America is in a massive hoopla currently over the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. With uniform claims from the "conservative" (Republican) side saying the election was stolen for Biden via voter fraud. The most simple explanation to it all is that Donald Trump consistently told Republican voters to not vote by mail, and more “liberal” leaning (Democratic) folks mostly did vote by mail because of convenience and Covid19. Those are the exact reasons I voted by mail for example. So as votes came in, they initially looked really good in all states for Trump, but once the mail in votes started being counted, which usually happened after the in person votes, they flipped most of the close swing states to Joe Biden. Simple.
If you want the real deal on Donald Trump, look to his niece Mary Trump who sounds like she’s the one person in the family who got out. She has many inside things to say about the psychological damage Donald Trump received from his father while growing up, her grandfather, one of which was the mindset that losing anything was totally equivalent to failure. So it seems like Donald Trump has concocted this many month long plan to have an out, that is supposed voter fraud, since he's psychologically incapable of accepting a loss.
Voter fraud has historically been very minor in the USA. I am aware of decades of voter suppression by the Republican GOP however, disenfranchising anyone who’s not a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). But since we’re in a constant search for truth, we’re willing to look at all sides. So, we’ve been lurking on the American right wing echo sphere in some off the beaten path “conservative” forums and chat channels. Trying really hard to find any ACTUAL EVIDENCE of voter fraud in the 2020 election. The only things actually found has been a surveillance video of a poll worker filling out ballots in the counting room. However that looks like they’re simply transferring a ballot which might have initially been unreadable by the counting machine because of the pen / or maybe even pencil which the voter initially used.
The most substantial actual evidence which we've found is that if one goes to the official government website containing the list of registered voters in Pennsylvania, the crucial state which sealed the win for Joe Biden, there does seem to be quite a few voters on that which we're born in 1800. Yet I've research those birth dates were left that way intentionally to protect certain folks' birthdays for various reasons of anonymity.
The reason I write this here is, if you have been looking into this at all and found any actual direct evidence of voter fraud, please send it my way.