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Inside the strange world of NFTs

Non Fungible Token’s have some great potential and we have some future interest with them in regards to our photography. The Psychedelic Salon did a podcast worth your time on the potentials of the technology as well here -

We are all for a photographer making thousand of dollars off one photograph or a painter making potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars off one painting. Damn straight! However, when bad art illustrations are making millions there is clearly a glitch in the Matrix. To be honest, the space is currently a massive economic bubble 90%+ of which is about shallowness, superficiality, douche baggery, commercialism, and vast swats of garbage art.

No, we don’t dogmatically think the world is flat but just how all flat Earth resurgence material came from one dude name Eric Dubay ( who began publicly sharing in a quite articulate way what was essentially re-dug up flat Earth philosophy and inspiring thousands of others in the process, it’s extremely obvious NFT’s have become a thing rushing every digital artist with independent works to them in droves solely also because of one guy. Mike Winkelmann also known by the goofy name “Beeple” ( was at the right place at the right time in which he went into Photoshop, made a collage of years of his pre-existing works, and sold it for nearly $70 some million dollars worth of Ethereum. Now, every digital creator in the space wants to have the same happen to them.

The Guardian did this short doco piece titled “Inside the strange world of NFTs” which is worth a watch -

Notice the unsophistication (and douche baggery) of the pro-NFT folks featured in it and the sophistication of Jacob Silverman, a journalist who’s featured in the last section of it, who’s been a vocal critic of the space.