So in continued attempts to get a bit more out of obscurity, with the exception of you amazing folks, those who have watched our films, and those who listen to the free aspects of the podcast, as we would like to not have our work known by a larger audience only posthumously, we are doing a bit of a re-brand to the podcast.
We’re not changing the name (again) but are chucking the alchemical logo as it’s a bit too occult looking and replacing it with our more simplified logo for and our life philosophy of “The Individualization Trinity” consisting of growth, balance, and creativity. Behold!
Square thumbnails for mp3 episode tags borrowing from our past designs in the flavor of Novelty Generators, Transmutation, and Balanced Opposites.
When we have female guests we will use the nighttime version version, the moon = female. When we have male guests we will use the daytime version version, the sun = male. The eclipse we’ll use for when we have hermaphrodite guests. (Joke).
No I didn’t pay anyone to do these, I did them myself in one day using some preexisting imagery. As it really helps as an independent media creator to have design skills. A while back we inquired with some of the artists who our amazingly past / present / future patrons of our work about perhaps doing their own versions of the Infinite Path logo, but in hindsight I was the asshole because at the time I didn’t have any budget allocated to offer. We also checked in with Victor Mosquera about re-designing the logo and he was crazy expensive. And of course like every slightly known artist on the internet, he’s now hopping on the NFT train. Shocker!
We mentioned this in a previous update, but we’re aiming to keep the storefront public version of the podcast more about spiritual and continue to move a bit more into motivational philosophy. Keeping more esoteric and occult elements for our members only content. Since very few people know much of anything about real esotericism, so it’s best to not put that right front and center.
Ryan Peverly, who used to be the host of Occulture podcast, and after having created a Limited Liability Company around it, shortly after dumped it to go back to school for nutrition after stating that “Very few people are interested in the themes I talk about on the podcast.” And that was after it had gotten more known than anything I’ve created.
Rak Razam and I occasionally talk about how both of us share the commonality of being completely unwilling or wanting to do the endless marketing / promotion sorcery one has to in order to become more “business successful” even in areas that slightly touch the spiritual. So Shamans of the Global Village has yet to get its big break and get more financing.
For being nearly a decade into creating top quality films, photography, podcasts, essays, etc… Yet, I am a bit tired of having some of the best but LEAST KNOWN material on the entire internet which seems allergic to press. And it boggles the mind when we occasionally see someone who makes one short film and then gets a feature deal, or writes one book and then blows up with all sorts of press/publicity/agents, etc… So I’m always slowly adjusting things to improve and find some level of equilibrium in terms of visibility without being too commercial.
The new logo pack can be downloaded from here: