Public passing of joints makes society better.

It is possible to nestle up so much one starts to look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

You will one day return to what you were meant to be. Perhaps a musician rather than an investment banker?

We’ve had a personal long time obsession with having something going on with our mouth!

Be that it chewing gum, biting our nails, and even got into sucking on cigars on occasion. So if health wasn’t a factor, we would be pro at smoking cigarettes. Much like this fine gentleman.

I’m standing here in the cold and am also running out of hot coffee, which is making me more cold. And why does it feel like an alien spaceship is about to land behind me?

You will not use your mind-controlling technology on me Hatter!!! Just as you did to The Dark Night’s fondest memory of his mother reading him your other classic tale, Alice In Wonderland.

You will not use your mind-controlling technology on me Hatter!!! Just as you did to The Dark Night’s fondest memory of his mother reading him your other classic tale, Alice In Wonderland.

An all too familiar site.

The area around the tree lighting was so crowded that this woman had to stand in the bushes. Thus transmuting into her superhero form known as “Bush Woman”.

In all seriousness, a man named David Johnson became known as the “World Famous Bushman” in the popular Fisherman's Wharf tourist area of San Francisco who, for nearly 40 years, (from the 1980’s till the late 20 teens till his passing), would spend most days hiding motionless between a garbage can and behind recently picked eucalyptus branches he would hold while waiting for unsuspecting people to wander by. When they came close, he would spread the branches apart and scare them. The amount of street peddling income he generated from being a professional tourist scarer may never be fully known.

Common injuries from the repetitive wear and tear of cheerleading include plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, ankle sprains, pressure on the spine, inflammation around the hips, and stress fractures on the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles or cankles. But hey man, you’re there to help pump up the crowd, so it’s worth it.

Some original Halloween outfits are so creative you can’t help but think the multiple days if not weeks of work it took to make them was totally worth their one night of glory.

If a local neighborhood bans together to shut down their street to anything except foot traffic for the next 6 hours, anyone who lives on said street better make sure their car in the garage is not needed during that time.

Why have a skeleton in your passenger seat? To try and gain a leg up on the carpool lane? Or more likely as a funny joke because Halloween (Samhain) is quickly approaching.

To see the US of A’s medieval wealth distribution, check out

What could the S possibly mean? Perhaps a sync to remind that the S force amplifies the devision of binary reality? Or more likely, the fact that this cupcake is sugar free.

As the Sufis say, ‘God is closer to us than we are to ourselves.’

These extremely high socks are simultaneously extremely nerdy and extremely patriotic.

Interesting images, like interesting lives, have multiple layers. Yes, that’s DEEP.

As I stand here, like a deer in headlights, seconds away from this train about to hit me, I contemplate why in the movies those about to get hit by an approaching car, bus, truck, or train don't just use that time to jump to the side.

Farmers’ market etiquette states no smoking, no pets, and most unfortunately… no smoking pets.

Today, most people get tattooed for fashion. In the past, indigenous cultures would get tattooed for spiritual, initiatory, devotional, or even health purposes.