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Your Wish Is Your Command

Your Wish Is Your Command -

A lecture by Kevin Trudeau. Yes, I said Kevin Trudeau. We know he's a super controversial figure and arguably a con-man. I'm sharing it because it's a good lesson in discernment as I recently sent this to someone as an example of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, because there are some amazing gems in it. Essentially de-occulting some real and very empowering and excellent New Thought material. 

First, a blurb on what "New Thought" is. The contemporary New Thought movement is a loosely allied group of spiritual denominations, authors, philosophers, and individuals who share a set of beliefs concerning metaphysics, positive thinking, the law of attraction, healing, life force, creative visualization, and personal power. It's basically old empowering knowledge sharing the Hermetic principal of mentalism and that's why I like it. Essentially saying that not only are thoughts causative but they have a profound significance on our creative potential to bring things into manifestation. There are numerous New Thought texts which came out around the turn of the century and can be thought of as glass half full positive thinking and a pre-curser to modern day self-help books. The material is of course not perfect but for the most part feels right to me, and the more I have practiced it in my life the more magical result I've gotten out of it. Further links and essays regarding the subject will be forthcoming. 

With this being said, this lecture by Trudeau is essentially sharing new thought material in his own way. My big two disclaimers on it are that he is a questionable person in his deeds and conduct in life yes, but his material has some real good stuff in there with the bad. So like reading the Bible, use your discernment to seperate the two. The second disclaimer is that if my memory serves he claims he is in a Swiss villa delivering it to a group of elites and a secret brotherhood he went to school with. Skull and Bones Ivy League style. My bullshit meter rings on this and I don't think it's really the case. You can use your detective skills to discover that it really seems like he is alone in a small room because you never hear other voices, the reverberation sound of the room feels very small, and at one point a phone rings which makes it sound like he's really in some sort of office space instead of a larger mansion style room or lecture hall. 

So, all this being said, there's at least one moment in this which essentially reveals paradigm crushing spiritual truths, and that's why I share. This is more or less a private forum here with select patrons of my work, and I certainly wouldn't share it publicly. But if you do give the whole thing a listen do give me a shout back here or via e-mail with your thoughts.