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Anon Casualties

We’re 50/50 or less on conspiracies and have very much been conscious to not make our work solely about “conspirituality”. While there’s usually more to a story than what’s been put out on the surface and some “conspiracy theories” turn out to be true, a larger percentage are a distraction at best or a mental health damager at worst.

We also try to only speak on politics in terms of striving for equilibrium, but there is so much political tumult in the world and the United States specifically due to 40+ years of reverse Robin Hood redistribution of wealth (socialism for the rich, and cut throat capitalism for the poor) which has resulted in wealth inequality moving back toward the economic ratios of medieval feudalism.

When times are extra tough, a country’s populous is forced into looking deeper at structural problems with society. Some do this in rational ways looking at what could expand liberty and freedom for all while others look to cult leaders to preserve their FreeDUMB.

This sub-Reddit is a support group for people who have a family member or entire family which have been torn apart by the dark black hole that is QAnon. A theory which claims that a mentally ill grifting criminal conman from “reality” television is the sole savior of the American republic:

It highlights the real world pain and hardship caused by family members falling down such negative spirals. Which might identify an accurate problem or two, (or mirror those accurate problems back to front) but then go into clown world with their proposed solutions.

‘Q: Into The Storm’ is an investigative documentary series on HBO which is also worth your time: