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Book Share: The Fulcanelli Phenomenon

In the realm of sharing books, this one is worth your time and is from 1980. The author was  Kenneth Rayner Johnson who passed away in 2011. Interestingly enough, while being primarily a horror fiction writer, he also penned this very peculiar esoteric work The Fulcanelli Phenomenon: The Story Of A Twentieth Century Alchemist In The Light Of New Examination Of The Hermetic Tradition

It is out of print and VERY DIFFICULT to find online. After dispatching our secret minions around the digital landscape of the world wide web, dark web, and under web, we have come back with gold at the end of the rainbow. So here it is for you fine excellent folks!


*Obviously we are interested in very obscure and occult + esoteric texts which we share here. Of which 99.99999% of muggle humanity could absolutely care less about. Yet you fine folks are obviously a bit more Jedi like by being interested in, let alone caring enough to support, our work. Hence our sharing the more esoteric private stuff to you via this platform. As the podcast slowly continues, we've been thinking about keeping more of the esoteric stuff (such as Hermeticism and alchemy) more behind the private gates and have more (slightly) broader appeal content regarding mindfulness, personal development, and self empowerment more in the public half of the content. On that front, a more broad appeal recent text which we really enjoyed and would also recommend is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. There is an audiobook version of it but we will hold off from sharing here because the author is young and very much still alive. 

*We've also corrected the error in the audiobook from our previous book share, TOLTECA where the voice went EQUALS EQUALS EQUALS. So do re-download that link for the fix if you fancy!