This essay will be discussing the barbaric practice of male circumcision which if you’ve had done to you, was due to your father continuing the cycle of pain which was done to him.
As you can tell from that statement this will not have professional journalistic objectivity nor will it be from the standpoint of a watch what I say medical professional. But instead as someone who is quite passionate about this issue because of being constantly mind boggled at how many people who still are so ignorant to this practice, by knowing the benefits of never having part of my dick cut off, and also having a wife who is in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology who occasionally has direct unhappy stories regarding this subject because her partner in her practice sadly placates to it. Bearing witness to the screams of a freshly circumcised baby which are like nothing you’ve ever heard. Welcome to the 3D realm newborn. Hahaha!
So what does this particular topic has to do with an overlying theme of these essays? It’s an issue of physical consciousness. Also a deconstruction of one of the wrongs of religion’s dogma through spiritual philosophy. This is being penned and spoken on to raise awareness about because the amount of people who live in the US who still think this is normal not to mention acceptable to do to a child is staggering. It’s also extra good for the beautiful devine ladies to hear because women don't of course have reference points on this and may have only had interaction with non natural male genitalia and thus blindly follow their husbands in regards to making this decision for their own sons.
This will also be the most X rated reality tunnel essay to date so if you have sensitive ears about things related to sexy time, slang about our anatomy, and detailed descriptions of how it works, definitely turn this off now. It will also hopefully inject some comedy interwoven as an attempt to bypass any conditioning systems. Some of it you might consider to be TMI, too much info, but we must be specific and detailed to understand overstand the issue. It may also be a bit contentious and thus controversial because like your thoughts on abortion, both are very tied in with people's belief systems, otherwise known as their indoctrination systems. We do honor and respect the 10% of religion which at its esoteric core is beautiful and shares wonderful allegorical life stories. But the following will highlight some religious practices which go way too far up koo koo creek.
Male circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. Most males throughout the world are not circumcised. With the exception of parts of the Middle East, Africa, Israel, and the United States because this unnecessary practice stems primarily from Judaism and Muslim faiths and has had splash damage to other non-Jews and Muslims in those countries from the waves of those rocks dropped in the pond. In the last half century the rates of it have been dropping as the species has become a bit more conscious to its horribleness. It is primarily an exclusively religious ritual, although it is actually quite rare in Mexico for example, so Catholicism gets an extremely surprisingly warranted pat on the back for that. It has always been quite sparse in Europe and its past colonies, because they got through much of their holy warring many centuries ago while the Middle East, Africa, Israel, and the United States are still a bit in the sandbox of maturity around low resonate exoteric dogma running much of their politics and beliefs. For example, a woman named Paula White, a televangelist pastor from the state of Florida doesn't know anything about spirituality and is the spiritual advisor to the current President of the United States. By the way, have you ever noticed that the word belief, which much like alien, has lie in the middle of the word? As in your being told a lie.
At the time of this writing, 2019, according to the false Roman calendar as opposed to the lunisolar calendar, which follows both moon phases and the time of the solar year dating back to at least the 2nd century AD, and had to be banned by the Romans as it indicated obvious druidic practices, in America there are still many folks who circumcised standard operating procedure to a beautiful male newborn. Most people that are pro-circumcision don't even really know why and if they think they do it's based off of ultra weak and flawed superstitions. These opponents of un-intact penises, claim circumcision is done for numerous reasons, one of which is health and hygiene purposes. Back in the day, in the dark ages and into Victorian era Europe, most people didn’t shower much. Hygiene was not good. So women got heinous yeast infections which stunk up the whole room and guys would get this gross white cheese buildup in the foreskin of their dicks cause they didn't shower for weeks on end. It’s called smegma. Both sexes often also had greasy long Tales from the Cripkeeper hair and would go days with of poo caked on their buttholes and didn't change their underwear much. A classic example of hygiene misuse is when the new settlers came over to rape and pillage the Americas, the native americans (who they backwards called savages) were quite clean and the europeans off the ships stunk hellishly awful. So smelling like the mentally Ill homeless vagrant who might be seen hanging out at Venice Beach in Los Angeles today was somewhat standard operating procedure for many Europeans of the time.
Weather 500 years ago or today, if a little male kid refuses to shower for about a week, there is a possibility of the milky cheesy smegma building up inside the foreskin, (wine and cheese with crackers anyone?) but that’s essentially the male version of the common female yeast infection and we are not advocating cutting off women’s vagina levia for that are we? So this hygiene argument might have made a shred of since then, but regardless of time period or even the invention of soap in ancient Babylon and Egypt, one could always go jump in a lake or river to clean off. As hygiene has improved all these problems went away if one so chose to adopt daily cleaning to thus not have hippie stink. Yet bizarrely, today, as most people shower regularly there is still this urban legend misguided superstition that circumcision is important for hygiene. Saying that you need to cut off foreskin for hygiene is so nonsensical it’s like saying you need to cut off your ears because of a small possibility of ear wax build up instead of regular soap scrubbing and using the occasional cue tip.
Another common ultra weak argument in favor of non-intact circumcised penis is aesthetics. Not to sound like the sinister child traffickers who operate in the shadows of politics and entertainment who send out weird coded e-mails and tweets, but it’s important to give some details for evolution of growth, uncircumcised prepubescent little boy penis does look weird. When a boy is a baby, the size of his penis to his body is really tiny, and the foreskin typically looks extra long. A bit like an anteater's nose or the nose of the character from the 1980’s American sitcom series Alf. With extra rolls of skin that hang down beyond the tiny shaft and look super wrinkly. Almost like a penis with some sort of extra larval extension attached. Since so many men in the US in the baby boomer generation had been circumcised that they have gotten used to rarely seeing a penis the way nature made it, an 80’s high school slang nickname for an intact, uncircumcised penis became Alf Nose.
The foreskin is a sheath that the head of the penis sits inside for protection against day to day activity. As a male gets older and hits puberty, it’s no shock his dick gets bigger, and the foreskin becomes less predominant. So even though most women think most dicks look weird regardless of being circumcised or uncircumcised, these comments around improved aesthetics become obsolete regardless when a boy becomes a man because his dick gets longer and his foreskin gets shorter because the two typically don’t grow proportionally. As we know, everyone’s physicality and geometry is a bit different, dicks vary in size and foreskins can vary a bit in size. The soft flaccid penis (your everyday, to and fro positioning) of any uncircumcised male in day to day life, typically looks like the circumcised one, with the head usually partially or fully visible. With only a minor remaining flap of skin covering the hat of the head.
Removing the foreskin from a pediatric penis has much larger effects for the adult penis. Let’s say we were watching the show Game of Thrones and were all about being in front of flaccid full grown man’s penises. A cut and uncut crotch of two identical sized men would be almost identical in terms of style. Except intact penisis have a nice flesh look from the head to the shaft, un-intact ones usually have a darker purple head. This is due to keratinization. A hardening similar to fingernails and hair. Which causes that skin to be highly desensitized. So if you are circumcised, you have a much less sensitized head of your dick cause its been rubbing around inside your armor your whole life without its natural protective cover. One very common difference is the head of the intact penis will be soft and healthy looking and the un-intact circumcised one in a best case scenario will be dry and rigid and likely slightly bulgy looking around the head. In less than ideal circumcision operations it will also perhaps have a discoloration scar on the shaft below the head or in a botched circumcision, there is a floating bridge of skin that connects the head to the shaft or even a ringed canyon lumpy unevenness to the shaft, or in an absolute worst case scenario the complete loss of the organ. Just type botched circumcision into a non safe search engine if you want to see photographic evidence of these staggeringly unfortunate events.
As a male gets aroused, which happens quite often, and the penis becomes erect, the foreskin slides down the shaft and looks identical as an un-intact circumcised one. However, the head can still slide in and out of the foreskin. This is wonderful for masterbation. An intact penis can be masterbated very easily. An un-intact circumcised one must use lubricants. There are larger spiritual implications on masterbation and the expulsion of the sexual energy. The serpent is an esoteric symbol of the inner kundalini energy which can be transmuted if that energy is saved. But the 10,000 foot on masterbation, specifically male masterbation, is that it’s perfectly healthy up to a point. And like anything in life, if abused or overused, through extensive animal lust, can be a detrimental process. It’s no wonder the internet has made pornography so ubiquitous these days, where every teenager has exposure to it just a few clicks away.
What circumcision is really about however is a dulling of sexual gratification but even more so a determinant to male masterbation from uptight and staunch religious zealots who in a grossly off balanced way advocate zero mastubation claiming the practice is a complete sin. Foreskin has millions of sensitive nerve endings. More than any other part of the body. If you have a foreskin, all you have to do to jack off, squeeze one out, masterbate, etc is pull your foreskin back and forth. No lube required. You also keep heightened sensitivity your whole life so the process is easier and quicker than if you are masturbating circumcised.
The foreskin is thus an important and functional body part, protecting the head of the penis from injury and aiding in moisture and lubrication. Circumcision also diminishes sexual pleasure later in life. If you are circumcised you are also desensitized, which carries over into being more difficult for your partner in sex. Since male foreskin acts as a moisture retention for the female during intercourse. Holding in wetness during the outward part of each sexual trust. So it helps women stay wet longer and allows the males advanced to be more gentle. Rather than potential deep dick thrusting which likely more only benefits the male and can oftentimes be painful for the female as her natural moistness is reduced and causes hard chafing. So if you're listening to this while cut thinking, he man I’ve had no problems in my sex life with what you speak of, do relize your sex would feel even better if you had your foreskin. Not too mention not living up to your masterbatorual capability. So it’s kind of like you won't ever be able to know what your missing. If you’re a father who has had your son cut you have effectively made his life of potential wonderful balanced and infrequent masterbastion not as grand. So cut off the tips of his fingertips while your at it.
Claims that circumcision prevents HIV have repeatedly been proven to be trivial. STD’s in general are spread through the pineal opening or through infected skin contact, regardless of how much skin is there or if something is trapped in small rolls of skin. Only abstinence or safe sex, including the use of condoms, can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Some of which are the gifts that keep on giving. On this note, when you’re in college and people are passing around a pot pipe or bong, think twice before you take a hit off that thing. As oral herpes can be transmitted by sharing a pipe, drink, or even a kiss.
To focus a bit more on the Judaistic aspect of this, because Judaism is basically ground zero for this practice, we find its origin in the book of Genesis. Just 17 chapters into the Torah, Abraham receives a strange command from God: You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin. No reason given other than, as God says, it will be a sign of the Eternal covenant between God and Abraham and all of his descendants. The text makes it clear that circumcision must occur on the eighth day of life and falls to every Jewish male. No exception. Those who choose not to obey this commandment, continues their patriarchal God, will be cut off from the Jewish people for breaking this sacred agreement. Abraham. The same Abraham who later accepts God’s command to take his son, Isaac, on a three day camping trip and sacrifice him. Without asking a single question. (Spoiler Alert: For those who have yet to read the story, Isaac lives.) Nor does Abe ask any questions about circumcising himself and committing all future generations to the same act. Not. A. Single. Question. We, on the other hand, have plenty of questions. Starting with “why?”
According to Jewish law, which like all Abrahamic religions has some good things and some ridiculously immature and infantile things, the foreskin should be buried after a brit milah. The rite is considered of such importance that in Orthodox communities, the body of an uncircumcised Jewish male will sometimes be circumcised before burial. They will literally circumcise a corpse.
On the absolutely weirdest and even more bonkers than that front. Many of you may know but it has to be mentioned, there is a ritual within some ultra orthodox jewish faiths where a baby is circumcised and then the Rabbi will take a sip of alcohol and literally blow the child briefly, in the creepy mouth raping child fucking pedo since. For what they claim is a disinfectant by putting alcohol to the fresh wound. But why deliver it orally? Remember the gift that keeps on giving which we just mentioned? Oral herpes, which is yes, incurable and with you for life, there have been cases of infants contracting herpes from their rabbi’s. So this ultra crazy process is a clear example of too much religion. In some indigenous cultures they do even weirder things with young boys which they also consider normal. So go figure.
A teacher of mine once said “Does a God who has conceived and born intimate witness to all manifestation and life throughout the vast multi-dimensional realms of ineffable splendor – over countless aeons and through infinite iterations of mind-boggling dynamic evolution – really care what individual human beings choose to eat, drink, wear, say or believe? Let alone what they choose to do with their genitals? I would suggest that the answer is no. God doesn’t mind at all. Not even a tiny little bit.”
My wife had a Jewish lesbian couple as patients who you would think would be less old fashioned and a bit more hip to new change and society software upgrades. Yet they still had their son circumcised! To really put this in perspective think about female circumcision, as most often practiced in Africa. How would we feel if a gay male couple wanted to circumcised their daughter like they do in Africa with a unsanitary or even sanitary razor blade? One can compare the male foreskin as being the male equivalent of the female clitorus. So if you are cutting of your son’s foreskin you are cutting off your daughter’s clit. Every female is a woman on the outside and a male on the inside. Ever male is a man on the outside and a woman on the inside. This is not only in terms of esoteric qualities and emotions but has physical aspects as well. Men have nipples for example which are not functional. Women’s clitoriouses are basically a little female dick, and those vary in size by the way, as a real hermaphrodite will likely have a vagina with a large clit that’s basically a little mirco-penis in front of it, and men have a female clit in their butt which is their prostate. This is why gay men enjoy anal sex because of the stimulation in that area of the prostate, so this is why it apparently it feels better in the butt for dudes then it does for the gals. Aren't you glad you’re learning this information?
Also esoterically, the removal of the foreskin is the physical aspect of the male that is the inner and outer labia and the symbolic allegory of the divine feminine being removed. Which happens from Judisim and Islam which exoterically are surprise, surprise, patriarchal. There are many physical reasons beyond this such as keeping the illusion of an erect penis on the male from birth and to keep them sex driven and thus expelling the fluids from the spine and brain to keep them from ever waking up as they "spill their seed" every chance they get. So the penis foreskin is the physical allegory of the divine feminine shorn from that being.
It is a sacred act that binds our sons and daughters to the thousands of generations who preceded them, and the generations to follow. Patriarchal lies and refusal of orthodoxy to admit that something from its past has been wrong, to acknowledge that is to acknowledge that it and perhaps more of its shaky dogmas may be wrong as well.
Freedom of religion is not freedom to ignore human rights. Whatever the rationale, forced removal of healthy genital tissue from any child – male or female – is unethical. Boys have the same right as girls to an intact body, and to be spared this inhumane, unnecessary surgery which they were too young to consent too. Thus many who oppose the permanent alteration of children's genitals do so because they believe in universal human rights.
Plastic surgery at a consenting age is a wonderful modern technological privilege for correcting damage from accidents and terrible injuries. Scars, burns, etc… Doing it cosmetically is a slippery slope. If a young person’s self esteem is heavily hindered by jug ears, a large hook nose, or a labiaplasty because the inner and outer folds of her vulva are so large her crotch bump creates a self esteem issue around wearing her yoga pants and a procedure can help that, then fair enough and there is still a place for the use of this technology cosmetically. Especially if it helps a young adult have higher self esteem about their physicality. But those who have had unnecessary or excessive plastic surgery are doing it because they are externally manifesting their internal mental damage and sickness. Just look and the face of the “spiritual” advisor mentioned earlier. Circumcision is basically no different.
All children, regardless of their ethnicity or culture, have the right to be protected from bodily harm and cutting a baby’s genitals creates immediate health risks. There is no link between circumcision and better health and their is no reason to cut anything off from a newborn other than the umbilical cord. Or let if fall of naturally for that matter. Call this what you want, a rant, a soapbox, a preach, a high horse, if this has done an ever so slight part to help make inquisitive minds think more and thus hopefully be able to feel a little more, then it’s helping those with ears to hear. Do please stop this cycle if this was done to you. As there is nothing more wonderful than a man who was circumcised choosing to not carry that onto his own sons.