So this one's not really a narration, as I didn't add any voice over since I thought it was quite self explanatory. These ultra short documentary pieces are just fun side projects. Mainly used to refine technique and test hardware so that I can potentially screw up on these less important projects and not the more forefront ones.
Our main two subjects are this gentleman Doc Hale and my dad, Brad, who both want to be out in nature any chance they can get. Doc has recovered from having a very serious melanoma on his face which meant he had to have a massive amount of it cut off and skin grafted. Thus he looks like a combination of the character Two Face from the Batman comic books mixed with some kind of wizard. Yet he's an amazing person. He's one of the most promenade wildlife experts in the state of California who's on speed dial for needs related to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. His website is at
This piece was shot with them doing some catch and release in a nearby town's stream to check the health of the river. Which actually has quite a bit of life inside.