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An Introduction to Philosophical Photography

As a Documentarian, for us, that has very much developed into being both for moving as well as still images. So over the last few years we’ve been meaning to do more with our documentary photography.

Documentary photography usually refers to a popular form of photography used to chronicle events or environments both significant and relevant to history as well as everyday life. Our favorite subgenre of doco photography has always been street photography, being the candid photographing of unfamiliar subjects usually in urban environments, for numerous reasons. Mainly because we primarily find ourself in major cities when traveling. When we were on The Radiant Creators podcast, we actually talked about the juxtaposition of our still work usually being urban while our filmmaking work is more rural and nature based.

Photography is the most popular hobby in the world so it’s obvious there is a very large amount of people interested in it. With this very large pool, we certainly realize the vast majority of them are not interested in esoteric spiritual philosophy, so we’ve decided to make a seperate YouTube channel for just the street & documentary photography (which can be found HERE) in which we’ll share very sporadic videos on both technique as well as galleries of the work, with the associated philosophical quotes included as voice over - just like we’ve always had on the Philosophical Photography photo blog of this website. This video content will certainly be more watered down than some of our more esoteric outputs but the appeal here is that it should allow us to still insert snippets of wisdom into a much larger more main stream audience. Using both the quality of the photography and the sharing of our various techniques as to how we create it as initial attractors.

Knowing the negative aspects of YouTube we have zero intention of being a “YouTuber” so we’ll never even mention that title in any of our videos and will always keep an eye out for other future platforms to post the video work from both of our channels to. In the early days of the essays, we actually did them on camera, under the brand name Philosophical Photography. Since the essays became way easier to put together and mainly edit as voice only, that eventually got chucked, but the base premise was always there. We’re now looping around doing on camera stuff here because we do really need to be seen and not just heard a bit more, as we suffer from always being behind the camera (and microphone) and thus out of sight which often means out of mind.

We don’t also plan on making this our main thing, but along with travel for future film projects, have always liked the idea of teaching some occasional street photography workshops in exotic places. We’ll likely post one video every other month or maybe even only one a quarter, and include them here, perhaps as early previews. Since our podcast conversations are a bit paused for the majority of this year, expect outputs on this front along with continuing essays, as well with updates for future long form film projects.