Just as in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and other locations of similar latitude, much of the state of California can be classified as a Mediterranean Climate.
Characterized by dry and hot summers with mild, wet winters.
As both natural and anthropogenic climate change accelerates, forests are becoming more grasslands, and the grasslands are becoming more deserts. Hopefully bringing more rain but also increasing the intensity of summers.
One way to manage summer at its most extreme is to engage in outdoor activity in the mornings, evenings, or at night.
Managing the elements of earth, air, fire, or water.
For just as humanity has the capability for massive amounts of destruction, we also have equal if not more capability for stewardship.
Which, in your golden years, during summertime, it’s more preferable to do under cover of darkness.
Title: Night Stewardship
Production: Aurora-Lab
Writer / Director / Narrator: Niles Heckman
Featuring: Brad Heckman
Score: Marow - Samsara (My Cosmic Dust Will Still Love You)