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Know More News


 Adam Green's "Know More News" channel(s)

So the small esoteric inner core of religion has great aspects, but exterior political big religion is bad. Many of us are not fans of religious, scientific, or materialistic dogma across the board, regardless of what system it stems from. 

Hubs for big religion are Mecca in Saudi Arabia, The Vatican for Catholicism in Rome, and Israel for Judaism. If you do some digging on “Triple Crown Trinity” you may be able to find  sources on these being hubs of religious control and their ties to banking and military. 

If you had asked me a couple years ago, which one of these is the biggest problem at this point in the timeline, I would have said the Vatican for numerous reasons. Which I did when I was on Ryan Peverly's "Occulture" podcast. Yet, as I get older and wiser, I’m realizing its Israel. Which is super bad news folks. Due to their political behaviors, and their current political iron grip on the United States, claiming to be one of the US's best friends, but very often just using the US and its military for their own gain. All US middle East occupations and actions are secretly for Israel for example.

Now, there is a difference between criticizing these hubs of power, and criticizing people of those faiths. Most of the Muslims, Christians, Catholics, and Jews on the planet are good and peaceful people. It’s a major mistake to be a loser from the Ku Klux Clan or some Neo Natzi group and blanketly dismiss and entire race or belief of people, yet their is an absolute Grand Canyon of difference between that, and criticizing the policies and leaders of these hubs of power, and the people within them that perpetuate them. Political leaders within Judaism especially have special PR marketing tricks and traps they use whenever one criticizes Israeli war crimes. Countering with constant attempts to label them the same as folks who narrow mindedly criticize Jews as a whole. It’s their special blanket term “Anti-Semetic”. For it's Israel's behavior itself which is what really spreads "Antisemitism" around the world.

The trail and history (HIS STORY) goes much deeper, and I never aim to soley focus on parapolitics, but in order to do my part to speak out against these wrongs, I will continue to share more of this information in the future. So expect essays and discussions from me both privately and publicly in the future.

To dive in to this sobering but important material, which you will never ever hear from top down news, especially from within the United States, Adam Green's independent venture “Know More News” is worth your time. He does a pretty extensive job of highlighting Israeli skullduggery. While not falling into the traps of bigotry that overarchingly dismisses all people of Jewish faith.