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A Future Feature Length Documentary Project


We have a future feature length documentary stewing in the cauldron. It's an adaptation of Manly P Hall's book Occult Anatomy of Man, which is highly recommended to check out. Here's an early poster idea without credit block adapted from Augustus Knapp - One of Hall's artistic collaborators. That's not a Star of David but an upside down and ride side up triangle. Indicating the spiritual moving down to the material and vice versa, or six rayed star. 

This book give fantastic insights into man's relationship with the cosmos and the as within so without correlations to that. As their is so much we have forgotten about the temple of (wo)man in human form.

This isn't the only feature brewing but wanted to throw this out as one which I think I can get done sometime in the next 5 years. Ha! As making feature length film projects is a massive time commitment. And the way I want to do this will be quite achievable with the current resources. 

Anyway, more always coming down the pipe. Excerpts for Shamans of the Global Village episode 2 posting here in the near distant future for early preview as well. As always, thanks so much for your support and for caring about the works. Which on this end sometimes feels like throwing a kleenex into the Grand Canyon.