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Childish Asleep Robots


Warning: Contentious message ahead - If you are easily offended, have conventional political views or are a stark dogmatist, please turn this off now.

Most human beings in the realm of Earth are nice people. They are good-hearted folks who just want to live their lives and do the right thing. Credit is given where credit is due. However, because we are at a low point and the cell phone bars of consciousness going from let’s say 2 bar in the scale of a potential 5 bar signal with our entire society being a product of empirical expansion, it has left much of our fellow mankind in the modern world in a reduced state. This reduced state is evident in the behavior of many human beings on spaceship Earth at this time space vector. With every single individual who leaves Plato’s Cave, there are a thousand more who have no interest in doing so. Yet, we could say the times they are a changing.

A term one could oftentimes use for the average person, Joe Sixpack or Sally Soccer mom, who’s we’ve already established as not being malicious, and likely quite well-intentioned, is a Childish Asleep Robot. This term may sound a bit harsh but is very applicable for usage because if you are really honest and see things transparently and objectively, one can recognize that most people exhibit behavior which is acting juvenile, while being in a state of waking sleep, engaging in machine-like behavior.


Neoteny is a term to describe childlike traits in adults. These are not so much applied to physical traits but more mental. While oftentimes responsibility is associated with growing up it’s also misconstrued with having the joy and play of the innocence of youth sucked out of you IE — grow up so you can have the responsibility, take the enchantment out of youth play, and live a rinse and repeat lifestyle of paying your bills. We're not so much talking about being

responsible and setting noble goals to accomplish things, especially related to work, whatever your work may be however authentic it is or not. We're talking about neoteny in the sense of “adults” not having their own experiences to gain direct knowledge and wisdom via personal experience but instead always having it given to them by others, mainly authority figures. We have a schooling system which doesn’t educate and have little to no real initiations into adulthood such as a spirit quest or shamanic initiation like the native Americans and indigenous peoples oftentimes do. Where you must have an experience, which usually involves extremely trial and hardship which you must surpass yourself out of, on your own, to move from childhood to adulthood. So few people in technological first world modernity have their own experiences. Whether or not you were educated in the public or private school system, if you attended public elementary school to high school before attending a private university, perhaps you were able to see through the charade of always being subservient to a parent like adult figure to tell you what to do or what great they deemed worthy of you based on their own opinions of your performance, how well you conformed, and their narrow spectrum short-term memory of multiple choice standardized testing. All under rigorous robotic routine scheduling dictated by the bell. Unless you are living in a cabin in the woods being 100% self-governing while living off the land, it’s likely that this outsourcing of your own ability to be an independent operator continues through your entire life, even into your, 40’s 50’s, 60’s and upward.


Whether you're polarized more liberal and may look at the government as a mother figure to help those in need or polarized more conservative and think of it and corporations as a father figure who needs to protect you, you are still reliant on an authority to tell you what to think. True adulthood comes from when you actually begin to formulate your own thoughts, notions, and ideas. For the most part, that can only come directly through self-sufficiency or multicultural, oftentimes multilingual, and sometimes even multidimensional travel and interaction.

Men oftentimes stay in a partial child-like state over women. This is especially evident by an urban influence 45-year-old man who wears a basketball jersey and a baseball hat. A mature woman in a relationship can oftentimes be a good help for a male to stop wearing baggy pants, tuck in their shirts, buy more than one suit for the occasional wedding he will attend, and get those suits tailored. A suit appeals to a man while a sports jersey appeals to the young immature boy. Extend that into the love of adolescent sports, designed for adolescents, continued all the way through adulthood. Aleister Crowley once said, “Consider the popularity of the sport, the babish enthusiasm that it excites, no seed of purpose in it.” While sports are one of the numerous entertainment outlets, and we all enjoy our forms of entertainment here and there during some rest & relaxation time, deep down we know that these outlets are contractive and not expensive. Resulting ultimately in only mindless escape over betterment of self through a development of a skill or a craft.

We may have a friend who dresses to impress. When asked by another friend “do you iron your shirts?” he responds “you mean like an adult?” All fashion aside, the man in the business suit driving the BMW may look like an adult on the outside, extrinsically, but get him out of his comfort zone, lets perhaps say by rear-ending that piece of German engineering and see how quickly he devolves into schoolyard childishness in terms of confrontation. This certainly doesn’t apply to every gal or guy in a business suit supporting their family through their role in a workforce but it applies to the majority. A similar trueness within them can be derived with their behavior on comment threads on articles or political discussions, in which the keyboard and screen amplify negative traits through their separation and anonymity. Evident by those threads being 98% echo-chamber or flame war regurgitating the talking points their camp has handed down from on high and 2% open-minded discourse and original thought.

As an extension of this, much of our outdated societal operating system gets folks to consent to things they don’t need to consent to. Their minds are so front-loaded with assumptions that they think they know what they really do not know. They have been conditioned throughout life in a culture and society which

gets massive amounts of these not quite mature beings to consent to their overlords. A good test for this is the apophatic question “do you know what color the sky is?” The correct answer is not “blue” but instead “yes” because the question was not “what color is the sky?” but instead it was “do you know what color the sky is?” Another example being when the police officer has stopped you by the side of the highway and asks you the question “do you understand?” what he’s really saying is “do you stand under my authority?” 999 out of 1000 people will say yes while that one who has left Plato’s Cave will know to say “Officer, I thank you for your service to the community, however, I overstand, and do not stand under your authority.”


Achieving a level of being a conscious and awake woman man is key. Folks think that waking up is realizing that the world is not as you thought it to be. That from a social-political standpoint much of what you once thought is eventually realized to in fact often times be the opposite. While that is certainly a step along the way, one can go further. Future essays will laser beam more deeply on that specific channel at a later time, but much of what the not fully mature woman or man will be doing prior to their stairsteps up toward deep knowledge, the gal or guy driving that BMW to their office, is to behave in a machine like way just as the school bell indoctrinated them to be day in and day out. Repeating the same patterns and occurrences. Thinking that their life could never be a bohemian life of uniqueness, enchantment, and originality, doing what feels right for them and them alone, living in the moment day by day, but instead what society expects of them. Go to college, get a job, have children, pay your taxes, and tell yourself you are free. When in reality you may not be free, because you are behaving like a robot and can sense the title wave of boredom always overtaking you.

They may be more like a cold refrigerated human asleep in their matrix pod who is not the slightest bit awake to the potential true nature of reality and how magical the world is, but is instead concerned with their role in empirical commerce - the buying and selling of commodities or having the standard 2.4 kids while themselves never achieving real adulthood. Children raising children

and societally we are still in the sandbox of maturity. The majority are not awake. They may be a bit 5-since conscious but are multidimensionally unconscious to the much deeper and greater possibilities of the wizards which they are perfectly capable of becoming with great deals of inner work to more align with the great word. They are in an artificially induced state of consciousness which resembles sleep. They do not see that all is a reflection of the internal, that there is no separation, and that they have a direct connection to divinity, that they are all that has ever been and all that will ever be. As the Arminian Sufi mystic, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff once said in regards to most of humanity, “machines they are born and machines they will die.” So it’s not that the species as a whole is irretrievably flawed, but instead, that’s it’s not expected to see massive amounts of progress on a planet with the vast majority of its inhabitants being asleep.


But you are not entirely all those things are you? You realize some gradation of each of these traits may have been pushed on you in the past by the system of low resonance but doesn’t represent all that you are or all that you are interested in. You are reading or listening to these words because you know that the balance of these traits discussed - childishness, sleepiness, and robotic-ness don’t totally define you. You are aware of that part of you may need to behave these ways on occasion if you phase in and out of unreality, but these things in no way totally encapsulate all that you are. You are thus optimistic about the future because you see that optimism in yourself.

The state, the culture, the country may treat you like a robotic sleeping child until you, yourself, take it upon yourself to do certain things to prove to both them and you that you are ready to self-govern, that you are truly educated, that you can honestly hand on heart see what your overarching importance is here, and how you as a most woke version of many of our brethren may not see, perhaps much of our shadow occulted systems of commerce law, business, banking, and government are actually designed to get you to continuing growing up and taking your own responsibility into your own hands.