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Study The Life Work Of

*This list has privately been e-mailed to folks in the past but here it is as a post as well.

All good information comes from the bottom up and not the top down. So never from rich universities, governments, corporations, aristocrats, celebrities, or the vast majority of main stream historical figures. Instead it comes from rough outsider individuals - Philosophers, magicians, mystics, shamans, sages, druids, witches, etc...  who have never been accepted by the village or township or city populous. 

So first, finding folks who know their stuff is difficult. As there are so many charlatans out there. Who are usually always either a dogmatist, salesmen, or both. When distilling a list, it's so hard to say something like "these folks are legit" which implies so many others not mentioned are, well... not. Which is certainly not the case as there are many more names I'm planning to get on here as well. Some of whom have been on the podcast and even a couple who support my work. Perhaps a better way to phrase this list is "these are folks who's bodies of work I have personally gotten the most out of to date" and suggest you look into them as well for study. 

I tweak this list a bit here and there annually, so expect it to be a living document. Adding on folks who's work I discover and absorb, and occasionally taking one off here and there if need be. That being said, please do anytime privately share other specific individuals who have influenced you as well. As we are always all ears.

Rudolf Steiner

Carl Jung
Eric Dollard
Alexander Paine
Walter Russel
Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers
Helena Blavatsky
James Allen
Dion Fortune
Nikola Tesla
George Gurdjieff
Rubaphilos salfluĕre
P.D. Ouspensky
Samael Aun Weor
Viktor Schauberger
William Walker Atkinson
Terence Mckenna
Manly Palmer Hall
Giordano Bruno
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz
Josephine McCarthy
Aleister Crowley
Alexandra David-Néel
Henry Steel Olcott
Paul Foster Case
Wilhelm Reich
Robert Anton Wilson
Mark Stavish
Carlos Castaneda
Neil Kramer
John Dee
Neville Goddard
Israel Regardie
Edgar Cayce
John Michael Greer