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Gnosis: (Greek γνώσις) knowledge. The knowledge we acquire through our own experience, as opposed to knowledge that we are told or believe in. 

Due to the advent of the world wide internet tubes, it’s possible for anyone to study the most sacred and ancient knowledge. It is far from easy and will basically be antithetical to everything you have been told by modern society. Regarding which is correct, you can base your analysis on the outcome of "modern philosophy": take a look around to see what we have done with the world. To see the outcome of the ancient philosophy, of Gnosticism. has a series of lectures and courses in both spoken word and transcribed text form which encapsulate some of these teachings at one website. It’s all given away freely by Glorian Publishing, with just the simple request that you agree upon downloading them that you will donate some funds their way. They of course do this because I can tell that they know that you have free will and MUST HONOR YOUR CONTRACTS IN LIFE. For law is contract. By checking the download box, you are entering into contract with them. 

Much of it is based on the gnostic teachings of Samuel Aun Weor, who wrote over sixty books of esotericism. Although like all things, its far from perfect, many of the courses can dance around the bush a bit and sometimes be very overly general or vague at getting at real specifics, it’s still worth your time. For gnosis will only really come from within.

" this day and age, it is very dangerous to just simply follow someone. What is best is to seek the Inner Master." - Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries