Dave Monds is a hidden gem on the internet. His blog and podcast, The Here and Now are great. Yet, they suffer from having a very generic name. In the podcast space, it's also a name of two other podcasts, one on National Public Radio and the other a Ram Dass podcast. So to date his show is very obscure and unknown. Yet it is really good so please do check them out and perhaps send some love his way at very least in the form of clicking 5 stars for his podcast in iTunes.
He and I had been corresponding due to the similar nature of our outputs. With his show consisting of mainly solo monologue episodes similar to our spoken-word essays. As podcasting involves sending audio creations out into the digital either and then usually not getting much feedback, the medium can really feel like you're on the dark side of the moon. So show hosts really do need to cross-promote one another and we decided to do a co-share and appear on each others ventures. Here's mine chatting on his and he will be on our upcoming episode 103.