material meaning made of matter. From a material scientific perspective this is from atoms and molecules. Binary meaning relating to, composed of, or involving two things. Within this natural dynamic of the material world we have poles and opposites. The primary examples of this being night and day. And continuing examples being cold and hot, positive and negative electric poles, and what might even be the most obvious example, the two genders of female and male.

Yet, we come from unity. Oneness. Which we can think of as the unified mind, the collective of all things, highest genius, non-duality, highest aspect of the human soul, white light void of unity consciousness, the divine, etc... Which is pure light, pure love, pure energy, at infinity. This is what all timeless, ancient practices of philosophic, spiritual, highest level thought have always realized and communicated in their teachings. In Hebrew it is called Yasheda. It is non physical, non corporeal - meaning not having a body. From the most pedestrian standpoint, it can also be said to be the white light one transmutes into in a near death experience. For who can say for sure what happens when one dies but we suspect that it is a full sensory experience of melting into this pure overexposed light and a leaving of one's physical vessel which can no longer function, rejoining that highest frequency and thus none material light, you are a drop rejoining the cosmic ocean.

So we have two things. Two poles. Two opposites with a spectrum in between. Carry this idea on down the list as to how nature is structured. Which, alchemically can be divided further by a trinity of sulfur, mercury and salt. Then down into earth, air, fire, and water. So shall we say, from a spiritual perspective, 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and 3 becomes 4 to make up the basic building blocks of nature. If you want more detail on said dynamic, give a read, perhaps followed by years of study, to a book "The Golden Chain of Homer". Also called "Aurea Catena Homeri" which was originally written in German by Anton Josef Kirchweger, first printed in the early 1700's, it very well may be one of the most important books ever written which gives insight into how the world was made alchemically. With the idea that all creation, no matter what its nature, is closely interconnected from one secret correlation.

There is a much deeper story about what the one thing really is and why it created a material sub-division. But we could call it the creator, the divine, God, or in reference to our previous essay - The Flying Spaghetti Monster. The book would be a good source for diving  deeper into this concept, so we recommend doing so. But this this light brush over of the concept it is important to know that when things subdivide, and subdivide again, they still contain both aspects of the previous division. It is not all or nothing. For example a woman is a female externally, but a male internally and a man is a male externally but a female internally - both with various degrees on a scale. Where a tiny frail woman can be macho and a big male bodybuilder can be gentle.

Everything in the binary material has a scale of degree and it's actually not possible to have perfect balance. Although the best example of balance in the material realm is what nature shows us. For nature has near, but not perfect balance. Which translates to longevity and nature has lasted eons - meaning millions and millions of years. But nature is still evolving. Becoming more and more perfect yet can only be absolutely perfect when returning to complete unity. So certain dynamics here will graduate away from the material, back to the spiritual, the only place where this can be achieved.

So to recap, there is no binary in unity, but instead complete unity. Conversely, there is no complete unity (or perfect balance) in binary. So why in the heck man do we mention this now in round three of our pro-democracy political philosophy series? And here goes the dogmatic heads steaming part... Because a supreme being, in complete unity outside of binary, can not be exclusively a male. God does not have a penis. No supreme being, which is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, has soly a pair of testicles with no ovaries. It has instead evolved to the point of achieving complete unity in all things including the masculine and feminine. It has evolved into becoming non-binary. Hardy har har.

So whenever we hear the word “he” as referring to God, which likely happens millions of times a day in the realm of Earth, those doing so get the celestial red buzzer of incorrectness. To be fair, and in never ending attempts to seek more balance, on the other side of this coin, it is also not fully accurate to say mother nature. For nature is not inherently feminine. Peyote taught us this one. For our Peyote experience was very nature based in the masculine.

At this point it's important to state that the words "Man" or "He" in older language typically referred to both sexes. With Webster's 1828 definition of "Man" being - "Mankind; the human race; the whole species of human beings". And in Genesis 1:26 of the Bible, it says "And God said, Let us make man in our image." Man, not meaning soly males but females and male. So what is key to state here is that from the past there was often an inclusion of the female aspect of the species using languages from multiple hundreds of years ago all the way back to multiple thousands of years ago when the bible was written. Yet outside of that, there have been centuries of off balance giving the masculine, the male side of the gender, more importance within traditional religion. Which is bollocks. Fast forward to the blood spilling of the crusades all the way to today, most religiously affiliated folks, even the more lightly religious ones with more balance, Actually think of God (or the FSM) as a male, not female. Not in what it really is - androgynous.

Those who have been de-spiritualized, which is most of modern society and culture, can only have other's higher level experiences be most easily communicated to the largest groups of people via fables and myths literalized. IE, things in these old religious books are claimed to have really happened. We will get into the cons of the religions of the empire in due course but one of them is to take what is really inside and claim it is only outside. So a being which is so supreme, without body, in such an expanded, higher level, or dare we say risking sounding woo, higher dimensional state, which each and every one of us is a micro branch of, a node on its network, that can be accessed through the inside psychologically, is instead claimed to be a humanized corporealized form - A big man in the sky. This is why in the stars over eons constellations we're made from the clusters of stars turned into large man like characters. The astrotheology, degraded by theology, to corporealize (meaning give bodies to) what ancients thought of as their external, gods, up above. It's easier to try and understand what is such a spiritually expensive, non-languagable, psychedelic, experience of divinity and reduce it or degrade it, or simplify it, or water it down, or mirror it back to front by simply instead saying its physical and corporeal, and then take that long standing age old recipe of inaccuracy and simplicity and then unfortunately carry it into only one aspect of the binary. Which over time was more often than not, only one of two poles. The male one. For example, the Christian Trinity is said to contain the father, son, and the wholly ghost - what about mother, daughter, and the holy ghost? They are removing ½ of the equation. So the young keen mind who's not buying the indoctrination may already be able to tell they're being bullshitted.

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, professor, and author who initially became famous from pushing back against a bill advocating "compelled speech" regarding gender pronouns within the Canadian university system that he was a part of. Compelled speech, from either side of the binary political spectrum, absolutely does have issues but we will save discussion of this at another time. Peterson has argued that there is an ongoing "crisis of masculinity" and "backlash against masculinity" in which the "masculine spirit is under assault" due to modern cultural attempts to "feminize" men. Have one look at Korean boy bands and you'll 100% agree with him. As they look like plastic hybridized manikins and you can't quite tell if they are guys or gals. So some of his work we very much agree with, including that men need strong masculine role models in their lives but some we very much do not agree with. For we appreciate the masculine and this is not meant to be an exclusive hit piece against the masculine while only speaking positively of the feminine. Strong masculinity is important. We are a male and like being so. Engaging in chopping wood, carrying water, creating man glitter (otherwise known as sawdust), at times in recent years have wanted to punch someone in the face, have wanted to use our sex organs way more often than any female we've gotten naked with have, occasionally do accelerate our car very fast, and part of us very much sees the appeal in owning various stabbing and shooting weapons. We know someone who is a bit of a cowboy, who when upon returning back home from a flight, his wife picks him up from the airport and brings a soft pouch with his weapons. So that he can immediately put them on. It's marked "Husbands weapons". In much of the US, which has never matured beyond cowboy culture, its standard procedure to have your glock as part of your everyday carry. The feminine part of us thinks this is ridiculous and unnecessary but an aspect of the masculine part of us sees the point and thinks, fair enough, they should have the freedom to do that - in certain public areas. A strong male who is a protector and caretaker is important and not to be undervalued. But so is a strong female who is also a protector and caretaker and what we are talking about is balance. Which is finding equal importance in each.

Peterson happens to also have become quite heavily religious, which he and anyone else are more than welcome to be, but in doing so is increasingly part of a system where those who become more  fundamentalist within said system disagree with obvious examples of patriarchy through the past and present. Where the King had higher control than the queen. And bloodlines of male heirs were encouraged over female ones. Which still continues to this day by male dominance in the majority of the authoritarian world, and even still has reminiscence in the more democratic world. With it being commonplace still to shake a man's hand over a woman's hand. Or mention the man first in speech before the woman. Which has led to the statement "ladies first" as a modern day counter weight. Patriarchy has certainly very much been the name of the game in both the political and business worlds. But no one, not even the ultra modern day boiler rooms of wall street are more patriarchal than what Peterson is on the team for - religion. For in the most extreme forms of religion male dominance is the absolute way. This is being seen as the time we write this by the Afghan Taliban who are declaring women unable to attend school or even have employment. In extreme sects of Mormonism polygamy has long been a thing. In which a man can have multiple wives. Increasing the value of the male, because there's only one of them and decreasing the value of the female, because there's multiple of them. One can tell us there’s no patriarchy when a woman can have multiple husbands but not the other way around. Or in the extremes of the Muslim world when a woman has to wear the Hijab but the men can wear almost anything they want. No matter how much skin is showing. Let's see a man wearing a full body covering with his wife walking in the 114 degree weather with a thong bathing suit and flip flops. Show us that along with not referring to God as "he" and then there will be no religious patriarchy. And to be fair, since we often advocate for the shamanic, we have also spent time with a shamanic tribe which leaned patriarchal, where only men seem to be taking up the shamanic path, but not the tribe's women.

Energetically, Western cultures tend to see the sun or son as male. Which spreads hotness or the positive pole of polarity. Being associated with the element of fire. While the Moon spreads coolness or the negative pole of polarity. Being associated with the element of water. The moon has a relationship with ocean tides. My wife is an OB/GYN doctor which encompasses the two subspecialties of obstetrics (covering pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period) and gynecology (covering the health of the female reproductive system – vagina, uterus, ovaries, breasts and all those wonderful things). She and I know in our marital schedule that it is guaranteed that she’ll be doing at least one, if not multiple baby deliveries on the full moon because it's so common. Like an egg timer. Our daughter came on the full moon.

The positive pole goes outward and the negative pole goes inward. Positive and negative not to be confused with their emotions. For positive is not good while negative is not bad. Same with growth, powered by the sun, and decay, powered by the moon. Both of which have equal importance. Masculine energy is said to be more the mind (thinking), while feminine energy is said to be more the heart (feelings).

Physically men typically have more upper body strength, in their chest and arms. While women typically have more internal body strength in their lower body. With men having larger wider chests and shoulders and women having wider, more curvy hips and butts which are both thought to be signs of beauty. One is certainly more designed to chop wood while the other is more designed to birth children. This does not mean that a male is not a culinary rockstar or a woman can't crack skulls in battle while wearing warrior regalia 6 months pregnant. It also doesn't mean either has greater or lesser value, but they compliment themselves perfectly.

Men tend to do things more externally. Which materially does extend to being outside. As men evolved to be more hunter gatherers while the women evolved to be more the child bearers staying with little ones inside. Womens threshold for being cold is typically lower than mens. The males facial hair, as a tool of keeping the face warm in colder weather is an obvious evolutionary example of such. Foraging for nuts and greens or killing meat and bringing it back to the shelter to feed the woman so the woman can then feed the baby via the boob have equal importance.

Women have concave sexual organs. Going inward. Men have convex sexual organs. Going outward. Without getting into the birds and the bees we know they are designed to work together. In binary material both human genders, each containing their own sexual organs and plumbing, must combine to create another human and hermaphroditism - meaning having dual sexual organs only occurs in botany (plants) and most invertebrates on the outside. In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal external condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which either partner can act as the female or male. Using their dual organs at the same time, but they lack the ability to undergo self-reproduction. In very rare circumstances, a mammal, including a human, can be born with dual sexual organs, but without the inability to self replicate. Outside of androgyny in some species, it is not possible to do without one of each of the sexes. Not only should this be proof that a creator, which can self-replicate, must contain both sexes, it brings us to androgyny in mythology. The androgyne (from the Greek words gune "woman" and andros "man,") is a creature that is half male and half female. In myth, such a creature is usually a god (because it can only exist out of the binary) and in terms of its sexual hardware is called a hermaphrodite, after Hermaphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphrodite - "herm" "aphrodite" - In religious parlance, androgyny is a much more comprehensive and abstract concept than is implied by the literal image of a creature simultaneously male and female in physical form. To say that God is androgynous differs from saying that God is an androgyne. But if we limit ourselves to the relatively narrow interpretation of the bisexual god, usually a creator, we are still dealing with a very broad and important religious concept. So we would encourage, if you are taken into occasional reading of religious texts, trying to find the minority amount that's the good stuff, to pay attention to Gods referred to as androgynous.

Now remember when we said that the God / Flying Spaghetti Monster creation subdivides, its divisions contain both aspects of the previous division? Also when we said women are men on the inside and men are women on the outside? The internal sexuality becomes inverted when one is homosexual, and just like with religious beliefs or practice, this is a sliding scale. When one is heterosexual, being attracted to the opposite sex, their internal sexuality is mirrored back to front / front to back. When one is bi-sexual, these internal dynamics are more leveled out the same. When one is homosexual but you wouldn't know it from their behavior or mannerisms, their internal sexuality has slightly flipped. When their sexuality is more externally predominant to the point where they begin to externalize their flipped pole exponent, their internal sexuality has also become more amplified. Examples being where you see a gay woman externalize her male aspect, with a more butch style masculinized lesbian who might look like a construction worker or a feminized gay male man with the lisp - both who prefer to somewhat cross dress. This is also seen in more of an extreme degree with drag queens. Where they amplify their opposite sex dress to a very heavy degree. Within the more extreme sexuality component flip amplifications, this is also where one is transgender or transexual. Meaning their gender expression does not correspond with their sex assigned at birth. Where they likely have always had feelings of being the opposite sex in an incorrect body. In the early stages of being trans, at whatever age, they are likely going through a sexual identity crisis, not being sure where they stand, meaning trying to figure out who they are and then once moving past the denial stage into the acceptance stage of their underlying urges, further along become in the physical process of transitioning to the opposite sex through hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgery. Which is a process that can not only be quite expensive, but take years. So due to numerous circumstances, one being a lack of resources, many trans people throughout the world, such as let's say financially impoverished gay male who lives in the slum favelas of Rio De Janeiro will spend the remainder of their life with breasts and a penis. Being a “tranny” which are never able to fully flip their inverted internal and external sexuality toward their preference during their lifetimes.

Since we are on team democratic love over team authoritarian hate, we will caveat that it's important to be understanding, accepting, and supportive of others' struggles through life. Virtually every bi-sexual, lesbian, gay, or trans person deals with psychological difficulties in their lifetimes due to their composition of their internal and external gender and sexuality and if they come from religious households this struggle is even more amplified. But at the same time there has been an attempt within the trans community, supported by the larger gay community to allow certain people to label themselves as "non-binary" which is simply not accurate in the binary material. We accept and understand that the gay community is always adding new language because we personally are also all about new language. At the time of this writing the gay community's current labeling has expanded to LGBTQIA+ and will likely expand more in future years, but at the same time it must do things accurately to fully educate and not undermine itself. For a variety of reasons within culture and society, one being legal forms, if someone claims they are something they are not that's called lying. This was seen by an attractive, very feminine blond woman, with heavy makeup and a cross around her neck (as a sigil of her faith), going into a sympathetic LGBTQIA+ organizations building to fill out paperwork with a camera crew. She then requested the paperwork label her as a man, which she obviously was not. Which was her way of trying to highlight on camera what she perceived as ridiculous and what she would claim as a non-traditional or non-natural way of it all.

While in extremely rare occurrences it is possible for a human being to be born with dual sexual organs, they will always have one intended primary external and internal sexual gender. Folks who claim that they are non-binary are simply in the subset of homosexuality being transgenderism / transsexualism undergoing some stage of their transition period. Wherever they are in their personal fashion or hormone treatments, and regardless of what other titles like pansexual, asexual, or intersex they are using. The claiming of they or them would be more accurately and truly described as "female transitioning to male" or "male transitioning to female" and would also help reduce confusion and lack of education around such issues. Such as when someone who is born a woman, with ovaries, realizes they are gay, and trans, then begins to adopt male dress and a male haircut, then takes on male hormone treatments, then grows male facial hair, then decides before they have gender reassignment surgery, they would like to have a child, then has artificial insemination through their soon to be removed vagina to their still remaining ovaries, then becomes what appears by all view from the outside, a pregnant guy with a beard.

If someone is oppressing their internal sexuality, it tends to amplify extremes. So back to the flamingly gay drag queen, they are a bible-thumping homophobic hater on the inside. And yes, homophobic bible thumping hate spewers are repressed gay drag queens on the inside. This is why the bible belt in the United States, has been for year after year after year, by far the highest viewer of gay pornography. Instead of openly accepting gay cities in which horny gay consenting adults, in the privacy of their own bedrooms, are free to go at it with each other without needing to masturbate to gay porn, and more power to em, those who secretly would like to do that, are instead repressing it. It's also why, in the United States you see anti-gay, gay supposed Christian Republicans. Who advocate for and attempt to pass legislation which limits the rights of gay people. Even though they are secretly gay themselves.

Ultra macho, pickup, hookup and leave one night stand, chauvinism is off balance. My wife had a lesbian female patient, who had a female partner. They were not the usual loving gay type, but the man disliking gay type. When my wife asked some questions about the father they were so off balance offended against the masculine that they corrected her by saying “you mean donor”, with a “how dare you mention the male aspect of our pregnancy” attitude. Not healthy. These are all issues of being off equilibrium. For over Masculinity is off balance - over femininity is also off balance.

We will get into another component of the real and noble and good spiritual core of religion vs the religions of empire in the next essay - which is the love aspect or hate aspect (both to do with the feminine heart), but even though a classic talking point of more extreme religion is its claim that it is always under prosecution, the truth is that bisexual and homosexual people have had a long history of discrimination from religion. Engaging in attacks against transgenderism. Claiming heterosexuality is the only natural way when in nature we find all forms of sexuality. Other mammals such as bull cows or certain primates if left alone without females constantly start humping one another of the same sex. To give credit for less extreme modern aspects of religion, some conventional abrahamic systems of faith have made much progress in this area in just our lifetimes. Supporting democratic societies which allow for private practices of any type of sexuality amongst consenting adults and its surrounding education. Because that includes everyone, not just a select group. While authoritarian, patriarchal societies disapprove of, or dis-allow, or punish anything that is not solely heterosexuality. And usually a very repressed form of it.

Now, we approach the room splitter and dogmatic mind boiler. Just as not all gay men have a lisp in their voice. Feminizing it on the outside, only gay men have a lisp. Not all religious people are against birth control and abortion but only religious people are against birth control and abortion. Being anti-choice or anti-abortion or even anti-birth control has fuck all nothing to do with life. Pro-life is a lie, lie, lie. If anti-choice folks were really pro-life, they would care about the loss of species biodiversity, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about the lives of migrant refugee children dying in the Mexican desert on their way into Texas and Arizona, or drowning in the Mediterranean, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care about the lives of animals being slaughtered in factory farms, which they do not. If they were really pro-life, they would care more about the lives of second graders more than the second amendment. Which they do not. If they were really pro life, they would care about the lives of children born into households where they are not wanted and unloved, which they do not. They are forced birth don’t care about life because that removes the final decision from the woman, and turns her back into a mandatory baby factory. Limiting women's access to abortion and contraception is about power and control. Specifically patriarchal control over the divine feminine. Full stop. This is because both birth control and abortion are tools which empower the feminine. The store font marketing campaign against abortion claims to be advocates for the unborn, allows for a faux quasi highest morality stance while then hiding their actual not giving a shit about the acorns which they claim are oak trees after they are born. So women who are crusaders against a woman's right to choose have been mind controlled  to be self-disempowering.

Doing some research of what life was like for women prior to the advent of birth control, which is a preventative, and abortion, which is a much more difficult decision but an available option of choice, and you'll find it was staggeringly more difficult and disempowering for them. Women were basically considered second class, completely subservient to males, and sperm repositories who were only valued for their bodies and the ability to continue the population instead of for their leadership capabilities and infinity other possibilities. Strong women in democratic society control access to sex. In authoritarian past cultures like fascist Italy, women were pushed to have as many children as possible - by force. In more authoritarian cultures of today, male to female rape within marriage is still essential legal. This is because all woman can then do is stay at home and raise children, even from a very young age. And then have less say in their own plans for education, independence, travel, career, politics, and say outside of the household. This is why we are amazed why any woman is heavily religious. And why any woman votes for authoritarianism is a contrary position, and can only occur because of a heavy indoctrination into a system of patriarchy. For the religions of the empire have always dis-empowered the feminine.

Not only do more free & democratic leaning societies always allow simple access to birth control and abortion, they are always more co-balanced on their gender importance. While those who are more pro-authoritarian are patriarchal. There is also evidence in the historical record that in higher consciousness ancient civilizations, before the religions of empire spread, that the patriarchy (those going outward from their society) were the decision makers, and the matriarchy (going inward for their society), were equally respected decision makers and both had just as much say in terms of their tribe, culture, and society. But guess who were the final when all what said and done decision makers? The matriarchy. The wise female elders who often lived longer than the males. One piece of evidence carried down in culture and myth still to this day which is proof of this can be found in the ancient game of chess. Where the queen is actually more fluid than the king. Not only being able to move one square per move, but the entire length of the board per move. That’s power. So it’s not surprising that educated, smart, strong, independent, and spiritually powerful women, who are each capable of one day becoming the Queen of the chess board, don't like attempts at having their rights reduced.