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So this essay is PRECISELY the reason we have a members section. To keep some of the more juicy and perhaps controversial information / claims / research within an initial set of castle gates.
Cancer is a very sensitive subject yes. Many of us may have lost a loved one to cancer. My mom’s cousin Ron, who was in his 70’s just died of cancer last year. I myself had a bit of what you might call “a cancer scare” a couple months back. Before a creepy virus had become a global problem, there was a weird poke / inner lump in my lower throat / upper esophagus which was not going away. Even after a couple months! That was a bit freaky because Ron died from esophageal cancer. I had an endoscopy and even though they didn't find anything, it felt immediately way better after that and has since finally gone away. Leading me to believe it was a small bone or plastic part of my night teeth retainer which had gotten lodged in there and the endoscopy camera dislodged it.
I had known about various claimed natural cancer cures for numerous years, (see the episode of the podcast with Greg Carlwood in which we went over a list of them) and had sent basic information on Essiac Tea and Rick Simpson Oil to Ron via e-mail after his diagnosis, but never got a reply to the e-mail. He died about 6 months later after undergoing chemotherapy.
These two incidences got me back researching some of these claimed alternate natural cures. Mainly Essiac Tea and Rick Simpson Oil. Due to my own experience, I might take this essay and use it as the script and voice over for a potential future short documentary film on Essiac, with footage of me sharing a bit of my cancer scare story as a prologue. But will see if that actualizes as the next short doc in due course, as that would take weeks if not months of work when a spoken word essay can be banged out way quicker and be almost just as effective in terms of reach.
Of course please do your own research. As all information on this subject feels valid to me, there's always more to learn regarding. Personally, I have acquired a bag of the real tea herbs and have been and plan to continue to take a small amount of Essiac tea daily from now on as a preventive measure.
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