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Long Form Movement

Our short form projects are horribly delayed yes. We’ve been working crazy hour 6-day weeks for the freelance day job gig and every month they keep extending us. So the essays and narrations will rise again but are still in the slow mode.

However, there is movement on the long term project front. We are squeaking in some longer form writing on our Blue Hours script and there is definite movement on the third episode of Shamans of the Global Village. Which is looking like it will focus on Iboga / Ibogaine and shoot in June in Costa Rica and July in Africa believe it or not. Even with Covid chaos.

Speaking of Africa, February is Black History month in Canada and The United States. Otherwise known as African-American History Month. I’m proud of my European heritage but also recognize that as the empire spread European cultures have had a history of being imperialist and colonialist assholes. Also that the US is a great place but the legacy of American empire is that of systemic racism and enslavement. Much of which many cultures still suffer from today and both Native Americans and African Americans have historically been on the majority of receiving and that still continues to this day.

Recent cell phone footage of a fight between a white teenager and a black teenager shows that when broken up by two cops they push the two teens apart, tackling and forcing the black teen to the ground, handcuffing him by force. While essentially leaving the white teen to stand there without a slap on the wrist.

Here are three documentaries worth your time which showcase some historical plight of African American’s:

King in the Wilderness chronicles the final chapters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, revealing a conflicted leader who faced an onslaught of criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. Especially when starting to speak out against the useless and unnecessary Vietnam War.

Honorable Link:
Naughty Link:

Attica revisits prison massacre made worse by media malpractice fifty years later, a new documentary examines the legacy of the prison riot, and how the media helped sell a false narrative around what really happened.

Honorable Link:

Naughty Link:

13th explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans. Primarily through the deceptive “War on Some Drugs.”

Honorable Link:

Naughty Link: