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Napoleon Hill Lecture - Positive Mental Attitude

This one is very worth your time. It’s a speech from 1963 by Napoleon Hill regarding having a positive mental attitude. It was filmed as well so there are both video and audio versions.

Private Video Link:

Private Audio Download:

The highlight is when he concludes with his “12 Great Riches for Life.” They are:

1 - A Positive Mental Attitude
2 - Sound Physical Health
3 - Harmony in All of Your Human Relations
4 - Freedom from Fear
5 - Hope of Future Achievement
6 - The Capacity for Applied Things
7 - A Willingness to Share Your Blessing with Others
8 - To Be Engaged in A Labor of Love
9 - An Open Mind on All Subjects to All People
10 - Complete Self Discipline
11 - Wisdom in Which to Understand People
12 - Financial Security